Greta Thunberg

she is keeping the topic of climate change in the news as much as she can. That’s better than what most are doing with their lives. She’s not a scientist. She’s 17.

Yes but she’s not DOING anything. Is she? Lance Armstrong did more than any human being to raise Cancer awareness. It’s still not really ‘Doing’ though.

I don’t think she’s a net positive for being the face of climate change as she antagonises the people we need to win over to actually achieve something.

It’s a weird situation.
Yes but she’s not DOING anything. Is she? Lance Armstrong did more than any human being to raise Cancer awareness. It’s still not really ‘Doing’ though.

I don’t think she’s a net positive for being the face of climate change as she antagonises the people we need to win over to actually achieve something.

It’s a weird situation.
That's basically modern society in a nutshell.

Attention is all you need now, feck all actual work.

Meanwhile the people actually doing proper work about it is ignored.

If she didn't piss Donald Trump off that much, I don't think people would give a shit about her.
Except it isn't an individual taking a flight. It's paying to fly people out to crew a boat so that an individual can say they didn't fly. It is possible to find the conduct of oil firms an enormous issue and still appreciate the hypocrisy in this. They aren't mutually exclusive and it doesn't make someone a cnut of give them an inferiority complex.

you say it's possible for them not to be mutually exclusive yet greta weirdly gets more vitriol from middle aged men than the heads of the big oil companies do. why is that? why is her supposed hypocracy (which is so incredibly and utterly unimportant in comparison to what big business is doing to the world) worthy of even 1/1000th of the attention? because it shouldn't be. yet here we are.
Yes but she’s not DOING anything. Is she? Lance Armstrong did more than any human being to raise Cancer awareness. It’s still not really ‘Doing’ though.

I don’t think she’s a net positive for being the face of climate change as she antagonises the people we need to win over to actually achieve something.

It’s a weird situation.

she's protesting. she's a protester. she's not a scientist. she's not qualified to come up with answers. does that make her opinion worthless? of course not. i have no fecking idea how to solve the problem. but i can still have a vested interest in not polluting and destroying the fecking world. and yes that means i'm still allowed to travel on an airplane from time to time.
She’s literally only famous because she’s a kid it’s a novelty effect, as she gets older she will fade away as nobody wants to hear a 20 year old Swedish woman throwing a tantrum.

She’s said absolutely nothing that people aren’t already aware of and she’s offering no solutions. Ironically leaving a bigger carbon footprint than most people.

you say it's possible for them not to be mutually exclusive yet greta weirdly gets more vitriol from middle aged men than the heads of the big oil companies do. why is that? why is her supposed hypocracy (which is so incredibly and utterly unimportant in comparison to what big business is doing to the world) worthy of even 1/1000th of the attention? because it shouldn't be. yet here we are.

Because the heads of big oil firms aren't telling people they need to change their comfy lives to save the planet for future generations. People do not are about the planet. Or future generations.
I don’t think she’s a net positive for being the face of climate change as she antagonises the people we need to win over to actually achieve something.

You're telling me people were about to care about climate and the planet, but then they listened to a young girl and decided "nah feck the planet"?

People who get angry at Greta never gave a shit and would never give a shit. They're lost causes. People (mostly young) who were indifferent or oblivious to the problem may pay attention because of her. For me that's a net positive.
you say it's possible for them not to be mutually exclusive yet greta weirdly gets more vitriol from middle aged men than the heads of the big oil companies do. why is that? why is her supposed hypocracy (which is so incredibly and utterly unimportant in comparison to what big business is doing to the world) worthy of even 1/1000th of the attention? because it shouldn't be. yet here we are.
I do say that, and your following clause has no baring on the validity of what I said. I know this is an internet forum, and theres a need for this to invariably devolve into an 'us vs them' discussion, but I find your logic here pretty flawed. Those 'middle age men' are wankers, but that group doesn't include everyone who acknowledges this hypocrisy.
You're telling me people were about to care about climate and the planet, but then they listened to a young girl and decided "nah feck the planet"?

