Heroes - Season 3

I thought the newest episode was crap, seriously one of the worst since the show started. The stuff with Daphne was ok, everything else sucked.
So, Hiro's stuck in the past. Why do you need to go back to the past and get him?

Why can't you just get Molly to locate where he is in the present and get Daphne to grab him?

Great episode, though. Last 2 have been good, enjoyable.
Because he'll age in the past and at one point get to the present time, no?
Hope Sylar comes back.

When is the next episode on?
New episode last night. And yeah it's turning into X-Men lol.
When is it back on the BBC..and speaking of American shows returning - when is Prison Break resuming?
I thought it was actually a pretty decent episode.
Was decent compared to the episodes since season 2 but still some predictable stuff.

Every time I watch an heroes episode, I just can not shake the feeling that they destroyed the great base they laid out in S1. For example, think about character development of Peter and Nathan. Slow burn through whole season. Since then, it is more of a flip flop, especially with Nathan. Same as Sylar, his turn to good and then bad again should have been momentous but they did it in the most clueless manner possible.
Was decent compared to the episodes since season 2 but still some predictable stuff.

Every time I watch an heroes episode, I just can not shake the feeling that they destroyed the great base they laid out in S1. For example, think about character development of Peter and Nathan. Slow burn through whole season. Since then, it is more of a flip flop, especially with Nathan. Same as Sylar, his turn to good and then bad again should have been momentous but they did it in the most clueless manner possible.

There's absolutely no consistency in the show anymore - the characters' personalities changes form each episode, and that along with some of the poor acting makes it all seem very unrealistic and stupid.
Nathan last year was the worst example, his transformation form caring brother to sudden ruler of all evil didn't make any sense, and they obviously just did it to set up this new season.

But I'm willing to stay on for a little longer to see what they have in store for this new season. Some of the scenes from the recent episode were terrible as well, and not at all believable.
I feel like I have to look away whenever Peter is in a scene.

His deep 'I'm serious voice', emo hair and cheesy lines make me want to stab my eyes and ears with a rusty fork.

New Keanu Reeves
I feel like I have to look away whenever Peter is in a scene.

His deep 'I'm serious voice', emo hair and cheesy lines make me want to stab my eyes and ears with a rusty fork.

New Keanu Reeves

He really is pathetic.

I'm gonna stop watching this shit...
I feel like I have to look away whenever Peter is in a scene.

His deep 'I'm serious voice', emo hair and cheesy lines make me want to stab my eyes and ears with a rusty fork.

New Keanu Reeves

Parkman is the fat Keanu Reeves

His mouth freaks me out aswell, hes a serious queer. I really enjoyed the new episode though, Bennett is badass again which is good.
Hiro has now officially gone from being my favourite character to being an absolute pain in the arse little shit with some of the most annoying dialogue ever brought to a TV show.

Saying that, it was a better episode that most of the first 13 this season, but that doesn't say much. I'll keep watching it, but my expectations for this show have really gone to shit since season 2, the acting has been appalling at times. Even Sylar (who used to be great) just seems annoying now.
Why do they NEVER kill off a main character? It can't be that hard, considering there's like 20 fecking main characters
Why do they NEVER kill off a main character? It can't be that hard, considering there's like 20 fecking main characters

I like how they didn't even make an effort to shock the viewer showing Sylar was still alive. It was just like 'Yep, heres Sylar'.
Why don't they have the date for the series yet? Its re-started in America.
Getting bored of Claire wanting to be the hero all the time scenario. Does she have it written into her contract or something??
Getting bored of Claire wanting to be the hero all the time scenario. Does she have it written into her contract or something??
I can't stand Claire, she should have dissapeared at the end of season 1 and never shown up again. Its the same old thing every time with her.

Other than that I thought Clear and Present Danger was pretty awesome, one of the best episodes they've ever done.
What has happened to Micah and his sexy cousin, whats her name Veronica or something? Do they just not exist anymore?
I think they have decided to rip off X men after realising they can not come up with a consistent storyline themselves.