Heroes - Season 3

Was an alright episode I suppose.

It's pretty obvious Noah isn't gonna shoot Sylar. Something will happen to prevent it.
I think it's a bit more fun with them without their powers. They exposed to audience to too much 'future' stuff with all of Arthur's drawings though, they may as well have just written on screen what was going to happen.
Elle and Claire lesbo kissing :drool::drool:
I hate how it's all turned into, so many little shitty useless twists really. Some fake villains,Sylar has lost all of his charisma , decent characters are turning into gays
has become completely shit

I'd stop watching but I can't stop myself from checking to see what happens next
Episode didn't really go anywhere. You knew anyone who died would come back to life after eclipse.

Nathan and Peter going to Haiti; was it even necessary? How did the story progress in any way whatsoever?
Episode didn't really go anywhere. You knew anyone who died would come back to life after eclipse.

Exactly, I knew it before I even watched this episode. This should be the last series, or atleast leave it for awhile, its boring.
Charlie Brooker has the Suresh character right, an Indian David Tennant that is made out of wood. This series is shit with a capital s, but I will continue watching it just so I can moan about it.
It's predictable, every time someone might die you know they won't due to them either having the regenrative power or someone injecting them with it. Essentially other than introduce a few new characters its done nothing for 11 episodes, they need to start killing people off soonish to make it interesting. Season 1 was great because it was fresh and new, if this gets past 4 seasons I would be very surprised and probably not watching.
One thing I noticed from the episode before last.

It ended with Bennett looking through his sniper scope at Sylar and Elle kissing. Next episode they've done the deed and only afterwards do the shots ring out.

Meaning, Mr. Bennett sat there all night watching them feck before deciding to shoot them the next morning. Dirty bugger.
Just finished watching episode 11 of both Heroes and Dexter and the difference in quality is crazy, Dexter is building up superbly to an intense climax and Heroes is just bumbling along with no direction.

I'm not sure they can turn it around anymore.
There's no doubting Suresh's acting skills, but the part they've given him now doesn't really suit him.

I'm still capable of watching and enjoying Heroes, but it's clear that it's become a bit muddled.
Whats muddled about it?

Theres a clear division between the "good guys" and the "bad guys" now, with their respective "Mr X" and "Magneto" (i.e; their leaders).

Everyone is taking sides, albeit for their own reasons.

Primatech = Good company
Pinehearst = Bad company

Seasons not over yet, pinehearst taking their shot, and then you'll see the "good guys" move.
Simple as that I reckon.
That's what I was wondering Nilsson, was odd.