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Jordan B Peterson, the cult leader of the right-wing young man.
True genius here:
Jordan B Peterson, the cult leader of the right-wing young man.
True genius here:
Geordie accused of ‘cultural appropriation’ after wearing jacket during night out
Also linked to this: https://rochdaleherald.co.uk/2017/08/02/39-bus-seats-arrested-in-counter-terrorism-operation/
I vaguely remember a story where someone photographed empty bus seats to document the Muslim invasion.
Now we're not allowed to slag off our players to let off steam - on a fan forum. It's political correctness gone mad. Get Milo in here, this is the final straw for me.
People on twitter getting offended by Cancer Uk's "fat shaming" Obesity causes cancer campaign.
The Kansas Republican Party last week approved a resolution that opposes “all efforts to validate transgender identity,” in what a leading LGBT advocacy group said was part of a "concerning and unacceptable" trend in countrywide anti-trans sentiment.
The resolution stated that the party “recognizes the dignity of every human being, including those who identify as LGBT,” but affirmed “God's design for gender as determined by biological sex and not by self-perception” and opposed “all efforts to validate transgender identity.”
Kentucky, for instance, passed legislation that could allow student groups at public high schools, colleges and universities to discriminate against LGBTQ students.
Albert Heijn, Hollands biggest supermarket brand has banned a childrens football themed game because the cover said; "for up to four boys", which was deemed sexist.
Also one of the answers to the question: what don't you ever want to see? A: crying girls, was deemed over the top.
Feck sake.
Boys and girls thinking the other sex has cooties until the age of 10 is fine. Why is it a bad thing that boys tend to like football more than girls? Everone's always talking about wanting everyone to be the same and unisex and what not. Boys and girls aren't the same and that's fine. One is not better than the other, but they're definitely not identical. Why is that a bad thing? I want to hold open the door for my wife and I want to pay for dinner on the first date. I give her my coat when it's cold. That's completely sexist as well, but who cares.No need to ban it but it definitely should be changed to "four players" rather than boys, as yes, that is sexist imho.
Boys and girls thinking the other sex has cooties until the age of 10 is fine. Why is it a bad thing that boys tend to like football more than girls? Everone's always talking about wanting everyone to be the same and unisex and what not. Boys and girls aren't the same and that's fine. One is not better than the other, but they're definitely not identical. Why is that a bad thing? I want to hold open the door for my wife and I want to pay for dinner on the first date. I give her my coat when it's cold. That's completely sexist as well, but who cares.
That's exactly my point. For instance women getting paid less for the same job, or being passed over for jobs altogether because they "aren't a good fit for the company's culture" is ridiculous and something that should be fought against at every turn.That's not sexist, that's called chivalry.
Boys and girls aren't the same, neither are all boys the same, neither are all girls the same.
It's the moment when you start restricting what others are able to do based on their gender that it becomes a problem, imo.
I have no problem with toys for girls and toys for boys being different - but you shouldn't tell boys that they aren't allowed to play with dolls, and girls aren't allowed to play with hot wheels or whatever, that's sexist.
Everyone isn't wanting everyone to be the same and unisex, people just want others to be able to have the same access to do things that they want to do, that's all.
Boys and girls thinking the other sex has cooties until the age of 10 is fine. Why is it a bad thing that boys tend to like football more than girls? Everone's always talking about wanting everyone to be the same and unisex and what not. Boys and girls aren't the same and that's fine. One is not better than the other, but they're definitely not identical. Why is that a bad thing? I want to hold open the door for my wife and I want to pay for dinner on the first date. I give her my coat when it's cold. That's completely sexist as well, but who cares.
When you have daughters you realise how much society, TV, games, expectations etc tries to model young girls behaviour, discourage them from 'male roles' and encourage 'female roles'
Playing football isn't something young girls should be discouraged from. In America many girls play it because it's seen as 'feminine' as opposed to other sports.
As for this particular case I'd be in favour of a small label stating 'suitable for 4 children' being used instead of throwing all the toys away, which would be a waste
That's exactly my point. For instance women getting paid less for the same job, or being passed over for jobs altogether because they "aren't a good fit for the company's culture" is ridiculous and something that should be fought against at every turn.
However, some silly game aimed at boys over girls and other games doing this vice versa are harmless. I used to be absolutely sure all girls had cooties, but then I grew up. It's not these games that are at fault, it's shitty parents with shitty values who raise their children to be the same shitty bigoted people they are.
