Huw Edwards | Charged with making indecent images of children

I'm still confused about the case. Is this person messaging the younger individual the early stories broke about or is it a random person he was sharing and chatting about porn with?

Doesn't it seem pretty clear?

They were chatting for a long period of time, with the other guy sending images. Many of these images were of kids who were very clearly underage, some of them as young as under 10. Only when the other man specifically said that he had illegal images Edwards said that he didn't want anything illegal, but he didn't say anything when receiving clearly illegal images where this wasn't explicitly stated.
It’s a weird one. As far as I can tell, the law doesn’t seem to require intent in this instance.
That seems a little harsh. Not saying he's clean by any means whatsoever but if he didn't ask for the image, didn't want the image or keep it and asked the person not to send it.. I assumed the issue was that he never reported receiving these images. Which I would personally do immediately if I were ever sent one.
That seems a little harsh. Not saying he's clean by any means whatsoever but if he didn't ask for the image, didn't want the image or keep it and asked the person not to send it.. I assumed the issue was that he never reported receiving these images. Which I would personally do immediately if I were ever sent one.

Just because he said “nothing illegal” to the guy sending them doesn’t mean there isn’t intent elsewhere in his devices.
Doesn't it seem pretty clear?

They were chatting for a long period of time, with the other guy sending images. Many of these images were of kids who were very clearly underage, some of them as young as under 10. Only when the other man specifically said that he had illegal images Edwards said that he didn't want anything illegal, but he didn't say anything when receiving clearly illegal images where this wasn't explicitly stated.

The initial story was about Edwards paying for explicit photos of an individual who was underage. Now we are hearing a story about an adult man who shared photos with Edwards of others. It isn't really clear if the person is the same or if the initial reporting was wrong.
That seems a little harsh. Not saying he's clean by any means whatsoever but if he didn't ask for the image, didn't want the image or keep it and asked the person not to send it.. I assumed the issue was that he never reported receiving these images. Which I would personally do immediately if I were ever sent one.

He was receiving hundreds of illegal images of children for months, not specifically asking for them isn't some megabrain get out of jail free card. If that was the case you could just set up the agreement in person, with no proof, and then just have a legal source of naked kids.
Just because he said “nothing illegal” to the guy sending them doesn’t mean there isn’t intent elsewhere in his devices.
And if that's the case then it makes more sense but I can't see that reported on or what he's actually pleased guilty to.

I'm not trying to claim he's some sort of innocent victim. The fact it's gone to court and involves these types of images means he's obviously no angel. I just want clarity on what he's actually done because the bits i've read are basically just saying he got sent stuff that he didn't want. That alone can't be it. I couldn't send a picture of something rotten to someone and then have them arrested for receiving it.
He was receiving hundreds of illegal images of children for months
In that case why did they report that he asked for "no illegal stuff" after months of already receiving it? Seems strange.

What was his defense? That he didn''t realise they were kids?
The initial story was about Edwards paying for explicit photos of an individual who was underage. Now we are hearing a story about an adult man who shared photos with Edwards of others. It isn't really clear if the person is the same or if the initial reporting was wrong.

Pretty sure that these are seperate incidents, perhaps discovered when they were investigating the other thing.

I guess it's technically possible that the adult they're referring to is the same as the person who was underage at the time, and that this person in addition to sending pictures of himself as underage was sending pictures of tons of other kids, and continued doing so after he reached 18, but that sounds really convoluted. Makes more sense to me that he was paying that kid for pictures of himself, and this other guy for pictures of whoever.
In that case why did they report that he asked for "no illegal stuff" after months of already receiving it? Seems strange.

What was his defense? That he didn''t realise they were kids?

Some were reportedly under 10 - "I didn't realise" surely can't apply.
And if that's the case then it makes more sense but I can't see that reported on or what he's actually pleased guilty to.

I'm not trying to claim he's some sort of innocent victim. The fact it's gone to court and involves these types of images means he's obviously no angel. I just want clarity on what he's actually done because the bits i've read are basically just saying he got sent stuff that he didn't want. That alone can't be it. I couldn't send a picture of something rotten to someone and then have them arrested for receiving it.

it seems like it has been a prolonged conversation where he had received IIOC.
I would add the wording in the sky article says “they continued sending legal images,” after the IIOC was shared.

