As good as those look visually, first person just isn't GTA.
As good as those look visually, first person just isn't GTA.
First person is optional thankfully
Yea I know, it's just weird.It's just an option, you don't have to use it.
As good as those look visually, first person just isn't GTA.
Yea I know, it's just weird.
As good as those look visually, first person just isn't GTA.
They explain all the work that went into making it 1st person - it's not just a lower camera view with your gun in the middle of the screen. All the animations had to be reworked. If you look down you can see you feet - so its sounds as though it has been done very well.
It adds something new to the experience though, I'd much rather Rockstar add stuff like that than just update the visuals.
Shit, was going to pass on this one but even though it's nothing innovative, the first person mode seems to be great fun. Question is will there be enough chances / additions to what we've seen in X360/PS3 for it to be worth it?
And that level of detail extends to every car, boat, and plane; they all have unique cockpits, so you’re never just plonked behind the same wheel. (Oh yeah, you can even duck down behind the steering wheel if you're being shot at.)
It's going to be great.They've clearly put so much thought into all of this.
Hmmm I dunno I think it would be difficult to do properly in first person. Maybe a bit of a novelty/good in certain situations but can imagine it controlling like crap a lot of the time.
I think the $1m is split between online and offline...which is a shame!!Pre-Ordered it tonight via Game. $1m free online cash when you get it from there. Well worth it!
How and why would it control bad mate?
I guess it depends how well they have done it really. Have they made a really good first person mode or was it just tacked on as a bit of a bonus? I just have a vision of GTA V combined with Skyrim in my head. I think in a lot of occasions for me anyway you needed to see what was going on around you in GTA games. Only a guess/opinion though I could be totally wrong. Still think it's a nice feature just don't think I'll be playing a lot in that mode.
This FPS shit looks incredible. I was on the fence about replaying this - but that's won me over.
Those stills look extra-ordinary but the trailer I've seen looked a bit meh graphics wise.