Harry Maguire involved in incident with police in Greece - conviction nullified by appeal, full retrial pending

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You put a lot of faith in the accuracy of the report of events from greek police there chief.

This was a sham verdict from a sham court proceeding, nothing of this holds up in a modern legal system.

You’re right. I’ll ignore the fact he’s just been convicted in court and get behind the captain and propagate the corruption/sham theories.
Wanting him sacked, sold etc. What the deck is wrong with some of you lot? :lol:
I reckon it's just people who had it in for Harry anyway, and fans who are upset about the lack of signings and need somewhere to direct their anger.

No right-minded person can look at this case and have any ill-feelings towards the guy.
Ioannis Paradissis, lawyer for two of the six policemen involved in the case told MailOnline that Maguire is a 'disgrace' and has 'invented a pack of lies and has not had the decency to apologise.'

Mr Paradissis said: 'He has insulted our police officers and he and his friends left three of them injured. They had to be taken to hospital and were brutally beaten by Maguire, his brother Joe and their friend.
If the thing about his sister is true then I have sympathy with him. However the charges are to do with his interaction with the police and so have nothing to do with the 'stabbing' on his sister. The court case did seem very short and obvisouly the defence didn't have enough time to prepare, so of course he should appeal, but I do feel that he is at least in some way guilty of the charges.
If he was trying to get care for his sister and they were more intent on arresting someone famous, then I would lose my rag as well.
Anyone who's lived in Greece will tell you their police and courts are the most corrupt and incompetent in Europe. I'm one of them. Admittedly I was only 2 years old at the time.
I really hope we back him and don't strip him of the captaincy until the appeal is heard. I'm not saying he's an angel but what court has the case heard, verdict given and sentencing passed in an afternoon while giving the defence 2 hours to prepare for charges including assault and bribery. :lol:

If on appeal he's found guilty then the club can take action then, but for now there's something clearly dodgy going on.
My problem is that the appeal is now the last chance (the initial verdict was lost, so one chance wasted), and the defense had no substantial evidence to present. Maybe it's because of the 2 hours, but the prosecution had witnesses apparently? How do they counter that properly? It seems complicated... without evidence to show.
Remember when Solskjaer was saying that he tried to do more due diligence on personalities before signing.

You’re having a nightmare in this thread, I’d go lie down for a bit if I were you.

I think it’s more just people not understanding the nuances of Law, really. Now criminal law isn’t exactly my forte, nor do I have any idea of Greek law, but in the UK it would simply be on the prosecution to prove beyond reasonable doubt that Harry Maguire attempted to bribe a police officer and that he committed aggravated assault. His motive for doing so - i.e. attempting to protect his sister (if that’s confirmed to be true?) - for the most part, isn’t really a mitigating factor for the charge. And even if it is, it’s something that would be considered in relation to the severity of the sentence for the charge - not whether or not he’s actually guilty of the charges.

Now @Martial’sEmergingSmile posted an excerpt from a Greek paper on page 62 stating that three witnesses gave evidence confirming Maguire and his friends to be the aggressors. That’s pretty compelling evidence in favour of the prosecution. From the wee excerpts of tweets I’ve seen from Maguire’s side; it doesn’t sound like the most sturdiest of defences that has been raised.

I’m sure we will see more information come to light as the weeks progress, but people really need to tone down the idea that this is some bizarre corruption plot to wring Maguire for all the money he has to give to the mafia. It’s a bit weird.

Even weirder is that you don’t seem to find any of the process strange at all - a couple of hours to prepare the legal defence; that’s totally normal is it? You can dramatise the argument all you like by mentioning “mafias” but the only definite thing we know here is that there was basically no due process and thus the integrity of the trial was compromised regardless of the witnesses.

I hope we strip this thug of the captaincy. Bringing the club’s name into disrepute

We heard you the first time, stop looking for attention.
Humourous you seem to be taking the cops view of how things went down.

I've been to pretty much every proper holiday resort about in europe and trust me the cops should never be trusted. Complete farce this :lol:
Maybe stick to Bognor Regis in future? ;)
No way, I would not strip the captaincy until the judgement goes into the appeal at the very least, and hopefully the lawyers fight this. And this is normal: no legal process is final until you've been through all the appeals. And this time, I hope the defense present the proofs they have properly.