People who get angry at Greta never gave a shit and would never give a shit. They're lost causes. People (mostly young) who were indifferent or oblivious to the problem may pay attention because of her. For me that's a net positive.

I don't actually agree. I think you can make a very coherent Taleb style environmental argument which is strong for skeptics/conservatives whereas I think these people will be put off by Greta.
she's protesting. she's a protester. she's not a scientist. she's not qualified to come up with answers. does that make her opinion worthless? of course not. i have no fecking idea how to solve the problem. but i can still have a vested interest in not polluting and destroying the fecking world. and yes that means i'm still allowed to travel on an airplane from time to time.

I know what she is. I know what she doesn’t do.

She doesn’t actually do anything.

She’s been packaged to be the face of a movement. Whisked off to Davos, sends a few tweets. Gives the odd speech.

The media dramatises and monetises the whole thing. It’s the emperors new clothes. By putting her on the odd magazine cover the Western World can pretend they’re effecting change. When in reality, nothing is changing. She’s not driving change. She wants everyone to stop flying and using cars. The world responds by using paper straws.

I don’t doubt her desire to make things different. She’s having no effect though. None. It’s all make believe smoke and mirrors. Pretending she’s making a genuine difference is part of the problem.
Because the heads of big oil firms aren't telling people they need to change their comfy lives to save the planet for future generations. People do not are about the planet. Or future generations.

Actually the majority of people do care about the environment, and future generations. That's what turns indifference like you mentioned into the vitriol she is facing. The majority of people have always cared about future generations, it's just that people did not believe that what we do can significantly affect the environment in a way that significantly harms future generations. That has changed.

Over time, more and more people have cared about the environment, and so the people that haven't changed their views on this have become more alienated. Denial kicks into gear. These people don't really care about the environment, they're just saying it. I won't be told to change my life for something I don't care about, particularly by a bunch of frauds.

Then the evidence piles up, you do have to change your life, that choice will be taken away from you as the crisis grows. So it's time to pivot to exposing these people as frauds, distracting attention from the things you really care about. Look at all those photos of Greta using single use plastics! Even I don't do that. OK, I do, but at least I try not to. Look at those photos, she's not even trying. She's no better than me. Why do people think she's better than me? And the process becomes more and more bitter, the more unavoidable the facts become.
You're telling me people were about to care about climate and the planet, but then they listened to a young girl and decided "nah feck the planet"?

People who get angry at Greta never gave a shit and would never give a shit. They're lost causes. People (mostly young) who were indifferent or oblivious to the problem may pay attention because of her. For me that's a net positive.

No. You know I’m not.

But to change a global attitude you need to bring everyone along on the same vehicle.

She’s the other side of the Trump coin. It’s not “Join us. We can do this I promise”. It’s “You’re either with us or you’re an enemy”.

It’s a myopic view of the world that gets nothing done.
No. You know I’m not.

But to change a global attitude you need to bring everyone along on the same vehicle.

She’s the other side of the Trump coin. It’s not “Join us. We can do this I promise”. It’s “You’re either with us or you’re an enemy”.

It’s a myopic view of the world that gets nothing done.

So you can't think of any controversial issues that couldn't be solved by simply persuading the other side of the right way to do things, and subsequently some more dramatic, confrontational approach was deemed necessary? The first phase was tried. That was the approach for an entire generation, and it failed. Not enough people wanted to "join" in, and the existing power structures were the driving force behind that. This isn't one of those problems that we can take generations to resolve.
She's the Glastonspur of climate change.

It's not the message that grates. It's the delivery.
So you can't think of any controversial issues that couldn't be solved by simply persuading the other side of the right way to do things, and subsequently some more dramatic, confrontational approach was deemed necessary? The first phase was tried. Not enough people wanted to "join" in, and the existing power structures were the driving force behind that. This isn't one of those problems that we can take generations to resolve.

You're looking at it the wrong way. The MAJORITY of people want to do something not the minority.

