Greta Thunberg

It's the same with the people who are oh so concerned about her asperger's. They just don't have any arguments whatsoever, so that bullshit is all they have.
Typical response right here. Don't like it? Start being a dick about it. I think it's fine for people to point out these hypocrisies. You might think it's overstated. That's fine too.
Typical response right here. Don't like it? Start being a dick about it. I think it's fine for people to point out these hypocrisies. You might think it's overstated. That's fine too.
I think I know what I'm talking about, when I'm commenting on the way her autism is used as an excuse to somehow criticize what she and her parents are doing. Her autism is no reason to hide her away from the world, or to prevent her from being a social activist. The notion in itself is deeply ableist.
I think I know what I'm talking about, when I'm commenting on the way her autism is used as an excuse to somehow criticize what she and her parents are doing. Her autism is no reason to hide her away from the world, or to prevent her from being a social activist. The notion in itself is deeply ableist.
Except no one said that, and if you didn’t instantly try to be clever it could have been clarified or resolved without trying one up manship.
The only reason people bring forward any concerns about her autism is, that the girl simply doesn’t offer any real room for criticism. There is just nothing any serious and somewhat reasonable person could criticize about her. Yet they want her gone, so they claim that the poor autistic child shouldn’t be in that awful spot. That way, these people can look concerned instead of looking like complete idiots who somehow think it’s a great use of their time, to fanatically voice their ridiculous criticism about a child fighting against climate change.
I think I know what I'm talking about, when I'm commenting on the way her autism is used as an excuse to somehow criticize what she and her parents are doing. Her autism is no reason to hide her away from the world, or to prevent her from being a social activist. The notion in itself is deeply ableist.
You may well do, but you've conflated two entirely separate things to draw a single conclusion. Pointing out her hypocrisy isn't the same as attacking her Aspergers.
Except no one said that, and if you didn’t instantly try to be clever it could have been clarified or resolved without trying one up manship.
I never claimed anyone on here said anything like that.
Martin Luther King cheated on his wife, his message is therefore null and void in my opinion. Long live racism!

Crap analogy.

If MLK was a spoiled child who also happened to be massively racist then he would be annoying for being hypocritical and preaching in a judgemental fashion from a place of huge privilege.
The only reason people bring forward any concerns about her autism is, that the girl simply doesn’t offer any real room for criticism. There is just nothing any serious and somewhat reasonable person could criticize about her. Yet they want her gone, so they claim that the poor autistic child shouldn’t be in that awful spot. That way, these people can look concerned instead of looking like complete idiots who somehow think it’s a great use of their time, to fanatically voice their ridiculous criticism about a child fighting against climate change.

I want her gone because I find her annoying as feck.

It's amazing to me that finding a preachy, spoiled child annoying is somehow a controversial opinion. :lol:
I deal daily with teenagers and they all like Greta and find her an inspiration. The fact that some adults criticize her just makes them like her even more, so I hope angry adults keep throwing bs criticism at her.
Got to admit I don't have much of an opinion of her even now. Bringing her up as a topic is a great way to find out who's a cnut though.
Where's this hypocrisy?
Seriously? I'm sure the point will be made that she needs to live within society while she tries to change it, but doing things like flying in a sailing crew to sail to the UN summit doesn't reflect positively. Her carbon footprint will be far larger than mine will ever be. I think there's validity in questioning some decisions made here, while still agreeing with the intrinsic core of her message.
It's a sad indictment of our society that we focus so much on her personality rather than the incredible impact she is having on the world at such a young age.

She is not trying to solve climate change herself, she is trying to raise awareness and she's achieved that more than any one human being in our lifetime.

What has she done? It could be lots. I’m not very close to it. She doesn’t seem to have actually done much though.
Greta's class. It's bemusing the amount of vitriol that is thrown her way. I like her for the simple fact that so many grown men and women seem to be absolutely seething over this child.

How dare a child tell us we have fecked up the planet and now refuse to do anything about it. The cheek.
That was only in terms of "sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll". On a world wide stage, in terms of political aspirations student protest didn't achieve much, except perhaps destroy half of Paris (68). The 'World will End' scenarios were played out against the background of the Cold War, from the Cuba Missile Crisis through to the 'Star Wars' deployment by the US. Young peoples involvement in World wide events or expectations were severely limited by the 'grown ups' despite the numbers being on the side of the young.

