Gaming Grand Theft Auto V | 2022: GTA+ (monthly GTA Online subscription) announced exclusively for PS5/Xbox Series

I've a weird feeling it'll be out around release for the new consoles, just kept a big secret till then so sales for this gen still happen

The PC version is there, some of the screens and videos are clearly that.

I reckon next year we will see it, maybe after a DLC release or something as a GOTY pack or something along those lines.
GTAOnline will probably be a free download for Next gen consoles quite quickly with microtransactions now nearly confirmed.
GTAOnline will probably be a free download for Next gen consoles quite quickly with microtransactions now nearly confirmed.

When they make an obscene amount of money off the Facebook gaming crowd (you all know the type, some of you probably pay for shit like episodes of candy crush :lol:) then there'll be no stopping it.

It's actually making me not look forward to the online aspect as much.
Diablo 3's auction house got closed recently.....but yeah, this is a different crowd and will be absolutely all over it. Just as long as I can piss about in a free roam, all I care about.
When they make an obscene amount of money off the Facebook gaming crowd (you all know the type, some of you probably pay for shit like episodes of candy crush :lol:) then there'll be no stopping it.

It's actually making me not look forward to the online aspect as much.
You should, it's awesome. There's a strong amount of different missions/races you can do or just lark about in the open world. Had a deathmatch last night in the big fighter jets which was awesome. Hard enough not crashing, let alone trying to lock onto other planes whilst avoiding being shot down.
Probably different for each persons game.....gotta listen to the radio and other tidbits to get tips.

Just finished it, pretty much GOTG.
the only real way to make big money on the stock market in the game is through the Lesters assassination missions. Otherwise there is little movement in stock.

Disagree. Bank of Liberty stock was down massively after the end, I went big on that and it's more than doubled in growth. Its price was far too low. Some things you can just tell. I invested in Bleetr(sp) too. Since LifeInvader's showed no signs of coming back, its stock should only continue to rise in response. I reckon it's like the Apple of GTA.
Good. I bought a chopper after buying the Vespucci Helipad for Franklin and it wasn't there. Then the text came through to say it'd been delivered.

By the way, which option did people choose for the last mission? Are we still using spoilers by the way?

It's just that, regarding the last mission, there seems to be a trend that
choosing the loud option with the drill (which would be much more fun) gave me $25m each, whereas the others I've spoken to did it the other way and came up around $7m short of me.

I did the other way and got $28m each
I fecking love this game. I've done so much, but yet I've so much left to do. It seems endless.

It's also helped that I've completely steered away from cheats and will continue to do so until I have nothing left to see or do.
Okay so I did the 2nd heist which is that Shipyard/Cargo/Special Army heist thing... and have a question regarding it

Opted to go for the container on the ship (as I thought sinking a ship would be pretty cool), ballsed up the stealth bomb planting so it became a full on shoot out, got the cargo only for Lester to come along and say we have to return it - thus making no score.

Is this the outcome if you went for option B? The other container? Also, is it different if you remain totally stealth?
Okay so I did the 2nd heist which is that Shipyard/Cargo/Special Army heist thing... and have a question regarding it

Opted to go for the container on the ship (as I thought sinking a ship would be pretty cool), ballsed up the stealth bomb planting so it became a full on shoot out, got the cargo only for Lester to come along and say we have to return it - thus making no score.

Is this the outcome if you went for option B? The other container? Also, is it different if you remain totally stealth?

Same outcome.
I fecking love this game. I've done so much, but yet I've so much left to do. It seems endless.

It's also helped that I've completely steered away from cheats and will continute to do so until I have nothing left to see or do.

I loaded it up yesterday intending to do some story missions. Did none and ended up running round stabbing people with a monkey mask on.
I loaded it up yesterday intending to do some story missions. Did none and ended up running round stabbing people with a monkey mask on.


It's pretty much everything that GTA IV wasn't for me. The ridiculously fun factor is well and truly back.
I loaded it up yesterday intending to do some story missions. Did none and ended up running round stabbing people with a monkey mask on.


This does bring up a point I've been saying since San Andreas though, isn't the whole cop mechanic incredibly tired now? Instead of this rubbish hiding system they have going on, they should have expanded it, made real consequences for your actions.

For example, say you killed a load of people on a rampage in an area. The next time you go there, there should be fliers up and a vigilante mob, or maybe your name gets plastered over the redneck radio and you find hit patrols after you. Expanding on that, what about if you went back to that area to see the mob chasing the wrong person down the street who happens to look like you? It would add real depth and is very simple to do.

Running around stabbing people with a monkey mask on would be a lot more fun if it meant something further down the line. At the moment they just die, you walk down the road, turn around and it's all gone like nothing happened. I'd love for there to be a little more in that, you know make it more worthwhile.
Just stumbled across a slaughterhouse/butchers in south Los Santos, where a lot of factories/old buildings are. I found several pens filled with cows, so thought I'd jump in and push them around a bit. Turns out they die after one kick in the arse, which freaked the rest of the herd. Before I know it about 10 cows have burst out the pens. I chased after them and herded them onto a busy road...a truck slammed into a group of them and they went flying :lol:


This does bring up a point I've been saying since San Andreas though, isn't the whole cop mechanic incredibly tired now? Instead of this rubbish hiding system they have going on, they should have expanded it, made real consequences for your actions.

For example, say you killed a load of people on a rampage in an area. The next time you go there, there should be fliers up and a vigilante mob, or maybe your name gets plastered over the redneck radio and you find hit patrols after you. Expanding on that, what about if you went back to that area to see the mob chasing the wrong person down the street who happens to look like you? It would add real depth and is very simple to do.

