I'm aware how a Ponzi scheme works. You can say it's rather a pyramid scheme, because legally it may not be striaght up fraud, but that distinction makes little difference to me.
And what do you mean no payment claims when you wrote yourself:
" That aside, the token values are in fact tied to the real life players because the users are awarded with ticket discounts and similar incentives if the real life players perform well. "
Do you think those fall from the sky? We have literally seen the same model go bust in spectacular fashion with football index. The platform doesn't generate any money through players performing well, yet one of the main lures is that they will pay out based on players performing well. So the money, as well as operational costs, has to come from somewhere else: namely selling new tokens/"shares" to customers. And that's the pyramid scheme: new sales cover the obligations from old sales, once sales dry up they go bust.
Someone pitched these clubs "we want to copy that pyramid scheme that cost fans in losses in the 9 figure region. Want to help us sell it to your fans?" And they said yes, probably for a sum that's pocket change to them.
How can anyone not be disgusted at this behavior?
Great that it doesn't matter to you, then I'm sure you will be just as disgusted by the other industries Bundesliga clubs, among them yours, happily cooperate with
Anyway, I believe it is a ridiculous suggestion that managers of Bundesliga clubs would consciously participate in a pyramid scheme for a few extra bucks, probably not even the seven digits. But it is pretty telling that you honestly believe Rolfes would go "A pyramid scheme?! HELL YES, where can I subscribe?"
That's my signal that we shluld stop here