In todays world young people all over the earth, although there maybe less of them in Europe, are much more politically aware, not just about climate change, but the demand for democracy, say e.g. in the Middle East, about Fair Trade issues, about the effects of (sometimes limited) warfare on refugees, ethnic cleansing etc.

Todays young people maybe less in numbers, but are more aware of the world around them. The fact that a 16/17 year old girl can draw the attention that Greta does on the world stage, is a phenomenon in its self. The need to 'do something', besides stamping your feet and howling at the moon, using the vote where in past generations 18 years olds couldn't be bothered, are all now very obvious to the young. Young people will have to lead the way, be prepared to sacrifice the lifestyles most still follow and above all organise on a World wide basis... but are they collectively willing, capable and energised enough?

Where are the next 1000 Greta's coming from, because it will be a numbers game in the end, it always is in the world of the homo sapiens?

She’s attempting a coup isn’t she?
What has she done? It could be lots. I’m not very close to it. She doesn’t seem to have actually done much though.

she is keeping the topic of climate change in the news as much as she can. That’s better than what most are doing with their lives. She’s not a scientist. She’s 17.
Seriously? I'm sure the point will be made that she needs to live within society while she tries to change it, but doing things like flying in a sailing crew to sail to the UN summit doesn't reflect positively. Her carbon footprint will be far larger than mine will ever be. I think there's validity in questioning some decisions made here, while still agreeing with the intrinsic core of her message.

i mean, any one individual’s carbon footprint means feck all at the end of the day, so to criticise her for that is just nonsense and just showcases who is a cnut and who isn’t.
This is not about one person’s footprint. Individual responsibility does feck all. It’s applying constant pressure to politicians and big business so serious change can happen.
I view Greta Thunberg with polite indifference. Perhaps because I am clueless about climate change.

But credit to her for having the courage to speak out. I don't imagine the pressure of public life is easy in the modern age, and certainly not at the age of seventeen.
i mean, any one individual’s carbon footprint means feck all at the end of the day, so to criticise her for that is just nonsense and just showcases who is a cnut and who isn’t.
This is not about one person’s footprint. Individual responsibility does feck all. It’s applying constant pressure to politicians and big business so serious change can happen.
You don't think they should be criticized when they fly a crew in for her to sail to the EU climate summit so that she can make a show of her not flying to the EU summit? And if they do notice that big dollop of steaming hypocrisy that makes them a cnut? Sure. OK.
To my mind the "she should reduce her own carbon footprint first" argument amounts to "she should know her place because she's no better than us". As if her campaigning is no more worthwhile than whatever the given whiney random pleb is up to.

Complaining that she has a bigger carbon footprint than most people is pretty silly when that carbon footprint has also allowed her to have many multiple times more impact than most people will have in their lifetime.

Might as well complain about any Farm Africa campaigner who doesn't pick up a trowel. Or even make a donation to Farm Africa. Bloody hypocrites asking us to do something they don't.
To my mind the "she should reduce her own carbon footprint first" argument amounts to "she should know her place because she's no better than us". As if her campaigning is no more worthwhile than whatever the given whiney random pleb is up to.

Complaining that she has a bigger carbon footprint than most people is pretty silly when that carbon footprint has also allowed her to have many multiple times more impact than most people will have in their lifetime.

Might as well complain about any Farm Africa campaigner who doesn't pick up a trowel.
Or vegans that enjoy a good steak.
To be fair, she's not really leading this issue. Things spiralled out of control and now she is "stuck" as the main symbol. I like Greta, but I don't turn to her for knowledge or guidance.

Greta herself also keeps stressing that we should listen to the actual scientists.

People are more inspired by an icon or someone who takes a stand. The scientists have been saying what she is saying for over 10 one listens because scientists are boring and just doing their job. She's now acting as their mouthpiece. She knows what she is doing even if she ended up in the position she's in by accident. She's one of the few people anyone listens to who actually relays any sense or speaks with any actual relevant intelligence.

I think this is also the point a lot of these weirdos who take shots at her miss. "Oh but she doesn't have any answers"...yes but she's making you pay attention to the people who do. "Oh but her carbon footprint lol"...if it wasn't for her you probably wouldn't even know what the term carbon footprint meant.