However, a scorched earth view of people in the middle that don’t really know how to action change. Turning that middle into an enemy to fight..... That’s absolutely self-defeating. Her tactics leave too many people behind.

Telling someone that works 6 days a week to afford an annual holiday that planes are bad and that the essential vehicle miles they drive annually are bad.... It’s moronic and hopelessly short sighted

Her messages are off putting. The messages are wrong.

A message delivered by a talented orator that boiled down to: “Working Class People: Your governments are letting you down. They should enable your efforts to do better for the Planet year on year”. That stands a chance. She’s not going to change humanity.

She’s shouting into the wind and we’re allowing it to be packaged into entertainment.

The Governments in place were elected by the people they rule. If she thinks she’s going to change government policy by having less public support than those ruling parties.... Good Luck. She’s not likeable. She’s preachy. She antagonises. She’s sanctimonious. She’s not pulling the people that matter in the direction that they need to go.

There’s a groundswell of environmental change that will have nothing like the impact that’s necessary. It’s a tiny group that will not make a dent in the real world. Anyone that thinks it will, needs to open their eyes a lot wider.
You're looking at it the wrong way. The MAJORITY of people want to do something not the minority.

However, a scorched earth view of people in the middle that don’t really know how to action change. Turning that middle into an enemy to fight..... That’s absolutely self-defeating. Her tactics leave too many people behind.

Telling someone that works 6 days a week to afford an annual holiday that planes are bad and that the essential vehicle miles they drive annually are bad.... It’s moronic and hopelessly short sighted

Her messages are off putting. The messages are wrong.

A message delivered by a talented orator that boiled down to: “Working Class People: Your governments are letting you down. They should enable your efforts to do better for the Planet year on year”. That stands a chance. She’s not going to change humanity.

She’s shouting into the wind and we’re allowing it to be packaged into entertainment.

The Governments in place were elected by the people they rule. If she thinks she’s going to change government policy by having less public support than those ruling parties.... Good Luck. She’s not likeable. She’s preachy. She antagonises. She’s sanctimonious. She’s not pulling the people that matter in the direction that they need to go.

There’s a groundswell of environmental change that will have nothing like the impact that’s necessary. It’s a tiny group that will not make a dent in the real world. Anyone that thinks it will, needs to open their eyes a lot wider.

I find your attitude very ironic. Yes I agree that her approach has the potential to do more harm than good, because it's so uncompromising, and because it gives off the impression she's speaking down to people from a position of wisdom and moral superiority. That's also how your points come across.

She's the Glastonspur of climate change.

It's not the message that grates. It's the delivery.

And when the same message was delivered in a way that didn't grate, and was delivered by the people she thinks people should pay more attention to, it got less air-time. Why is that? Everything involves trade-offs. A grating delivery doesn't some like a particularly big one.
She wears antifa T-shirts, a face mask wearing violent group with helmets, resembling ISIS extremists. But yeah you’re a cnut for feeling indifferent towards her and her approach to climate change.
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I find your attitude very ironic. Yes I agree that her approach has the potential to do more harm than good, because it's so uncompromising, and because it gives off the impression she's speaking down to people from a position of wisdom and moral superiority. That's also how your points come across.

Well there’s clearly a difference between her and I then isn’t there? Because you like her, but still see my point about her. Whereas she’s just leaving behind people with differing views.

The key point is; I’ve given her plenty of credit for what she believes and what she wants to do. I don’t have to portray her as bad, in order to say she’s doing so much wrong.

I’m also sensible enough to point out it’s not doing all that much to change the patterns of the people it needs to.

I don’t wear my understanding of her message as a warm blanket that lets me believe she’s changing anything.

The whole situation saddens me. I’m not anti Thunberg. I pity the poor girl. She has a big dream that’s being turned into eco-capitalism against her will. But she’s brought it on herself.
Well there’s clearly a difference between her and I then isn’t there? Because you like her, but still see my point about her. Whereas she’s just leaving behind people with differing views.

