"I've paid over £8 million income tax. Why are we bothering over £10,000 or whatever I'm said to have saved in tax?"
What an absolute clown.
"I've paid over £8 million income tax. Why are we bothering over £10,000 or whatever I'm said to have saved in tax?"
What an absolute clown.
Seriously, he sounds like the stupidest man alive.
He'll get off and Jim White will be outside the court, setting doves free.
What has actually happened here? If he's paid millions but has somehow missed £10,000, cant they just ask him to pay it? Or did they try that?
I can't believe he's building his whole defense on I'm a bit thick
Why mustn't they find Mandaric not guilty and Redknapp guilty? Mandaric could have paid the money expecting Redknapp to pay the tax (even if he is lying now).
Please throw the book at him
no point, he can't read
I like him though.
Anyway if it is just a fine or whatever, grand. But I would hate to see him go under
That a possibility you think?I hope he gets off. Why would anyone want to see Harry go to jail?