People are literally oblivious to how stupid they are. A lot of them seem to act as if they are somehow threatened by her...or maybe they are just threatened by the idea younger people might not be as stupid as they are.
You don't think they should be criticized when they fly a crew in for her to sail to the EU climate summit so that she can make a show of her not flying to the EU summit? And if they do notice that big dollop of steaming hypocrisy that makes them a cnut? Sure. OK.

no not really. I think focusing on individual bullshit like that instead of, for example, that Oil firms are still planning to pump 7m barrels of oil into the markets over the next decade, because.... profits is the problem.

individuals taking individual flights is not the problem. If it is then we’re all hypocrites because we all fecking fly.
no not really. I think focusing on individual bullshit like that instead of, for example, that Oil firms are still planning to pump 7m barrels of oil into the markets over the next decade, because.... profits is the problem.

individuals taking individual flights is not the problem. If it is then we’re all hypocrites because we all fecking fly.
Except it isn't an individual taking a flight. It's paying to fly people out to crew a boat so that an individual can say they didn't fly. It is possible to find the conduct of oil firms an enormous issue and still appreciate the hypocrisy in this. They aren't mutually exclusive and it doesn't make someone a cnut of give them an inferiority complex.
Except it isn't an individual taking a flight. It's paying to fly people out to crew a boat so that an individual can say they didn't fly. It is possible to find the conduct of oil firms an enormous issue and still appreciate the hypocrisy in this. They aren't mutually exclusive and it doesn't make someone a cnut of give them an inferiority complex.

What do you think would happen to global emissions if:

1. Greta is a schoolkid who stays at school and her crew doesn't take a flight and she doesn't give a speech.

2. Greta takes a flight to the UN without the involvement of a crew.

3. Greta gives it via video conference

4. Govts put restrctions on oil and invest in alternative energy production.

Which scenario produces more change?
What do you think would happen to global emissions if:

1. Greta is a schoolkid who stays at school and her crew doesn't take a flight and she doesn't give a speech.

2. Greta takes a flight to the UN without the involvement of a crew.

3. Greta gives it via video conference

4. Govts put restrctions on oil and invest in alternative energy production.

Which scenario produces more change?
You might want to read previous posts of my first before going down this route.
You might want to read previous posts of my first before going down this route.

i genuinely don't see the hypocrisy. there is no change to global emissions when 7 people take a flight, or 70, or 700.
7 people on a transcontinental flight is about 2000kg CO2, and daily worldwide emissions are about 100,000,000,000kg CO2. It literally does not register, it is less than a rounding error.
This charge of hypocricy is not an inability to see the forest for the trees, it is an inability to see the earth for a needle. It would be like criticising the writers of Magna Carta for using parchment since that was the product of exploitation. I do not know if there are phrases to describe the absurdity.
i genuinely don't see the hypocrisy. there is no change to global emissions when 7 people take a flight, or 70, or 700.
7 people on a transcontinental flight is about 2000kg CO2, and daily worldwide emissions are about 100,000,000,000kg CO2. It literally does not register, it is less than a rounding error.
This charge of hypocricy is not an inability to see the forest for the trees, it is an inability to see the earth for a needle. It would be like criticising the writers of Magna Carta for using parchment since that was the product of exploitation. I do not know if there are phrases to describe the absurdity.
You've missing a pretty large, yacht shaped object from your equation. Of perhaps you remove the yacht and the plane all together?

Or it would be like an activist tucking into a supermarket bought steak while campaigning against the welfare of the animals bought by that same supermarket. That animal is already dead so it doesn't make any difference, right?
You've missing a pretty large, yacht shaped object from your equation. Of perhaps you remove the yacht and the plane all together?

Or it would be like an activist tucking into a supermarket bought steak while campaigning against the welfare of the animals bought by that same supermarket. That animal is already dead so it doesn't make any difference, right?

not quite the same as there’s so many more alternatives to eating meat than alternative transport across the planet, which is kind of the point
she is keeping the topic of climate change in the news as much as she can. That’s better than what most are doing with their lives. She’s not a scientist. She’s 17.

Yes but she’s not DOING anything. Is she? Lance Armstrong did more than any human being to raise Cancer awareness. It’s still not really ‘Doing’ though.

I don’t think she’s a net positive for being the face of climate change as she antagonises the people we need to win over to actually achieve something.

It’s a weird situation.
not quite the same as there’s so many more alternatives to eating meat than alternative transport across the planet, which is kind of the point
Video link isn’t an alternative? in my opinion, that would’ve been a far more impactful stunt than to travel there in a £4m state-of-the-art yacht.