And on the subject of Chivalry, doesn't that kind of originate with the stigma that men are stronger and are supposed to take care of their women, because they need their protection? I agree chivalry is great and should definitely not die, it's just another example of not all differences between sexes being a bad thing.
I dont know whether my experience is representative but for my daughter it was really, really sudden when she started at school. So I think while all the factors you mention are all significant in themselves, peer pressure is the biggest one. My daughter was all about kicking a ball around with me (much more so than her older brother) and playing with trains. She was obsessed with Pixar films like Toy Story and Cars, and refused to wear dresses or skirts - she was happiest in trousers and a Lightning McQueen t shirt. Then she started nursery and almost overnight was all about pink pink pink and Disney princesses.When you have daughters you realise how much society, TV, games, expectations etc tries to model young girls behaviour, discourage them from 'male roles' and encourage 'female roles'
Ultimately my personal view on it is that the outrage towards political correctness fuels a lot of these "stories" being printed.
A supermarket in Holland has had some opposition to one game that they stock, so? There will be some opposition to almost anything an organisation does - but printing it in newspapers/online will fuel a lot more people who are fed up political correctness and are baited into outrage thinking that the whole world is changing.
The 'journalist' will get a lot more attention by dressing this up to rile up the Anti-PC squad, which in turn will mean more revenue for the company.
If people stopped feeding these types of articles then none of us would even be aware of it, because honestly who cares.
I used to play with nerf guns and action man dolls and hot wheels etc and the box would always say specifically that it was for boys - did that stop me? Of course not.
There is a wider discussion to be had around social constructs when it comes to gender stereotypes of course, but this isn't that.
On the topic of Chivalry, for you and @Adebesi - this comes down to personal preference.
Some girls like a guy who will open the door for them, some girls don't care, some will only accept a guy who does all the chivalrous things for them, some will never allow a guy to do chivalrous things for them.
There isn't a blanket rule that can be applied, we are all individual with different preferences and needs and such.
If you are doing things like holding a door open and paying for the bill then I would say you should question why you feel the need to do that, i've been with guys who do it as a form to exert their masculinity on a relationship and establish that they are the alpha - that's where the lines are blurred when it comes to sexism imo, it can become patronising and dehumanising depending on the tone and context its done in.
If you are doing these things because you like the girl, and you want to be a gentleman then that's the best way - but don't let it stop at only doing acts historically attributed to males only - offer to cook occasionally, or clean or something.
If you aren't open to doing things that are historically assigned for females to do as part of your show of chivalry, then I would question your motives for being chivalrous in the first place. If a show of chivalry is an act, deed or service of being a gentleman, then these things fall into that category too, right?
But that's just me, not all women are the same.
I personally do it, because I like to take care of her. Not because she really needs it, but just to show her my affection I suppose. Never really though about it that way to be honest . And yes I also cook, and fold laundry. With varying degrees of success, mind you.
You make a very valid point about journalists specifically digging this stuff up just to rile people up, because as I also mentioned in a different post, these type of stories are just ammo for the anti PC-crowd.
Anywho, great post, I agree with all parts.
Of course the creature was a victim - the folly of Man arrogantly & heartlessly playing God (surely a metaphor for God abandoning his 'children' after satisfying His curiosity)', just as Victor neglected his creation) is the major theme of the bloody novel. Sheesh...
The creature's murders are Shelley's way of showing the disastrous effect on social harmony resulting from the previously-mentioned errors of heart and mind. Parklife.
You could make the same argument for many of the mass murderers that have existed throughout history. Let down/discarded by society, their parents, friends etc, so they vent their anger & frustrations via violence. Frankenstein was in no way perfect, but neither is man.........or should that be people ?
20% of the proceeds for Pink IPA going towards equal pay charities. Is this bad?
That's exactly my point. For instance women getting paid less for the same job, or being passed over for jobs altogether because they "aren't a good fit for the company's culture" is ridiculous and something that should be fought against at every turn.
However, some silly game aimed at boys over girls and other games doing this vice versa are harmless. I used to be absolutely sure all girls had cooties, but then I grew up. It's not these games that are at fault, it's shitty parents with shitty values who raise their children to be the same shitty bigoted people they are.
And on the subject of Chivalry, doesn't that kind of originate with the stigma that men are stronger and are supposed to take care of their women, because they need their protection? I agree chivalry is great and should definitely not die, it's just another example of not all differences between sexes being a bad thing.