Nobby style
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Wouldn't be great handing over greater power to states and their locally elected crazies. We might even get apartheid once again in the south.
Wouldn't be great handing over greater power to states and their locally elected crazies. We might even get apartheid once again in the south.
I love all this small limited government, low taxes, spending cuts in the social sphere and safety nets, lax arms control, social darwinism and weak regulatory bollocks that libertarians and conservatives spew . . . welcome to the capitalistic third world. Believe me, I live here. Ever wonder what differentiates these crap capitalistic third world democracies from Western Europe and the United States???
I hope someday these idiots get what they want.
They would love living in Somalia...
total government whatsoever.
Wouldn't be great handing over greater power to states and their locally elected crazies. We might even get apartheid once again in the south.
..or slavery...
ahh they would love that.
All posts that show no understanding of the difference between limited and no gov't. I don't recall anyone saying anything about NO government. And of course RD your posts ignore the fact of the constitution. But don't let the real world get in the way of your blind ideology and very typical veiled 'right is racist' comment.
right is racist??? no..of course not. The GOP just does not want minorities voting...
why take my word for it...
you have respected Republicans saying it.
you lot will all say little government...but will very happily support candidates who want to ban all abortions or want vaginal probes.
and who is violating any constitutions...??
and all this sudden concern about the debt from bellends like Ryan when they were happy to rubber stamp Bush for all the his unfunded wars and tax cuts by borrowing.
right is racist??? no..of course not. The GOP just does not want minorities voting...
why take my word for it...
you have respected Republicans saying it.
you lot will all say little government...but will very happily support candidates who want to ban all abortions or want vaginal probes.
and who is violating any constitutions...??
and all this sudden concern about the debt from bellends like Ryan when they were happy to rubber stamp Bush for all the his unfunded wars and tax cuts by borrowing.
All those points you mentioned are actually the opposite of libetarian ideology
The republican party is not libetarian, they are conservatives.
Saying libetarians would love Somalia would be same as saying lefties would love North Korea
All those points you mentioned are actually the opposite of libetarian ideology
The republican party is not libetarian, they are conservatives.
what is cutting entitlement programs?
It is silly without cutting spending on the biggest military on earth for a country without any danger of being invaded.
Yes the republican party has some libertarian ideals but so do the democrats. The democrates are by all standards a right wing party. The democrates acceptance of gay marriages and freedom of discrimination are libertarian ideals, not left wing.
If you want to go about cutting goverment spending, you start cutting where it is not needed. That is not social security during the worst financial crisis for almost a century.
I liked #2 and #5. They are such impressively dishonest use of statistics I had to laugh.
'There are more gun deaths in states with higher gun ownership' - except for the fact that most gun deaths are caused by illegal firearms. I could easily trot out examples like Chicago, which has some of the strongest gun control laws in the US, but still has some of the highest firearms-related deaths.
And then #5... 'Guns have been linked to higher rates of homicide, suicide... etc' - well no shit. Guns are a more effective killing machine than anything else, if you were going to be thorough you would look at assaults by other weapons, like knifes; which aren't as lethal and would usually end up being classed as an attempted murder or suicide.
You never understood the need yet you own one? Hmmmm.
Isn't this about what a lot of this debate is about, and then factor in assault rifles. Doh!
What about the other myths. Have a laugh at those?
Bought one after an attempted violent act yet I should never have to resort to such a drastic, paranoid measure. Most purchase firearms for some other pyschological need and later claim it's for defense. Guns make people feel powerful, able to show off to friends, feel accepted to certain groups, etc.
And I would gladly turn it over IAW law and/or a buyback arrangement.
Funny enough many seemed to not give a shit about our individual rights when Bush passed the Patriot Act but "goddammit if librals take away mer guns!"
You've lost the plot mate. Shake yourself and stop painting people with the big braid brush you use when they don't match your ideology. I've often said Bush was perhaps the single biggest violator of privacy rights in US history. But why do folks on the left scream and yell when Bush does it but not a peep when Obama continues the program? Why aren't we seeing the daily reports of deaths in the middle east? Where's all the anger over Gitmo, Iraq, Afghanistan, drones, etc we heard from the left when Bush was president now nothing. Not a peep. Hypocrites much? I think so.
Get a hold of yourself RD and wake up. You seem a pretty good guy and I bet we could have some beers watch a United match and have some good discussions.
If you take Jefferson literally you need to let people, at the very least, keep tanks, heavy artillery and fighter jets. You'll probably need some submarines as well.
Handguns and automatic rifles aren't going to do shit against the US army these days.
The US Senate has to approve the nominee and Republicans have blocked that from happening.
Each nominee needs to have Senate approval. Normally that means just 50% + 1 but Republicans have fillibustered nominees to an unprecedented level in recent years. 60 votes are needed to be fillibuster proof, the Democrats haven't had that. Obama only had that for seven weeks (http://andrewsullivan.thedailybeast...super-majority-in-congress-for-two-years.html) and even then, he was not able to convince the conservative Democrats like Nelson, Landrieu and Bayh.
Well he brought Jefferson into the equation.
If we're talking hypotheticals here, what is the government going to do, nuke it's cities and civilians? There's only so much a conventional army can do across a vast landscape with unprotected borders. I'd imagine most gun nutters would form impromptu militias, raining havoc on the army from a safe distance. Not to mention a sizable amount of the military would find it abhorrent to fire on their fellow 'muricans. Then you have the individual state guards that would refuse to be federalized. They would probably take control of Federal bases and installments in their states.
I'm just saying, it wouldn't be quicker than Iraq.
Ah, the old fillibuster. Thanks. They sure gave Hagel a tough ride!
We're not talking hypotheticals. They tried it 150 years ago. In the days where warfare was guns and cannons the militias found themselves seriously outgunned, though they lasted 4 years. These days... well 'impromptu militias' against the US marines is something Id like to see.
Does anybody understand why this is a barrier to get someone in?....
• The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives has not had a permanent director for 6 years, due to an NRA-backed requirement that the Senate approve nominees.
..or slavery...
ahh they would love that.
Just watching screen wipe and there's a clip of like a 9 year old girl with her own range of pink guns with glitter, the US is fecking nuts.