Has political correctness actually gone mad?

Here's the relevant bit:

The bit in bold is key here. Understanding does not equal agreement. I believe my subsequent posts have also all centered on understanding. What prompted this was several posters coming in, after black posters had explained the issue in depth, and dismissing it out of hand, the most egregious of which displayed complete ignorance of the issue in doing so. As I've said, I consider someone setting aside any pre-conceived notions they might have about an issue, acknowledging their own ignorance, and trying to understand as evolving. Maybe that makes it sound much grander than it is, perhaps I could have referred to it as "being open-minded" or "not being a fecking asshole", but regardless, I never suggested that they had to agree with me or anyone else.
I'm assuming that I'm one of those who may have come across as dismissive. If so, I'm sorry, that's not my intention.

Thing is though, she does not look black, not even vaguely black. Italian, Brazilian, Indian, Persian, mixed race, but not black. Her skin is too light and her curls too big. And actually, with skin lightening foundations, hair straightening and weaves, contouring, etc, you could say a number of black women are trying to look Italian/Brazilian/Indian/Persian. So who's appropriating who's culture?

I have listened, and I get that you feel that (white) people are cherry picking aspects that you feel are exclusive to your culture and are getting praise whereas you don't for the same fashion and behaviours, but what aspects are exclusive? And if they're not exclusive, when you claim them, aren't you taking them away from the other cultures.

Big lips? Lots of Indians have big lips. Latte brown skin? That's anyone from the tropics, and not really Bantu African colour. Baggy jeans? Basketball tops? Trucker hats? Music with a beat? Braided hair? Talking over a beat?

I am disgusted by how black people have been treated and still are being treated, but they aren't the only group who have been marginalised and abused, and these features or fashions are not exclusive to them. Cultures are constantly merging and borrowing, how can you say from which culture they have come from?
I speak English, so if I call New Zealand that, am I appropriating their language?
When has speaking a native's language as a foreigner ever been an insult? Unless you are attempting to ask a Gendarme how to find the Gare du Nord in schoolboy French.
When has speaking a native's language as a foreigner ever been an insult? Unless you are attempting to ask a Gendarme how to find the Gare du Nord in schoolboy French.
Well, I don't even know schoolboy Maori, so I'd probably feck up the pronunciation
Well, I don't even know schoolboy Maori, so I'd probably feck up the pronunciation
Ao TeaRoa I gathered from Wiki. People usually appreciate the effort. Unless they are a Paris Gendarme being a cnut.
Ao TeaRoa I gathered from Wiki. People usually appreciate the effort. Unless they are a Paris Gendarme being a cnut.
Google says : Sounds like au·tay·uh·row·uh

Which is different.

Who should I trust? Google or Wikipedia?! They're both so trustworthy!!
Google says : Sounds like au·tay·uh·row·uh

Which is different.

Who should I trust? Google or Wikipedia?! They're both so trustworthy!!
I'll use the Wiki one and you use the Google one. It's an effort well made either way.
I previously assumed it would be more offensive to point out that her clothes/nails/hair are “black”

If I saw somebody looking daft like her I wouldn’t dare say anything like why are you dressed like a black person. Surely that’s worse?
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The one I've noticed lately is people describing animal's owners as "their humans". Wonder do they need a licence for that?
Hardly PC gone mad, but this seems like the place to post it.

A 17 year old pizza courier has filed charges against two 25 year old women for sexually harassing him when he delivired their pizza. They opened the door in lingery and proceeded to grab him in the crotch and told him, this is our dream, this is your dream, we want you blabla. Obviously a very wrong thing to do.

The twist however; the perps are two exceedingly hot FHM models.

Doesn't make it right, but kind of took me by surprise.

Article is here: https://nos.nl/artikel/2402307-om-wil-cel-voor-vrouwen-die-pizzabezorger-17-wilden-verleiden

Though it is in Dutch.
Hardly PC gone mad, but this seems like the place to post it.

A 17 year old pizza courier has filed charges against two 25 year old women for sexually harassing him when he delivired their pizza. They opened the door in lingery and proceeded to grab him in the crotch and told him, this is our dream, this is your dream, we want you blabla. Obviously a very wrong thing to do.

The twist however; the perps are two exceedingly hot FHM models.

Doesn't make it right, but kind of took me by surprise.

Article is here: https://nos.nl/artikel/2402307-om-wil-cel-voor-vrouwen-die-pizzabezorger-17-wilden-verleiden

Though it is in Dutch.
Nothing gone mad. That's a valid sexual harassment (assault if they grabbed him?) charge.
Hardly PC gone mad, but this seems like the place to post it.

A 17 year old pizza courier has filed charges against two 25 year old women for sexually harassing him when he delivired their pizza. They opened the door in lingery and proceeded to grab him in the crotch and told him, this is our dream, this is your dream, we want you blabla. Obviously a very wrong thing to do.