The key point is; I’ve given her plenty of credit for what she believes and what she wants to do. I don’t have to portray her as bad, in order to say she’s doing so much wrong.

I’m also sensible enough to point out it’s not doing all that much to change the patterns of the people it needs to.

I don’t wear my understanding of her message as a warm blanket that lets me believe she’s changing anything.

The whole situation saddens me. I’m not anti Thunberg. I pity the poor girl. She has a big dream that’s being turned into eco-capitalism against her will. But she’s brought it on herself.

I don't find her very likable, and personally I don't think you need to be likable to drive societal change. Undoubtedly it helps, but every iconic figure had gross flaws that sceptics, critics and others were all too happy to point out at the time. There's mountains of evidence of that. This idea that a flawed character is an unsuitable leader on a moral cause is a thoroughly modern notion, and while many iconic figures were likable and leveraged that to further their objectives, many of them weren't.

Beyond that, no I don't agree with how you distinguish yourself from her. Principally I disagree with the notion that you "don't have to portray her as bad". You don't portray her as evil, sure, but you portray her as bad in all sorts of ways. And then you use the "I'm not against her, I merely pity her" as cover for that. That pity, and the arguments you use to justify it, are what portray her as bad. The flaws she points out in other people and the flaws you point out in her are different, sure. But what makes them good or bad is simply your definition of it, which of course is always going to weighted in your favour. It's not an objective truth, and it's not a view I share. I think you do very much the same thing, from different positions, for similar reasons. And I don't think there's an issue with that, I just think it's a weird stick to beat her with in that context.
Yes but she’s not DOING anything. Is she? Lance Armstrong did more than any human being to raise Cancer awareness. It’s still not really ‘Doing’ though.

I don’t think she’s a net positive for being the face of climate change as she antagonises the people we need to win over to actually achieve something.

It’s a weird situation.

Any good that Lance Armstrong did was way overturned by him being a drug cheat.
To me there is no comparison between the two.

I have a huge amount of respect for anyone who has the courage of their convictions and has the guts to stand up for what they believe.

Like her or not, she has raised the profile of this important subject to a level that policies are being changed.

One small example. Bristol Airport wants to expand to allow it to take up to 12million passengers.
Historically that would have been accepted for commercial reasons.
But 2days ago, the Council rejected the application.
And the primary reason given was the damage to the environment by additional CO2 emissions.
Any good that Lance Armstrong did was way overturned by him being a drug cheat.
To me there is no comparison between the two.

I have a huge amount of respect for anyone who has the courage of their convictions and has the guts to stand up for what they believe.

Like her or not, she has raised the profile of this important subject to a level that policies are being changed.

One small example. Bristol Airport wants to expand to allow it to take up to 12million passengers.
Historically that would have been accepted for commercial reasons.
But 2days ago, the Council rejected the application.
And the primary reason given was the damage to the environment by additional CO2 emissions.

Not to go off topic, but that is a load of nonsense.

Tell that to the kids (and their parents) that Lance and his fiancee still visit at the Wapiyapi Camp every summer.
I haven't read through the whole thread, but some where saying about a kid being the front for climate change activism and her actually knowing nothing and not offering any solutions.

I am more inclined to listen to Attenborough, who uses up huge amounts of CO2 making lavish documentaries, but at least he is highlighting the issue by showing the actual effects and he does have at least part of a clue what he's talking about.

Also, he doesn't get hysterical about stuff.
Any good that Lance Armstrong did was way overturned by him being a drug cheat.
To me there is no comparison between the two.

I have a huge amount of respect for anyone who has the courage of their convictions and has the guts to stand up for what they believe

Like her or not, she has raised the profile of this important subject to a level that policies are being changed.

One small example. Bristol Airport wants to expand to allow it to take up to 12million passengers.
Historically that would have been accepted for commercial reasons.
But 2days ago, the Council rejected the application.
And the primary reason given was the damage to the environment by additional CO2 emissions.

Really hope that Greta doesn’t cheat in a bike race. You’re flaky.

Armstrong has done more good for humans than Greta ever will.

