Grammar partisan who sleeps with a real life Ryan
Sorry yes, I went a bit pinko there. Probably led to the death of some children.
Sorry yes, I went a bit pinko there. Probably led to the death of some children.
Is that an actual quote?
Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America, responded to the tragedy saying, "Gun control supporters have the blood of little children on their hands. Federal and state laws combined to insure that no teacher, no administrator, no adult had a gun at the Newtown school where the children were murdered. This tragedy underscores the urgency of getting rid of gun bans in school zones. The only thing accomplished by gun free zones is to insure that mass murderers can slay more before they are finally confronted by someone with a gun."
Some of the arguments by the lobbiests are beyond a joke, completely out of place. Such shit would only work in the US really
I think it's best for a debate to start whilst it's raw on the memory of everyone. Otherwise all that'll happen after this "grieving" time is that it will just be forgotten completely, the news will stop reporting, and no one will mention the need for regulation again. It was pretty much the same with the cinema shootings, give them time etc - gun regulation didn't even come up in the debates a couple of months later I believe.
One thing that really annoys me is this "guns don't kill people, people kill people" thing that all the pro-gun people without fail say. No, people use guns to kill people. By their logic clearly we should make all sorts of terrible chemicals and weapons freely available because its the people who are the problem.
Thats correct. There was a public vote not too long ago and it got confirmed that we ought to keep them at home. However, there are hardly any incidents at all so it has a lot to do with the people and the relationship to guns and shootingIndeed, and why anyone countering them hasnt brought up the raw figures instead of pussy footing around I dont know.
Since Martin Luther King was shot dead, over 1 million americans have been killed on american soil by gun violence.
Thats more than all wars, terrorist activity and inter country 'skirmishes' combined globally during the same period.
80 Americans a day die by gunshot.
There are, for every 100 citizens of the US, 88 guns in public ownership.
There are 50 per 100 citizens in Iraq, a fecking war zone.
Of European countries, Switzerland has the highest at 40 , or half the US level of ownership. That doesnt sound too bad, until you realise that Switzerland has national service for every adult male in the country, who are required BY LAW to keep their gun at the end.So the US has twice the gun ownership of a country whos entire adult male populous are trained Militia required under law to be armed for the defence of the nation.
And the argument is still, there are not enough guns.
Statement by Gun owners of America -
“Gun control supporters have the blood of little children on their hands. Federal and state laws combined to insure that no teacher, no administrator, no adult had a gun at the Newtown school where the children were murdered. This tragedy underscores the urgency of getting rid of gun bans in school zones. The only thing accomplished by gun free zones is to insure that mass murderers can slay more before they are finally confronted by someone with a gun.”
TR. How would you feel policing a fully armed populace?
Obama: "We can't tolerate this anymore," he said. "These tragedies must end and to end them we must change."
Looking like he's ready for a fight.
Thats correct. There was a public vote not too long ago and it got confirmed that we ought to keep them at home. However, there are hardly any incidents at all so it has a lot to do with the people and the relationship to guns and shooting
Its more to do with the fact that America as a whole is batshit mental and switzerland isnt.
Cabelas are taking a big hit on the NYSE today.
as you said last week mate.
This is going to be a game changer.
Also helps that we have a very popular POTUS who doesn't need to get re-elected. The senate would support this and I doubt the House repubs want to get on yet another issue that will drive down their popularity.
Obama is a good man....he won't let this issue slide.
I've been avoiding the news for my own sanity. What's going on?
Some bills have been introduced...Obama is making noises about changing things. Some repubs have even said they are changing their mind. The NRA is tight-lipped for now but will surely come out swinging in a few days.
Hopefully we get some movement on mental health too.
People need to realize we are in day and age that bar the socio-economic issues present in Western society especially, the only problems we really have are psychological. I'm not disregarding those in poverty-stricken situations or other issues but in the Western world, psychological issues really are a major problem.
Overusing Botox, self-esteem issues, depression (chronic or not), baking your face because you're think too white, bulimia, looking for anti-aging solutions, getting butt jobs, using immaturity as an viable excuse to act out (UK riots), overly subscribing to peer pressure, subverting socials skills through technology. It's insane that as much as society has developed, we're still struggling with basic issues. Some of these issues are biting Americans in the ass.
Repeatedly denying your son is mentally ill when he clearly is, is part of the problem. If America is going to heal from this culturally, then I think it starts in the home.
Well I think any meaningful control would take a decade or so to really take hold. It'll take a long time to get all the guns out of circulation but if the laws are passed and we stay determined, it'll happen.
Sorry yes, I went a bit pinko there. Probably led to the death of some children.
From what I've read the ban they are looking at wouldn't be retroactive. The assault type rifles that are already out there would be legal but they couldn't make any more. They did this with fully auto in the 80's and it actually worked to get them off the street. I don't know if it would necessarily have the same effect because there are so many AR15s and AK type rifles and SKS rifles out there.
I don't see them getting a complete ban on them with the money some people have spent unless they bought them back. People could've spent $3000+ last month on a high end AR and would have to just turn it over with no compensation next month - people here wouldn't go for that.