I don't think you have correctly interpreted what I meant to say. You don't strengthen PSUs by handing them cash, inadequate liquidity or (lack of) deposits was never their problem as you say yourself, it was NPAs which will continue to be so in the future. You don't achieve anything of note by increasing their liquidity in the short run. Let's consider why: on the supply side of liquidity, any excess liquidity in the banking system is only likely to be temporary because once banks are availed with new cash, people will withdraw their savings and within a period of time, amount of cash in the banking system will not have increased significantly. On the other hand, owing to the amount of "black money" that was successfully wiped out (if any), the money supply in the economy will actually have declined compared to before. So in no terms is it certain that PSUs or any other banks for that matter will have enhanced savings with them and even if they did, it basically achieves nothing. On the demand side of credit, I have already replied to this in post #1287.