I can’t stand the guy really, but Greta will never impact the world at the level that he did.
I don't find her very likable, and personally I don't think you need to be likable to drive societal change. Undoubtedly it helps, but every iconic figure had gross flaws that sceptics, critics and others were all too happy to point out at the time. There's mountains of evidence of that. This idea that a flawed character is an unsuitable leader on a moral cause is a thoroughly modern notion, and while many iconic figures were likable and leveraged that to further their objectives, many of them weren't.

Beyond that, no I don't agree with how you distinguish yourself from her. Principally I disagree with the notion that you "don't have to portray her as bad". You don't portray her as evil, sure, but you portray her as bad in all sorts of ways. And then you use the "I'm not against her, I merely pity her" as cover for that. That pity, and the arguments you use to justify it, are what portray her as bad. The flaws she points out in other people and the flaws you point out in her are different, sure. But what makes them good or bad is simply your definition of it, which of course is always going to weighted in your favour. It's not an objective truth, and it's not a view I share. I think you do very much the same thing, from different positions, for similar reasons. And I don't think there's an issue with that, I just think it's a weird stick to beat her with in that context.

In what ways do I portray her as being bad? You’ve made that up. Or decided to cherry pick sound bites and ignore the totality of what I’ve said.

I say I Pity her for the exact reason that I stated. She has a goal. The world is pretending to reinforce it while they choose to make as much money from it as possible. They use printed or stated support for her to act as a shield against actually doing something. That must be would destroying.

Also... Trying to argue that a pre-internet era could see an unpopular person instigate necessary societal change.... Its so irrelevant. You know it is. It’s yet another coin in the well for why this isn’t working. Greta Thunberg is so on trend that Leo tweets support from his private jet on the way to the oscars?....

The world is fcuked. She is not doing anything to unfcuk it because she’s only speaking to the recipients of fcukery. She’s not stopping the fcuking. She’s not even taming the erect members that are preparing to Fcuk it further.

/Rant. Apologies for the final paragraph
What did Lance Armstrong ACTUALLY DO to cure cancer though? It's still not cured and he doesn't give any solutions.
Really hope that Greta doesn’t cheat in a bike race. You’re flaky.

Armstrong has done more good for humans than Greta ever will.

I can’t stand the guy really, but Greta will never impact the world at the level that he did.

I often follow your posts and in the main agree with you.
But on this I certainly don't. So we will have to agree to disagree.
I haven't read through the whole thread, but some where saying about a kid being the front for climate change activism and her actually knowing nothing and not offering any solutions.

I am more inclined to listen to Attenborough, who uses up huge amounts of CO2 making lavish documentaries, but at least he is highlighting the issue by showing the actual effects and he does have at least part of a clue what he's talking about.

Also, he doesn't get hysterical about stuff.

The guy is going to die pretty soon though. It's not him that's gonna inherit a inhabitable wasteland.
What did Lance Armstrong ACTUALLY DO to cure cancer though? It's still not cured and he doesn't give any solutions.

Good question...

He has done more than anyone else to taint the sport of cycling.
Not only did he cheat hundreds of clean cyclists but he continued to deny any wrong doing.

I am not saying he was the only one. Far from it. But he is one of the highest profile cheats.
I often follow your posts and in the main agree with you.
But on this I certainly don't. So we will have to agree to disagree.

Fair play mate.

I spent a couple of hours with Lance after his career had long finished. We were in a bar at a stage finish on the tour. Sat. Drank beer. Ate a huge pile of nuts (the irony). He’s just a regular dude. Psychotic drive and will to win. Flawed human. Entirely normal though. At his absolute centre he’s a salt of the earth Texan, exposed to things he wasn’t built to handle.

But he’s still a net good on humanity. The sheer number of people he got Cycling in America sees that be true.

I don’t see anything on the Thunberg scale that sees a shift towards her. Respect your standpoint though.
Good question...

He has done more than anyone else to taint the sport of cycling.
Not only did he cheat hundreds of clean cyclists but he continued to deny any wrong doing.

