That is an abhorrent opinion to me honestly. Supporting torture and a painful death is no more a deterrent than the death penalty already is - it clearly is no deterrent at all and what you are advocating makes me absolutely sick.
its not a deterrent because its hardly actioned and its also rather quick and painless. They do firing squads in other countries (even as recent as the 60s in France), hanging and some countries stone people to death. they are all painful and a form of torture.
Yeah, that's monstrous. And it leads to a monstrous society. There's a reason we've moved away from torture as a form of punishment (and as a form of execution).
The US correctional system should be going more humane, not less.
I doubt it. Hanging is a form of torture as is stoning. here are some countries current methods. MANY of these are not monstrous societies.
Hanging (Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Nigeria, Sudan, Pakistan, Palestinian National Authority, Israel, Yemen, Egypt, India, Myanmar, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Syria, UAE, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Liberia)
Shooting (the People's Republic of China, Republic of China, Vietnam, Belarus, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Somalia, North Korea, Indonesia, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Yemen, and in the US states of Oklahoma and Utah).
Lethal injection (United States, Guatemala, Thailand, the People's Republic of China, Vietnam)
Beheading (Saudi Arabia)
Stoning (Nigeria, Sudan)
Electrocution and gas inhalation (some U.S. states, but only if the prisoner requests it or if lethal injection is unavailable)
Inert gas asphyxiation (Some U.S states, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Alabama)