Film Greatest trilogy ever?




The Bale/Nolan Batman films are up there.

I reckon a dodgy 3rd installment should rule anything out of being "best". Its not really a great trilogy at that point. Its two great films and a crap/weak one.

They never made a 3rd GI Joe otherwise that would obviously sweep this thread clean.
Rises is the best batman installment. Come at me bro
Inspired by this thread I’ve started watching Batman Begins.

Had seemingly forgotten how awesome this movie is! All the attention naturally shifted to The Dark Knight and Dark Knight Rises - understandably so given the scale of those films - but Begins is brilliant in its own right.
BB is a fine film. It takes the character/s and source material as seriously enough without going too tonally dry and pretentious.

Sure there's a few elements that are goofy because, hey, it's a guy wearing a fancy dress outfit punching baddies, but Nolan keeps it all together with ease even with its imperfections.

Wally's cinematography is a highlight too.
Another good call - I'm not a huge Marvel fan but those 3 stand out for me. I'd also put a vote in for the Deadpool trilogy - I really enjoyed the latest one.

This is why we need Martin Scorsese posting here. When talking greatest films ever we don't need comic books . They belong in the wrestling thread with their steroid induced actors
BB is a fine film. It takes the character/s and source material as seriously enough without going too tonally dry and pretentious.

Sure there's a few elements that are goofy because, hey, it's a guy wearing a fancy dress outfit punching baddies, but Nolan keeps it all together with ease even with its imperfections.

Wally's cinematography is a highlight too.
Gotham looks grimier as well, rather than just Chicago.
Gotham looks grimier as well, rather than just Chicago.
Yep. I prefer it over TDK. The world building gives off more character.
There's a slither of Burton aesthetic running within the films overal design.
This is why we need Martin Scorsese posting here. When talking greatest films ever we don't need comic books . They belong in the wrestling thread with their steroid induced actors
Yeah but this discussion isn’t about greatest films ever; it’s about greatest trilogies. Outside of the Godfather (and the third instalment was shite), I can’t think of too many classic movies that were part of a trilogy.
Inspired by this thread I’ve started watching Batman Begins.

Had seemingly forgotten how awesome this movie is! All the attention naturally shifted to The Dark Knight and Dark Knight Rises - understandably so given the scale of those films - but Begins is brilliant in its own right.
Yeah it's sometimes kinda forgotten cos of TDK but it's excellent.
Rises looks meh on the first watch, but I found it a much better viewing on the second watch. The opening scene was absolutely fantastic
I thought Rises was brilliant ar first, and then it has gone down in my estimation simce then. Still good, mind, but the weakest of the trilogy and at least a few notches below The Dark Knight which is a legit masterpiece.
I actually had a convo about this with some buddies of mine not too long ago. We went so far as to make excel spreadsheets and assigning scores :lol:

(Godfather trilogy scored 245… 100/100/45)

WHAT !!! Empire strikes Back is the perfect film. ROTJ was good but not perfect.
Temple of Doom is a fair score.
The Ocean films, first 2, yeah I would agree, but the 3rd was average at best.
I thought Rises was brilliant ar first, and then it has gone down in my estimation simce then. Still good, mind, but the weakest of the trilogy and at least a few notches below The Dark Knight which is a legit masterpiece.
Rewatched Knight recently it's really good but it depends heavily on Ledger's performance.
LOTR, every movie is fantastic. The Godfather 1 and 2 is amazing, 3rd movie is poor though in comparison.
Don't know how people can view ROTJ as the second best SW film, unless they like Han Solo stood by a door for 45 minutes.
No wonder Ford wanted Solo killed off in Empire.
Back to the Future
Star Wars

there. done and done.