Huw Edwards | Charged with making indecent images of children

Inappropriate joke
Why is he looking into my soul?


He is looking under the pants of your kids
Probably just sent his mates a Lamine Yamal compilation.
Don't you need to be 18 to send nude pics so it could be the guy he was paying loads? Maybe it is another individual and the saga is taking a grim new twist.

Another went to the Met didn't they soon after the story broke? Not sure if that was just another grooming accusation.
Another went to the Met didn't they soon after the story broke? Not sure if that was just another grooming accusation.
Yeah, now you mention it, there were other allegations that came out, but none seemed to particularly gain traction at the time, publicly at least.
Nope. That would’ve been “taking.” Used to get minor outrage when my suspects would be in local media for “making” indecent images and the comments on Facebook would assume he had taken them himself.l rather than simply got them online.

You do. However public interest factors are also taken into account. Only times I have got charges for an image of someone 16 and over was when it was a registered sex offender who had them, as there was a public interest in it.

Generally it’s not in the public interest to criminalise somebody for an image of somebody they literally could have sex with. As @Pogue Mahone said in his reply to me, it is possible this involves somebody else.
Ahh, this thread has revealed the caf’s resident nonce-catcher.

@P-Nut this is definitely better than signal-box-repair-specialist
Less weird, more full of sanctimonious pricks rushing to vent their performative outrage and score internet points before the full facts of a case are known.

I’m actually not ready to wade through the earlier pages of this thread to try and find out if I was one of those sanctimonious pricks. Bound to be loads of them in this thread.
I’m actually not ready to wade through the earlier pages of this thread to try and find out if I was one of those sanctimonious pricks. Bound to be loads of them in this thread.
There are some here, but was more a reference to twitter and people's need to be seen to be on the 'right' side of an argument, even when few facts are known and it's mostly speculation. Then furious back peddalling ensues.
Pleaded guilty.

The court heard on Wednesday that Edwards had been involved in online chat on WhatsApp from December 2020 with an adult man, who sent him 377 sexual images, of which 41 were indecent images of children.

As well as the category A images, he also had 12 category B pictures and 22 category C photographs.

The final indecent image was sent in August 2021 - a category A film featuring a young boy.

The man told Edwards the boy was quite young looking, and that he had more images which were illegal, the court was told.

Mr Edwards told him not to send any illegal images.

No more were sent, and the pair continued to exchange legal pornographic images until April 2022.
The definition of “making” in this case seems very odd. He was sent a bunch of images on WhatsApp, which apparently he didn’t save or copy or send on or anything.

Now obviously if a normal person received child porn in a WhatsApp chat you’d expect to immediately block and report the person who sent it, so he’s definitely guilty of having child porn, but I don’t understand the “making” term.
The definition of “making” in this case seems very odd. He was sent a bunch of images on WhatsApp, which apparently he didn’t save or copy or send on or anything.

Now obviously if a normal person received child porn in a WhatsApp chat you’d expect to immediately block and report the person who sent it, so he’s definitely guilty of having child porn, but I don’t understand the “making” term.
The phone creates a copy of the image on it when it receives the image so the law defines it as making the image. It seems harsh but it’s to criminalise the perpetuation of the images.

The correct term is indecent images of children, not child porn, it does matter as porn seems to be normalised in society which means describing it as child porn can give the impression it’s acceptable .

As someone who works in probation,this is in the very shallow end of the sex offence pool.
The definition of “making” in this case seems very odd. He was sent a bunch of images on WhatsApp, which apparently he didn’t save or copy or send on or anything.

Now obviously if a normal person received child porn in a WhatsApp chat you’d expect to immediately block and report the person who sent it, so he’s definitely guilty of having child porn, but I don’t understand the “making” term.
The 3 charges for indecent images (not child porn) are “make,” “possess,” and “take.”

A copy has been made on his phone. Therefore has has made it. If he’s deleted it and it’s only recovered via digital forensics then he’s not in possession and he didn’t take it so make is the only charge that fits.
The definition of “making” in this case seems very odd. He was sent a bunch of images on WhatsApp, which apparently he didn’t save or copy or send on or anything.

Now obviously if a normal person received child porn in a WhatsApp chat you’d expect to immediately block and report the person who sent it, so he’s definitely guilty of having child porn, but I don’t understand the “making” term.
Disagree with the above points. I would assume that “making” refers not to being the cameraman and actively taking the images but being the producer or director and requesting that the images were made before receiving them.

I would allege that he’s probably sent messages to the minor asking for certain scenarios to be photographed and sent to him which they were, thus he was a producer of indecent images, involved in the process of “making” them.
Disagree with the above points. I would assume that “making” refers not to being the cameraman and actively taking the images but being the producer or director and requesting that the images were made before receiving them.

I would allege that he’s probably sent messages to the minor asking for certain scenarios to be photographed and sent to him which they were, thus he was a producer of indecent images, involved in the process of “making” them.

Following the case of R v Bowden [2000] 1 Cr. App. R. 438 ‘making’ indecent images is defined as follows “to cause to exist, to produce by action, to bring about” indecent images.

