I tell you what, fair play to you Hectic for some fine prankery, but bloody hell there are some thick bastards down in the newbies 
Hectic said:Racism will not be tolerated on these boards.
One more comment like that and you will be banned.
Stoty said:Ummm..I have not posted before on the board and I'm definitely not racist.
Hectic said:It's about that time.
You have reached the point where promotion is imminent.
The only thing left is for a couple of the Moderation Team to agree with the promotion, but that's just a techicality.
We have a bit of a tradition on the Caf where upon gaining promotion you have to do something, a task which shows you are committed.
It's nothing major, a bit of a laugh is all. Your challenge or assignment if you like is to write backwards for 20 posts.
Just say what you would usually say but type it backwards. It's always a bit of fun and at the end of the day you are a killjoy if you don't do it.
My task when I was promoted last year was to create as many topics in 10 minutes as possible. It was pretty hilarious.
Glad to see you promoted soon anyway so congratulations and welcome aboard. Get started as soon as you can, remember the quicker you do it the shorter your stay in the newbies.
Cheers mate.
ALX8725 said:That was the hardest thing I've ever had to do on a keyboard, but it was fun after I got the hang of it. Do I get to tell my fellow newbies why I was acting like such a weirdo? Or is this top secret? I'll keep mum if this is supposed to be a secret.
Can the mods make a new rule regarding people spamming the place with backwards writing?
.duarf a sa desopxe eb nac eh os agiL aL ro A eireS ot seog knarF taF epoh fo dnik I
I agree with you wholeheartedly there. Hes shit. Hes always been shit. He always will be shit. Carrick is better than him IMO.
You are hugely bent.
Pit him in an e-debate over the pros and cons of taking things seriously
He'll be pro obviously...
Don't know what his problem is, feck it I'll prank him later.
Nah, I know who he is.
He will be banned as soon as a mod see's his thread in the mod/forum anyway.
Funny I didn't recognise him before.
hey man will you stop sending disgusting porn links to me via private message. im not that type of guy. im not as disgusting as you.
so STOP being such a dick man.
Hectic said:We have received serious complaints from other posters about you. It seems you have grossly misused your private message functions and have been sending extremely graphic material to posters.
Not only is this sort of behaviour completely against the Redcafe.net rules, but it seems you have seriously offended one of the posters, who I might add is a minor. These actions are nothing short of disgusting. I will allow you to state your case before you are permanently banned from these forums.
Kirk Hammett said:no mate I swear I didn't send any porn links to anyone here honest. my account was probably hacked and another person send them to you please don't report to the mods they might take serious action
Kirk Hammett said:i didn't send any porn links sir, seems like someone hacked my account then sent those porn links using this account. i swear i didn't do it, honest. i admit i surf porn, but i don't forward links to other people. please be lenient on this sir, please i beg you.
Kirk Hammett said:no no no i didn't send anything man. the pm i sent to you was the first time i've ever used the function. do the right thing man, don't report me for an offense i didn't commit. please i beg you. i'll say it again, do the right thing man, do the right thing. Doing the right thing isn't reporting me to the mods, just ignore the offensive pms the other guy sent you.
Kirk Hammett said:job man, good job. i hope you feel better ya bloody grass. you wank at Gabby Heinze's photos before you sleep, that explains your chosen nickname. i suggest you change your nickname to grassman, yes grassman.
or maybe grassfan, whichever you prefer.
Hectic said:It seems you have not heeded my previous comments. You continue to send abusive graphic material to posters, one of which is nowhere near old enough to view such material.
I have no choice but to pass this on to the IWF (Internet Watch Foundation) who deal with individuals like you, who send abusive images to minors. We have of course alerted your Internet Service Provider - Singnet about your actions. If you think this is an idol threat then you are mistaken.
We are very serious about our posters on here, and our no tolerance attitude is effective. We have traced your IP Address back to the following residence: (Can’t show for security reasons)
This information has been forwarded to the proper authorities.
What do you have to say for yourself?
Kirk Hammett said:i didn't do it sir, why don't you check the list of IPs which logged in to my account, that should give you the IP address of the real culprit. you got my residence spot on too, i don't think it's a joke.
do the right thing sir, do the right thing. i swear i didn't do anything wrong so far here. i've been framed.
Hectic said:You sound pretty honest to be far but the charges are extremely serious.
The address was no joke, it should have been perfect. I'm not sure what to do with this now, I will have to investigate it further and then discuss it with the Moderation Team.
I don't want to have to send this to the police, but it is just that serious.
Have you anything to say that could convince me this definately wasn't you?
Kirk Hammett said:i still have a long way to go in life, just hope that you scan the IP addresses that were used to login into my account here. it wasn't me, and i'm 100% sure that it was another person framing me. i didn't post anything disturbing here. leniency is the best policy in this case.
Kirk Hammett said:fecking hell you got me there!! that bitch was behind this all along?!!?
good stuff man, no worries i don't take things to seriously. i guess i deserve this for all the pranks i done to relx. i actually texted him to ask who are you, he said i'm in big trouble if you sent me a pm.
feck this is embarrasing
Hectic this stuff is stuff on legends, its hilarious!
That Nandercunt is a spastic! Revelz/Balboa by any chance?
Kirk Hammett said:cheers, i have to go now. it was a very well-planned prank, i can't believe that bitch was behind this all along.![]()
It's Slabber or revelz or one of the SA lot.
I can't stop laughing at the kirk one.
!tnuc gnikat ssip uoy citceH sknahT
I got promoted!!!!
I beam with pride!
!tnuc gnikat ssip uoy citceH sknahT
I got promoted!!!!
I beam with pride!