I am not saying he was the only one. Far from it. But he is one of the highest profile cheats.
There's no clean cyclists, there's just the ones that have way better drugs than the one testing them.

I find it amusing how almost everyone of them claim they've asthma when they get caught.
Fair play mate.

I spent a couple of hours with Lance after his career had long finished. We were in a bar at a stage finish on the tour. Sat. Drank beer. Ate a huge pile of nuts (the irony). He’s just a regular dude. Psychotic drive and will to win. Flawed human. Entirely normal though. At his absolute centre he’s a salt of the earth Texan, exposed to things he wasn’t built to handle.

But he’s still a net good on humanity. The sheer number of people he got Cycling in America sees that be true.

I don’t see anything on the Thunberg scale that sees a shift towards her. Respect your standpoint though.

You have no idea how envious I am of that experience! My all time favorite athlete, after CR7, and following his career/life after IT happened he seems like a good dude. He even shot me an email after I left him a comment on one of his Strava rides years ago.

Good question...

He has done more than anyone else to taint the sport of cycling.
Not only did he cheat hundreds of clean cyclists but he continued to deny any wrong doing.

I am not saying he was the only one. Far from it. But he is one of the highest profile cheats.

This is extremely simplified.

«but he continued to deny any wrong doing» - Not sure how you could hold that against him or anyone else? What was he supposed to do, just suddenly turn to a journalist and say «You know what? You seem like a nice guy, therefore I’m going to tell YOU what’s really going on». In for a inch in for a mile.
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Armstrong was also vindictive bully who actively attacked those who were a threat to him. A nasty, cheating, lying, unpleasant creep, really.

What that has to do with Greta Thunberg, I have no idea.
I know what she is. I know what she doesn’t do.

She doesn’t actually do anything.

She’s been packaged to be the face of a movement. Whisked off to Davos, sends a few tweets. Gives the odd speech.

The media dramatises and monetises the whole thing. It’s the emperors new clothes. By putting her on the odd magazine cover the Western World can pretend they’re effecting change. When in reality, nothing is changing. She’s not driving change. She wants everyone to stop flying and using cars. The world responds by using paper straws.

I don’t doubt her desire to make things different. She’s having no effect though. None. It’s all make believe smoke and mirrors. Pretending she’s making a genuine difference is part of the problem.

sounds like your issue isn't with greta but with the media itself, or something. she didn't ask to be the poster child of the movement, she just wants to protest and try and make change in the world she is growing up in. beause the adults are letting her generation down, and continue to do so. it's not her job to come up with the solutions to the problem right now. that doesn't mean she's fecking awesome.
I feel a little sorry for Greta , Shes said before that she didnt have a great childhood i think ( not that shes much more than a child now actually ) Its great she is passionate about climate change , lots of people are , and i think she echoes peoples frustration that not enough seems to be done about it . But to a large extent thats what she brings to the table , a voice for peoples frustration .

Beyond that i see a vulnerable young girl being paraded around the world by god knows who and at what cost to her own mental health . A target of ridicule and hate to many , look at the opinion on here , never mind the wider internet. If her 'team ' and family care about her own wellbeing i would hope they encourage her to maybe take a slighlty less confrontational attitude if she wants to do more real good and be respected while doing it . Twitter spats with trump ( yes i know its not one sided ) detract from what she is trying to acheive , as do emotional rants on camera ( How dare you! etc ) and also stunts like sailing across the seas on a catamaran , while the crew fly over so they can sail it back.

As regarding young people listening to her , i,m not so sure . My kids think she being exploited and listen far more closely to David Attenborough
sounds like your issue isn't with greta but with the media itself, or something. she didn't ask to be the poster child of the movement, she just wants to protest and try and make change in the world she is growing up in. she's fecking awesome.
Do you worry that she may be exploited behind the scenes in any way though ? used as a voice for other peoples ideas etc ? who writes her speeches , who decides where to go , who to be interviewed by ? Did she finish school for example ?