Henry Winter: Rashford spent the summer getting supremely fit, reporting early for training | Wants to stay as he loves the club

Fine PR play. Personally I think the "He's been playing with an injury for a while which excuses his performances and also shows his love to the club" just about edges it. Here's to many more in the future.
Get him and his PR brigade out of the club. Sick of this same crap every year. “I was injured last year, I’m training hard. You’ll see the real me next season. I Love my boyhood club” followed by 9months of pathetic, lazy performances. Can’t stand this guy.
Love it!

I am glad he didn't go to Euros with England. We'll get a fresh and rejuvenated Rashford next season. Won't be surprised if he crosses his highest goal tally in a league season so far in his career.

I have a soft spot for him as he has given us so many moments of joys since VG introduced him against Midtjylland. I have full faith that he'll prove people wrong again next season.
He proves some people wrong every season - just, with him being so inconsistent, it's different people each season depending on whether it's one of his good or poor seasons.

Last season was one of his awful ones, and so 'proved wrong' those who backed him to do well. This year he's probably due a better season, so might well 'prove wrong" those expecting another poor one. But the season after that? Who knows?

A good season next year won't really 'prove' anything either way. Other than how inconsistent he is. He needs to deliver a run of good seasons before he starts 'proving wrong' those who've said he's too inconsistent to justify the high wages and key role in the team.
Super fit compared to what? He was super last season already. This isn't enough, especially if you're not putting the shift in.
I *think* Henry winter is a huge fan of Rashford. When he comes on youtube channels I think he gives his own opinions on players and is a big defender from the Rashford camp.

I might be getting him mixed up with another credible journalist, but I do think its him..
The poster below has a link that shows Winter's tweets about Rashford. You're not wrong.

Another one to add to the list.

This isn't normal. Would have been comical to see how Fergie handled it.
He clearly loves the club, he clearly has been dealing with physical and emotional issues and he deserves another chance to get back to previous form.

His PR stuff is OTT and it needs to stop, is something we can all agree with.

It is time to evidence it with performances and not with words.

My main concern with his form is that he did play through injuries and it's cost him, I don't think he's as fast as he once was and without that he doesn't have the technical ability or reading of the game to counter the loss of physical talent.

Side note - Henry Winter is definitely getting fed United information in general. He's been very pro-United recently, I don't think that's always been the case.
So he spent the summer getting extremely fit? I also went to the gym on Thursday the 27th of June. Big deal
So we should believe articles from the likes of The Sun that say he's fallen out with ten Hag but not ones from the likes of Winter that hint at something positive. It's fair enough to take these things with a pinch of salt but the polemic around anything related to Rashford is beyond ridiculous. Surely it's in our best intersts if he does well, why spend hours slagging him off?
So we should believe articles from the likes of The Sun that say he's fallen out with ten Hag but not ones from the likes of Winter that hint at something positive. It's fair enough to take these things with a pinch of salt but the polemic around anything related to Rashford is beyond ridiculous. Surely it's in our best intersts if he does well, why spend hours slagging him off?

Surely it's in his best interests that he just keeps quiet and shows his work on the pitch? Instead of spending hours getting all his mates to big him up on how he gives his everything to the club? There wouldn't be any backlash if he showed that on the pitch.

I really want to like Rashford, I really do. But he doesn't help himself when he gets these kind of articles out literally every single fecking time he goes through a bad patch.
As if a reporter would sit around and think "it all changed for Rashford after that tackle in February" without it being fed as an excuse from Rashford's people. What is the excuse for before February? What is the excuse for the majority of the season before outside of his purple patch of goals? What about prior to that where performances were very often questioned? We need to stop accepting prolonged poor performance and raise the floor of our team performance the way that we had in the past.

I would much rather Marcus was harsher and more real with himself and his performance and quietly worked hard to do better, rather than the advertising of his passion and effort or constant excuse making that the media (and some fans) do - injuries, life happiness, etc. I have sympathy with players having outside issues affect their form but no one else gets these excuses so why should he? There needs to be consistency.
I like Rashford -- at least a lot more than most of our fans do now -- and genuinely do expect him to have a good season (stat-wise at least) for similar sorts of reasons @bosnian_red alluded to, but these articles just don't make it easy, do they? Just asking for hassle with shite like this.
Surely it's in his best interests that he just keeps quiet and shows his work on the pitch? Instead of spending hours getting all his mates to big him up on how he gives his everything to the club? There wouldn't be any backlash if he showed that on the pitch.

