Has political correctness actually gone mad?

Anti-SJW is far too broad.

For simplicity, there are three main categories that are opposed to ideas proposed by intersectional feminists.

Liberals (in the original definition). These have a world perspective of seeing everyone as individuals, cannot agree with identity politics and see the end game as an equal opportunity and colourblind society. If approached in a respectful manner you can appeal to their (generally speaking) logical decision making to see where common ground is.

The alt-right/enthno-fascists- believe in government authority and that this should be used to create western ethno-States for white people similar to China or an Arab nation. Obviously there is no real common ground between SJWs and these except the use of state authority as a means to an end.

Trolls- these may have more sympathy to one of the above groups than the other, but don't let it get in the way of getting a good wind up in. They like to mock, well, anyone so it's not just SJWs, but obviously that go after people based of their most easily mocked thing, so if you are female, non-white, non-cis, etc. They will attack that, if you are a straight white male they will call you a amazing person I admire or autistic or whatever the current thing is. It's just fun to them.
Count Dankula found guilty of shitposting. Interesting to see punishment.

Find it to be a bit of a bizarre conviction, plenty of much more offensive stuff said on a regular basis. We still allow Orange marches up here for fecks sake!:lol:
As an unashamed SJW, myself, I don't know how it feels for the other side. I don't know how it feels for those who don't fit in to either category but do care enough to educate themselves on the issues debated. I don't personally see this polarisation as a bad thing.

I want people to pick a side as to me it feels like a battle for understanding those around us versus fearing/hating them. I want a more tolerant world and I believe the causes listed can lead us towards such and, above all, I want to be given a column in The Guardian to moan about sexism in Kinder Eggs.
I'll try to do a tldr down below, but I'm afraid it's hard to fully pin my feelings on the topic both short and long.

I don't feel attacked by the idea that people who are targeted by hate-groups wants to be treated like human beings. Hell I think they are in the right in demanding to be treated with respect.
I want equality & I want everyone to be respected for how they are.
It's hard to judge when it comes to mental illness, not that I think it's relevant here, or that how I see it should matter (I'd leave diagnosing people to the people educated to make them) so just as a side-note.

That said, I do have a issue with people who push others down so they can get up.
The school-yard bully tactic of "you shouldn't speak" or "you shouldn't be listened to", and those two are used a feck-ton by SJW's. I may agree with most/all of the SJW's goals of equality & respect but (some of) their way of silencing differing opinions is one I cannot and will not say that I am fine with.
Punch-a-nazi for example is one where, while I think it is "deserved" to some degree to get a punch for such views, I don't think it's something that should be encouraged.

I do have a issue with claiming a problem to be down to one thing while it's in reality a different issue, for example some feminists on the internet claim that they are getting bullied online because of their gender, making it a gender-issue. Bullying online or as it is in most cases, trolling, is targeting you for your emotional weakness regardless of what it is.

When people like you or Villain comes into a discussion & educate people, we can learn from it and develop our own views or evolve them further.
If you two come in and try to force your views upon us (not as in force us to read, but claim us to be this or that because we don't necessarily share the same view), then we're less likely to want to engage and less likely to want to take what you say to heart.
Of course this includes those who have already made their minds up and are just assholes or trolls who act like they need to be spoon-fed. It's not your job either to educate people, but assuming that you want progress in the world then the ways you go about it will be a factor in how successful you are in your campaign.

I side with the SJW's when it comes to goals (with the option to say some things are too far).
I don't subscribe to some of the ways some of them use to achieve those goals, the big one being bully-tactics.
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Had to google to find out what you were on about. Yer man seems like a complete tool but the whole case seems like an outrageous waste of police/court resources.

Aye, absolutely, he's a cnut, and if it was a child or something I could understand the concerns as to indoctrination but guessing his dog to do the salute seems like a fairly small and irrelevant problem.
It doesn't matter if you're a misogynistic pos, as long as you keep at it you are bound to make it eventually.

His 'success' is basically by being incredibly loud, selective in what he says and disingenuous: basically the opposite of what most good academics aspire to. I'm sure plenty of them don't mind their relative obscurity in exchange for being taken relatively seriously.
The reason I think this PC stuff is laughable is the rejection of simple biological facts... I'm all for equality, same job = same pay and so on. But these feminists and sjw just take it so far

Like these people...