There is a category of images where we grade the indecent images which we would call “6’s or indicative.” That means basically images that are technically legal because they are 1) impossible to determine if they are definitely under 18 despite probably being so or 2) legal because whilst sexually suggestive there is nobody e.g tight swimwear on the child meaning you can’t see the genitals or the outline of them. Still morally awful, and would shock the average person but not technically illegal. So they would be legal but enough to suggest intent.

That’s my educated opinion anyway
Pretty sure that these are seperate incidents, perhaps discovered when they were investigating the other thing.

I guess it's technically possible that the adult they're referring to is the same as the person who was underage at the time, and that this person in addition to sending pictures of himself as underage was sending pictures of tons of other kids, and continued doing so after he reached 18, but that sounds really convoluted. Makes more sense to me that he was paying that kid for pictures of himself, and this other guy for pictures of whoever.

That would make sense, I suppose we will find out soon.
In that case why did they report that he asked for "no illegal stuff" after months of already receiving it? Seems strange.

What was his defense? That he didn''t realise they were kids?

Because the guy sending the pictures specifically said they were illegal. Say you're someone who regularly buys stolen goods, and it's obvious that they're stolen. Even then, if someone comes at you with "hey, do you want to illegally buy these stolen goods" you might say that you don't do anything illegal.

It might be a weak attempt at plausible deniability, or just him being uncomfortable with the illegality being brought up explicitly.
Because the guy sending the pictures specifically said they were illegal. Say you're someone who regularly buys stolen goods, and it's obvious that they're stolen. Even then, if someone comes at you with "hey, do you want to illegally buy these stolen goods" you might say that you don't do anything illegal.

It might be a weak attempt at plausible deniability, or just him being uncomfortable with the illegality being brought up explicitly.

This basically.

He was directly confronted with the illegality and tried to move away from it, but given the age of at least one of the children involved, there's absolutely no way he didn't know the images were illegal.
Pretty sure that these are seperate incidents, perhaps discovered when they were investigating the other thing.

I guess it's technically possible that the adult they're referring to is the same as the person who was underage at the time, and that this person in addition to sending pictures of himself as underage was sending pictures of tons of other kids, and continued doing so after he reached 18, but that sounds really convoluted. Makes more sense to me that he was paying that kid for pictures of himself, and this other guy for pictures of whoever.
That would make sense, I suppose we will find out soon.

On the news yesterday I'm pretty sure I heard them say it was different and separate case to the one he was arrested for last year.
Some were reportedly under 10 - "I didn't realise" surely can't apply.
Yeah that's what I'd think. I'd just like to see it reported that way rather than focusing on him saying he didn't want illegal stuff as if he didn't consent.
it seems like it has been a prolonged conversation where he had received IIOC.
I would add the wording in the sky article says “they continued sending legal images,” after the IIOC was shared.

There is a category of images where we grade the indecent images which we would call “6’s or indicative.” That means basically images that are technically legal because they are 1) impossible to determine if they are definitely under 18 despite probably being so or 2) legal because whilst sexually suggestive there is nobody e.g tight swimwear on the child meaning you can’t see the genitals or the outline of them. Still morally awful, and would shock the average person but not technically illegal. So they would be legal but enough to suggest intent.

That’s my educated opinion anyway
Ah fair enough. An intrusive thought which enters my mind when they play the holiday adverts and'll have young kids by the pool with their bodies mostly visible is that you'll get pedo's out there watching that. So are you saying that effectively if they were watching something like that alone it would be technically legal but if you then raided his house and he had illegal indecent images too, it would all add up together in the case against him?

Sorry if I'm misunderstanding
In that case why did they report that he asked for "no illegal stuff" after months of already receiving it? Seems strange.

What was his defense? That he didn''t realise they were kids?
In cases where illegal material is accessed/shared it's usually involves a 'porn buddy' like the one Edwards has. As has been mentioned just because he didn't explicitly ask for it and also said not to send it, then it doesn't negate responsibility. If he wanted to access legal porn then he could have gone on the internet and had a million videos at his disposal with a few clicks.
Because the guy sending the pictures specifically said they were illegal. Say you're someone who regularly buys stolen goods, and it's obvious that they're stolen. Even then, if someone comes at you with "hey, do you want to illegally buy these stolen goods" you might say that you don't do anything illegal.