I really want to like Rashford, I really do. But he doesn't help himself when he gets these kind of articles out literally every single fecking time he goes through a bad patch.
How do you know it hasn't come from the club?
Like clockwork. Death, taxes and Rashford articles about training hard in the summer break.
I think that he is our best left winger and i want him to stay but this PR is laughable.
So, pro football player spent time to be fit and ready for his job? Unbelievable.
How do you know it hasn't come from the club?
I've got bad news for you if you think the club pushes out these kind of articles. And if they really do, why would they not do it for Greenwood, Antony or Sancho or literally anyone else in our team who has a poor season/just generally bad view among the fans?
Possibly the most important player at the moment. Whether it’s a title race or a top four race, the difference having a senior forward who can get in and around 20 league goals in a season is huge - and I believe he’s the only one we have with that capability presently. The rest can have all the attitude, work rate and pressing they want - but paltry goal numbers from our frontmen won’t take us very far.

IF he is to stay and he manages to return to his top form, he moves any project we have along quite a bit.
If you want consistent results, you need consistent players. I don't see how Rashford fits the bill. I do like him, I am sure he will have a great season next season, but it shouldn't be for us.
The man uses every bit of PR he can get. He's staying because no one is stupid enough to pay that fraud the money we're paying him right now. He's going to stink up the place next season too.

Yeah not even PSG unfortunately
If you want consistent results, you need consistent players. I don't see how Rashford fits the bill. I do like him, I am sure he will have a great season next season, but it shouldn't be for us.

Better we sell him at the good season end of the cycle rather than the bad season end. Let him score his 20 goals this year and then find a club who will cover all his wages and offer us a healthy fee.
You guys need to give him a break. The same folks who advocated for Erik after a bad season last year are the same ones bashing one of our own and wanting him gone. An academy product and a local lad that has been our top scorer since SAF has left. He had a stinker last season but he needs our support. Season before last, he was the sole reason we made the Champions League and won the League Cup. Give him a chance.
Just the usual talking the talk BS so I won't be holding my breath until Aug when he continues his form from May. If he somehow starts putting in a shift and delivering on the numbers, ie assists and goals, then fair do's. Reckon there's less than 10% chance of that happening though. Wish he would just leave, but no way is he leaving his pay packet.
I've heard this before. He is going nowhere, though. No other club would be crazy enough to pay him what he is getting here. We just have to hope he decides to put in some effort again, although he will never be worth the package.
The fact that him and his team haven’t figured out that this isn’t 2021 or 2022 anymore, no one cares. These PR pieces do more damage than good now and only puts a bigger target on his back.

He seems to be in a permanent battle to try a get sympathy from fans and gain public support. It’s almost pathetic at this point and is an obvious tool to change the narrative around him to keep his brand value high.

You’d expect this level of PR from players who have substance abuse issues, criminal pasts or things of that nature. His problem is he’s just not that good at football but wants the public to treat him like he is despite being one of the best five paid players in the league.
Articles like this undermine Winter as a journalist and confirm that Rashford has a fake persona he tries extremely hard to maintain.

A bruised rib at the back end of the season means he phones in the entire season?? It wasn’t form last year, it was clearly a player who wasn’t working, probably because his mate got sidelined by the boss.

He needs to stop with the bullshit and take a hard, long look at himself. No words, just action and introspection.
Possibly the most important player at the moment. Whether it’s a title race or a top four race, the difference having a senior forward who can get in and around 20 league goals in a season is huge - and I believe he’s the only one we have with that capability presently. The rest can have all the attitude, work rate and pressing they want - but paltry goal numbers from our frontmen won’t take us very far.

IF he is to stay and he manages to return to his top form, he moves any project we have along quite a bit.

The problem is that Rashford is just as capable of returning paltry goal numbers as the rest of them. Attitude and workrate should be something you're willing to overlook for the truly special players, not someone who may be great over a 5-month span every 3 or 4 years.
Here comes the Rashy PR team. Not buying any of it for a split second.
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Articles like this undermine Winter as a journalist and confirm that Rashford has a fake persona he tries extremely hard to maintain.

A bruised rib at the back end of the season means he phones in the entire season?? It wasn’t form last year, it was clearly a player who wasn’t working, probably because his mate got sidelined by the boss.

He needs to stop with the bullshit and take a hard, long look at himself. No words, just action and introspection.

Just saw the bruised rib part. :lol:

Fernandes played with a broken hand at one point.