The twist however; the perps are two exceedingly hot FHM models.

Doesn't make it right, but kind of took me by surprise.

Article is here: https://nos.nl/artikel/2402307-om-wil-cel-voor-vrouwen-die-pizzabezorger-17-wilden-verleiden

Though it is in Dutch.
Particularly grim that this kid will be and presumably has already been mocked for being sexually harassed and assaulted by two people quite a lot older than him whilst he was trying to do his job.
Nothing gone mad. That's a valid sexual harassment (assault if they grabbed him?) charge.
Yes, hence my first sentence. Didn't seem thread worthy and #metoo allegations are for celebs..they're facing jailtime.

Edit: more info came out. Apparantly the event was especially traumatising for the kid since he has been molested when he was younger.

Re the mocking, this is especially what some shite Dutch media are doing.
Hardly PC gone mad, but this seems like the place to post it.

A 17 year old pizza courier has filed charges against two 25 year old women for sexually harassing him when he delivired their pizza. They opened the door in lingery and proceeded to grab him in the crotch and told him, this is our dream, this is your dream, we want you blabla. Obviously a very wrong thing to do.

The twist however; the perps are two exceedingly hot FHM models.

Doesn't make it right, but kind of took me by surprise.

Article is here: https://nos.nl/artikel/2402307-om-wil-cel-voor-vrouwen-die-pizzabezorger-17-wilden-verleiden

Though it is in Dutch.
It's a strange case. The truth is it would've been a lot of men's dream, but I guess if you go grabbing people's bits without consent you're crossing a line.
It's a strange case. The truth is it would've been a lot of men's dream, but I guess if you go grabbing people's bits without consent you're crossing a line.
Apparantly the kid had been molested before. He was absolutely devestated by this.

Really horrible in more ways than one.
Hardly PC gone mad, but this seems like the place to post it.

A 17 year old pizza courier has filed charges against two 25 year old women for sexually harassing him when he delivired their pizza. They opened the door in lingery and proceeded to grab him in the crotch and told him, this is our dream, this is your dream, we want you blabla. Obviously a very wrong thing to do.

The twist however; the perps are two exceedingly hot FHM models.

Doesn't make it right, but kind of took me by surprise.

Article is here: https://nos.nl/artikel/2402307-om-wil-cel-voor-vrouwen-die-pizzabezorger-17-wilden-verleiden

Though it is in Dutch.
I mean, you could have told us there are no pics in the link, what a waste of a click.
Hardly PC gone mad, but this seems like the place to post it.

A 17 year old pizza courier has filed charges against two 25 year old women for sexually harassing him when he delivired their pizza. They opened the door in lingery and proceeded to grab him in the crotch and told him, this is our dream, this is your dream, we want you blabla. Obviously a very wrong thing to do.

The twist however; the perps are two exceedingly hot FHM models.

Doesn't make it right, but kind of took me by surprise.

Article is here: https://nos.nl/artikel/2402307-om-wil-cel-voor-vrouwen-die-pizzabezorger-17-wilden-verleiden

Though it is in Dutch.


I really should grow up but I can't not uphold the double-standard. If a 17 year-old female pizza delivery worker was propositioned on the doorstep by two 25 men we'd be calling for their bollocks, but the other way round feels far less serious and the vast majority of people act like the cops in that South Park ep when they read such a story. Power imbalances, both physical and historical, must play a role in this and I for one find it hard to shake off, but the lad has every right to feel society needs to grow up and treat him like a victim in this case and not just take the piss.
I really should grow up but I can't not uphold the double-standard. If a 17 year-old female pizza delivery worker was propositioned on the doorstep by two 25 men we'd be calling for their bollocks, but the other way round feels far less serious and the vast majority of people act like the cops in that South Park ep when they read such a story. Power imbalances, both physical and historical, must play a role in this and I for one find it hard to shake off, but the lad has every right to feel society needs to grow up and treat him like a victim in this case and not just take the piss.

In situations like these there's also good reason to suspect some hidden camera stuff. Either to humiliate by rejecting him once inside, or that he'd end up in a porn movie against his will.
Thread title should be changed to 'Is political correctness actually suffering from mental health issues'.
In situations like these there's also good reason to suspect some hidden camera stuff. Either to humiliate by rejecting him once inside, or that he'd end up in a porn movie against his will.

Yeah for sure, and in that case again it comes down to whether flipping the sexes of the people involved is a fair way to approach the situation. If a hidden camera show had 25 year old male actors propositioning a real-life 17 yo delivery girl the programme makers would get fecking destroyed, and rightly so, but hot 25 yo female models doing the same to a lad in his late teens seems less serious, and therefore more acceptable. Thinking about it for a second tells me this can't be right but instinctively I know there is a difference in seriousness between the two situations.