That's the normal way to handle legal processes.

I can guarantee if my employer, or almost anyone’s employer for that matter, found out I’d been found guilty of aggravated assault, repeated bribery and resisting arrest, either here or in any country, I’d be at least suspended from duties until any kind of appeal process has finished and an outcome reached.

I am not trying to claim he must be guilty of all offences, and certainly there could be corruption at play here. But the club has to act accordingly with the verdict we currently have.
Whatever went down, it was clearly an extreme situation for the people involved, physically and mentally. I don't think it's unreasonable to be ambivalent about how it reflects on their normal character.
Personally I'll wait to see what happens with the appeal.
The only thing embarrassing here is the Greek justice system. Glad our club isn't just taking this lying down.
You’re right. I’ll ignore the fact he’s just been convicted in court and get behind the captain and propagate the corruption/sham theories.

How about the fact that the prosecution presented evidence right upon trial and defense counsel was refused a stay to review the evidence presented like any normal court would?

You're using a lot of strong langauge without knowing a lot of how proceedings run in a fair trial
I'm definitely in the camp that agree with the sentiment that the English abroad are generally an embarrassment of boozed up brainless twats. But this whole thing doesn't reflect that badly on Harry, certainly doesn't reflect badly on the club.

Lots of spineless pearl clutching going on on the back of a 1 day sham trial. Losing his captaincy... issuing apologies... give me strength :lol:

The only thing Winter is right about is he should have employed a bodyguard and chosen his holiday location more carefully.

Agree with every word and that's pretty much the end of it on this thread for me before all the top reds throwing Harry under the bus make my brain explode
You’re right. I’ll ignore the fact he’s just been convicted in court and get behind the captain and propagate the corruption/sham theories.
In any system, giving 2 hours to prepare for the trial is not even normal. In fact, it doesn't even make sense. 2 hours!!! Can you imagine that?!? Would you believe the trial to be fair if it happened to you?
It's about time we all got behind our captain Harry and support him through this instead of some so called supporters calling for his (Slab)head on a Slab..!!! :mad::devil:
The only thing embarrassing here is the Greek justice system. Glad our club isn't just taking this lying down.

not telling the defence what the charges are or what the evidence is until just before the trial and the lawyer crying on TV about how it would have gone away with an apology. Honestly, what a shitty little joke of a nation, cnuts.
Contrary to your sheltered life, plenty of people get in trouble like Maguire did.

Plenty of people also just get a slap on the wrist and are told to go home. Just like Maguire did.

Its making a mountain out of a molehill.
I know people get in trouble. What I don't agree with is the notion that it's something that's bound to happen if you go out. People who haven't had negative experiences with the police on a night out don't necessarily lead sheltered lives, as you like to believe. They're just not dicks. But carry on thinking it's just par for the course.
And stop saying everyone's a sheltered, sensitive flower ffs.
So lets say he travels back to England, then makes a statement telling them to shove their fine up their arses, and donates the sum to a charity for laughs and giggles.

What could Greece do considering he's back on English soil.
Also, if I were United, I'd come out and call the likes of Henry Winter a cnut, confirm Maguire will stay as captain and tell him not to bother coming to OT anymore

Cause that's likely to happen is it ?
Wanting him sacked, sold etc. What the deck is wrong with some of you lot? :lol:
This place is full of overreacting clowns. The guy is steadfastly refusing wrongdoing and is going to appeal but he is definitely guilty in redcafe court already.
Yeah seems the club are backing him.

In fairness if somebody injected my sister with anything I'd be doing hard time regardless if I was United captain. I expect both Ole and Southgate will feel the same.

As they should! Most sane people would too.

This is someone whos never put a foot wrong in his entire life, and all of a sudden he has done aggravated assault and bribery? :lol:

Some people need to have a word with themselves.
Clearly Greece is a backward totalitarian country with a corrupt police service and sham of a juridical system. You don’t have to have any knowledge of Greece what so ever, or the events leading up to Maguire’s arrest, to know that. Maguire is a saint and should be immune to prosecution where ever he sets foot. How anybody dares to question the objectivity of the Caf!!!
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