The reason I think this PC stuff is laughable is the rejection of simple biological facts... I'm all for equality, same job = same pay and so on. But these feminists and sjw just take it so far

Like these people...

I could find more than one or two videos of those opposed to third wave feminism and other SJW topics claiming the superiority of the Aryan race and the fact the holocaust didn't happen. Though it is not sensible discourse to define a widely held political leaning by such.
I could find more than one or two videos of those opposed to third wave feminism and other SJW topics claiming the superiority of the Aryan race and the fact the holocaust didn't happen. Though it is not sensible discourse to define a widely held political leaning by such.

Of course... there are morons on both sides. But we were talking about PC's now...
Of course... there are morons on both sides. But we were talking about PC's now...
Right, and most of us that believe vehemently in political correctness wouldn't walk out of a speech if someone suggested men are taller than women.
The reason I think this PC stuff is laughable is the rejection of simple biological facts... I'm all for equality, same job = same pay and so on. But these feminists and sjw just take it so far

So you're quite for political correctness, just not to the extreme. Like most people and most things in life.
I could find more than one or two videos of those opposed to third wave feminism and other SJW topics claiming the superiority of the Aryan race and the fact the holocaust didn't happen. Though it is not sensible discourse to define a widely held political leaning by such.

You're comparing extreme right wing views - of which we're talking a minority - to identity politics which is far more mainstream.
The reason I think this PC stuff is laughable is the rejection of simple biological facts... I'm all for equality, same job = same pay and so on. But these feminists and sjw just take it so far

Like these people...

That might be so, but I'm confident you'd struggle to find a comparable amount of right wing tosh on the internet to that found in a lot videos relating to feminism, BLM, LGBTQ, & a few others.
I bloody wouldn't. You underestimate how much time I waste consuming far right media that likes to disguise itself as 'classical liberal'.
That might be so, but I'm confident you'd struggle to find a comparable amount of right wing tosh on the internet to that found in a lot videos relating to feminism, BLM, LGBTQ, & a few others.
There is a very large group of people who spend a lot of time trying to discredit most of these groups, so it's not really surprising that videos of members of said groups being dumb tend to pop up frequently.

I guess it's also very much in the eye of the beholder. To me, any video of Jordan Peterson talking about feminism, or Ben Shapiro talking about anything, is just as dumb as those feminists taking offense at the idea that men are taller than women on average.
There is a very large group of people who spend a lot of time trying to discredit most of these groups, so it's not really surprising that videos of members of said groups being dumb tend to pop up frequently.

I guess it's also very much in the eye of the beholder. To me, any video of Jordan Peterson talking about feminism, or Ben Shapiro talking about anything, is just as dumb as those feminists taking offense at the idea that men are taller than women on average.

Does that mean you dismiss, & disagree, with everything the likes of Peterson & Shapiro say on such matters.
Anything willing to go along with 'white genocide' nonsense.

Yeah, I'd go along with that. Anyway, if there's anyone to blame for 'white genocide' at some point in the future it's probably white people themselves. The demise in strong family bonds & ties has resulted in far fewer children being born amongst the white demographics than there was 30, 40, 50 years ago.
Yeah, I'd go along with that. Anyway, if there's anyone to blame for 'white genocide' at some point in the future it's probably white people themselves. The demise in strong family bonds & ties has resulted in far fewer children being born amongst the white demographics than there was 30, 40, 50 years ago.
Birth rates amongst natural born citizens in wealthy Western countries could be an interesting topic, if you fancy making the thread.
You're comparing extreme right wing views - of which we're talking a minority - to identity politics which is far more mainstream.

The rabid SJW types really aren't all that mainstream though. Their presence is exaggerated by people with vested interests who want everyone to think anyone who's even remotely liberal is somehow like this, when in reality plenty of left-wing people I know are either put off by such rhetoric or are even sceptical as to PC. Liberals/lefties can't really be grouped together into one, unanimous collective, even though it's convenient for the right to band everyone from David Cameron to Jeremy Corbyn in the one sect.
I'm with the SJWs, the reasonable ones. Carry on doing what you're doing. Anyone moaning about them is usually a bit of a snowflake or someone with an agenda I can't relate to or get behind.