The court’s interpretation of ‘making’ indecent images is broad and the following can amount to making indecent images; opening an email attachment, downloading an indecent image, storing an image, and accessing a website where an indecent image “pops up”.
Disagree with the above points. I would assume that “making” refers not to being the cameraman and actively taking the images but being the producer or director and requesting that the images were made before receiving them.

I would allege that he’s probably sent messages to the minor asking for certain scenarios to be photographed and sent to him which they were, thus he was a producer of indecent images, involved in the process of “making” them.
From what I've read it sounds like he had an adult procuring the images for him, so I don't think he was talking directly to any children or young person. Rather he knew a guy and was purchasing images through this third party. There was a line about the guy saying he had illegal images too, to which he told him not to send anything illegal.

The person providing the images needs to be locked up too.
Wow that’s wild, presumably they then have to establish intent.

The court heard that Edwards had been involved in an online chat with an adult man on WhatsApp between December 2020 and August 2021.

The man sent Edwards 377 sexual images, of which 41 were indecent images of children. The bulk of these - 36 images - were sent during a two-month period.

The court heard in February 2021, the man asked whether those featured in the images he was sending were too young, in response to which Edwards told him not to send anything illegal, the court heard.

Edwards' defence lawyer Philip Evans KC said there was no suggestion the former newsreader had made or created any of the images and that the images were only in his WhatsApp.

He said Edwards, who was arrested in November last year and charged on 26 June, did not keep or send images and did not solicit images from anywhere else.

"Mr Edwards did not keep any images, did not send any to anyone else, and did not and has not sought similar images from anywhere else."
The phone creates a copy of the image on it when it receives the image so the law defines it as making the image. It seems harsh but it’s to criminalise the perpetuation of the images.

The correct term is indecent images of children, not child porn, it does matter as porn seems to be normalised in society which means describing it as child porn can give the impression it’s acceptable .

As someone who works in probation,this is in the very shallow end of the sex offence pool.

The 3 charges for indecent images (not child porn) are “make,” “possess,” and “take.”

A copy has been made on his phone. Therefore has has made it. If he’s deleted it and it’s only recovered via digital forensics then he’s not in possession and he didn’t take it so make is the only charge that fits.

Interesting, thanks both and apologies for the poor wording.

Wow that’s wild, presumably they then have to establish intent.

That was my take from the article I saw, in that receiving them seems an odd definition of making them, but I guess the posts above do give some context to it.

Obviously by no means playing down his guilt here, just the legal technicality I found interesting.
The phone creates a copy of the image on it when it receives the image so the law defines it as making the image. It seems harsh but it’s to criminalise the perpetuation of the images.

The correct term is indecent images of children, not child porn, it does matter as porn seems to be normalised in society which means describing it as child porn can give the impression it’s acceptable .

As someone who works in probation,this is in the very shallow end of the sex offence pool.

Is that even if you turn off the auto save feature on WhatsApp?
I can’t imagine the courts won’t take this into account, he’s clearly guilty and will be punished but it seems the guy procuring and sending these images should receive a larger sentence?

Yeah, that person will hopefully be given a lengthy sentence. In terms of Huw Edwards, it's I guess at least good he said 'nothing illegal' but it seemed to happen after he was asked? Had that other scum not asked would he have still taken them? I imagine if he 'proactively' told the person to stop sending underage pictures it would have looked better
They included seven category A images, the most serious classification - two of which showed a child aged between about seven and nine.

Lock him up.
The article cuttings i've seen say he was sent these images by someone else, didn't keep them and asked the sender not to send any more.

My small brain needs help.. What's he pleaded guilty to? Because this has gone to court, I feel like some information has been left out, or I've missed something.
The article cuttings i've seen say he was sent these images by someone else, didn't keep them and asked the sender not to send any more.

My small brain needs help.. What's he pleaded guilty to? Because this has gone to court, I feel like some information has been left out, or I've missed something.
It’s an offence for these images to be saved to your device, which can happen automatically if someone sends them via social media or an app saves them to the cache.

At least, that’s how the courts have interpreted legislation that was written pre-internet for the social media age.
I'm still confused about the case. Is this person messaging the younger individual the early stories broke about or is it a random person he was sharing and chatting about porn with?
Wow that’s wild, presumably they then have to establish intent.

Generally pretty easy. There are loads of search terms paedo’s use, there are chats they have had, commonly used words in their user dictionary, websites visited.

Simply continuing the conversation as he appears to have done and continuing to share images may have been enough
The article cuttings i've seen say he was sent these images by someone else, didn't keep them and asked the sender not to send any more.

My small brain needs help.. What's he pleaded guilty to? Because this has gone to court, I feel like some information has been left out, or I've missed something.

He was receiving pornographic images via WhatsApp for months. The man sending him these images told him he had "illegal" stuff, and Edwards said "nothing illegal", and continued receiving pornographic images off this man.

However, it now transpires that two of the images he received before the exchange about "illegal" images were of the highest category and featured a child between seven and nine years old.

To my mind, he had to know he'd already received illegal material.