Running around stabbing people with a monkey mask on would be a lot more fun if it meant something further down the line. At the moment they just die, you walk down the road, turn around and it's all gone like nothing happened. I'd love for there to be a little more in that, you know make it more worthwhile.

Not as far as fliers and your name on the radio, but this basic concept was employed in previous GTAs, even as far back as the original birds eye view version. You had meters to show how the various different gangs felt towards you, and if the rednecks (for example) hated you then they chased after you with guns when you went in their neck of the woods.

Same thing happened in Liberty City Stories iirc.

This does bring up a point I've been saying since San Andreas though, isn't the whole cop mechanic incredibly tired now? Instead of this rubbish hiding system they have going on, they should have expanded it, made real consequences for your actions.

For example, say you killed a load of people on a rampage in an area. The next time you go there, there should be fliers up and a vigilante mob, or maybe your name gets plastered over the redneck radio and you find hit patrols after you. Expanding on that, what about if you went back to that area to see the mob chasing the wrong person down the street who happens to look like you? It would add real depth and is very simple to do.

Running around stabbing people with a monkey mask on would be a lot more fun if it meant something further down the line. At the moment they just die, you walk down the road, turn around and it's all gone like nothing happened. I'd love for there to be a little more in that, you know make it more worthwhile.

Which reminds me, I hid behind a wall yesterday when around two or three police officers were chasing me on foot. Just as they were appraching my location, a man ran out from behind the wall instead of me and the cops started chasing him. So stuff of a similar nature does happen.
Not as far as fliers and your name on the radio, but this basic concept was employed in previous GTAs, even as far back as the original birds eye view version. You had meters to show how the various different gangs felt towards you, and if the rednecks (for example) hated you then they chased after you with guns when you went in their neck of the woods.

Same thing happened in Liberty City Stories iirc.

Yes indeed, versions of it have existed. It's a shame something like that hasn't been used and expanded upon since. It's already fun to blow the hell out of anyone you like, I often find myself spending ages chasing down some twat who dared cut me up, but once that's done there's nothing.

In San Andreas, before it was even half designed, I had a a long conversation with one of the main designers (I nearly ended up working there) about this and it was held off in that because of the whole turf war thing. Too much going on. The plan was at that time to think about it in the future, however the engine change held back 4 and I really expected this sort of thing to be put back into 5. Shame it's not really, but perhaps the next one will.
Which reminds me, I hid behind a wall yesterday when around two or three police officers were chasing me on foot. Just as they were appraching my location, a man ran out from behind the wall instead of me and the cops started chasing him. So stuff of a similar nature does happen.

Yes, you get that sort of thing (like if someone crashes their car) which is a neat little touch, but it's not really what I'm talking about.

That reminds me of another little thing, although this one is minor, they put little touches like that in that's very cool, but what about when they are coming to find you and the meter runs down just as they walk up to the car you are hiding behind. Isn't it really annoying how you just pop up, gun in hand and they completely ignore you, even talking to you?

Again, that's not really a gripe, more an observation :lol:
It has been made rather easy to escape from the cops, although I don't think I've had more than 3 stars yet.

Might have to make an effort for 5 stars at some point.

I remember earlier versions had a rating of the level of news you had made, varying from local paper to international news or something. That was pretty cool.

I don't understand why they ever subtract things from these games, they should just add improvements every time (apart from friendship levels in IV - that was gayer than men bumming)
I got on a roof as Trevor and sniped a good few people and only made it to 3 stars, what do you have to do to get 4?
It has been made rather easy to escape from the cops, although I don't think I've had more than 3 stars yet.

Might have to make an effort for 5 stars at some point.

I remember earlier versions had a rating of the level of news you had made, varying from local paper to international news or something. That was pretty cool.

I don't understand why they ever subtract things from these games, they should just add improvements every time (apart from friendship levels in IV - that was gayer than men bumming)


4 was stripped because they focused on the engine and making it look more realistic. 5 was always going to go back to the level of San Andreas, that was always the plan, however it's still pretty much exactly like that game released years ago. In fact, and since GTA5 has just come out this is probably going to be controversial (but when looked back on in time, more people will probably agree), Trevor aside I had more fun in San Andreas.

But hey, the next one might add a lot of that stuff back in :)
It's a shame you can't reclaim Grove Street and drive out da Ballas like you could in the past. Shooting up the bastards makes them die, but if you walk around the block and return there is a magical revival of 35 men in purple.
Ok, why would I take someone to the cultists instead of where they wanna go? No spoilers please...

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Ok, why would I take someone to the cultists instead of where they wanna go? No spoilers please...

Sent using Tapatalk.

Money. Plus feck them, freeloading wankers. If they come up to a redneck in the desert asking for a lift, what do they expect???

I've been told I take this too seriously. But god damn, even virtual people piss me off...
Some drunk guys asked me to take one of them home, I drove the car off a pier.
Some of these missions are really getting brilliant. Did the one where you fire at a private jet with a high powered rifle, then chase it down through the country/desert on a dirtbike with Trevor until it crash lands, that was cool. And just now did the mission where you hijack the cargo plane while flying that cropduster :lol:
I bought some old pier in the North West of the map the other day hoping it'd make me money. Nope, just activated some bottom of the ocean rummaging where I have to do work to earn money.
Just raided a weed farm, that was a fairly nice score and it said you can return again in a few days. Easy money.