It might be a weak attempt at plausible deniability, or just him being uncomfortable with the illegality being brought up explicitly.

This basically.

He was directly confronted with the illegality and tried to move away from it, but given the age of at least one of the children involved, there's absolutely no way he didn't know the images were illegal.

In cases where illegal material is accessed/shared it's usually involves a 'porn buddy' like the one Edwards has. As has been mentioned just because he didn't explicitly ask for it and also said not to send it, then it doesn't negate responsibility. If he wanted to access legal porn then he could have gone on the internet and had a million videos at his disposal with a few clicks.
Thanks. All 3 responses make it make more sense to me.

Morally I'd have wanted him locked up for not reporting that he received it anyway. But just wondered what the case was against him by law.
On the news yesterday I'm pretty sure I heard them say it was different and separate case to the one he was arrested for last year.

Yikes, isn't an isolated incident then and wouldn't be surprising if more stuff pops up.
The rule in Ireland is if you receive unsolicted images of underage you have to report them immediately, which people might not know.

There was a case in Ireland about five years ago where a woman got sent illegal porn from some random number - she deleted the images from whatsapp but didnt realize that every image on whatsapp is automatically saved to both your google pictures and own phone images app. She got taken to court if i remember.
I'm still confused about the case. Is this person messaging the younger individual the early stories broke about or is it a random person he was sharing and chatting about porn with?
Two seperate cases. This case of ‘making’ underage images ( I.e saving a copy to his own device) is an entirely different set of circumstances to the original case reported when he quit the beeb. The original underage guy isn’t involved with this case as I understand, and they have been investigated as seperate stand alone cases.
When someone sends me a pic on whatsapp it's automatically saved on my phone, so if a random sent me a pic of a nude kid and it saved automatically, I would technically be making the pic?
It sounds like you're kind of fecked if you get sent stuff like that. Even going to the police sounds risky, I think you'd need to at least speak to a solicitor first.
It sounds like you're kind of fecked if you get sent stuff like that. Even going to the police sounds risky, I think you'd need to at least speak to a solicitor first.

I assume they must take into account other evidence and patterns of behaviour. If they charged someone for receiving something like that completed unsolicited then that's a bit fecked up. You could send someone you don't like a dodgy image from a burner and report them to the police. Have them labeled a nonce for the rest of there life.
It sounds like you're kind of fecked if you get sent stuff like that. Even going to the police sounds risky, I think you'd need to at least speak to a solicitor first.

Yeah, seems like an odd law in that respect as I can imagine a lot of people would absolutely panic and swiftly delete it rather than report it.
Understatement of the year from the Daily Mail:

His career looks to be over

On a similar note, the BBC News article about it mentioning that he was still being paid after his arrest, quoting the BBC media editor's comments on that fact, then adding:

The BBC has not responded to a request for comment.
So he pleaded guilty to doing that on purpose? Thought i'd read that he never saved or kept any.

The phone still kept a copy.

Generally when the police have forensically gone through electronic devices it’s best to plead guilty at the first instance. They’re bang to rights unless they can prove they weren’t in possession of the device at the time. Pleading guilty at the first instance gives credit in terms of the sentence that will be handed out when he’s sentenced.
Not explicitly, just having the image on the device is enough. See this:

This one seems absolutely crazy. Her sister sent her the video because she was outraged by it and wanted the perpetrator found. She didn’t open the video and still got found guilty of possession and placed on the sex offenders register (as it seems did her sister).

Very different to Huw Edwards of course, who I have no sympathy with.
This one seems absolutely crazy. Her sister sent her the video because she was outraged by it and wanted the perpetrator found. She didn’t open the video and still got found guilty of possession and placed on the sex offenders register (as it seems did her sister).

Very different to Huw Edwards of course, who I have no sympathy with.

Yeah I agree. I’m just pointing out that the law around this doesn’t really take account of the nuance of the specific incidents.

I have limited sympathy for Huw in that more often than not people who seek out the kinds of images Huw received are usually themselves victims of abuse. Not saying Huw is but it’s a cycle that is perpetuated, unfortunately
When Huw Edwards joined that WhatsApp group dedicated to noncing, this is the LAST thing he wanted to happen.