tl, dr summary:
A staunchly feminist assistant professor defended „transracialism“(think of Rachel Dolezal) in an „academic“

paper, which got published in a feminist journal. She argued is that if we accept self-proclaimed gender roles, we should also accept, that people can choose a different racial identity.
Shit hit the fan and professional social justice warriors lost their shit. She got not just slaughtered on social media, but also her colleagues distanced themselves. To some extent, because they were scared of the public reaction, if they’d support her. To some extend because they are deluded lunatics. People accused her of enacting violence and perpetuating harm. Obviously she is a nasty transphobe. Trans-genocide incoming and all that.
An open letter with hundreds of signatures including those of professors emerged that essentially said “retract and apologize or else….”
The journal editors apologised, she didn’t. They threatened to ruin her career.
Talk about drama. Just defund all of these departments, please. They can do whatever they want with their lives, but don’t waste the money of tax payers on those freeloaders. Citoyens, il est à craindre que la révolution ne dévore successivement tous ses enfantes et n‘engendre enfin le despotisme avec les calamités qui l’accompagnent.