I think it hasn't been covered here but with the current results, very small changes could huge potentially huge implications on Germany's military support of Ukraine and its general ability to invest money. Since 2009, there is a mechanism in the constitutional law called Schuldenbremse ("debt brake") that limits the amount of debt the state can accumulate to a percentage of the GDP. In order to change this mechanism, you need a two thirds majority in the Bundestag. Right now, CDU/CSU, SPD and Greens fall short of less than 1% of this majority. SPD and Greens see a change of this mechanism as mandatory for future spendings. Habeck was nothing short of devastated about that in an interview yesterday night, claiming that people haven't realized how complicated this will make, for instance, the support of Ukraine, especially since the opposition will likely not support them. AfD is basically a Russian agent and the Lefts have historical ties to Russia as well. Merz was opposed to changing the Schuldenbremse up until a year ago, in recent times he's changed his stance on that. Thing is, he has pretty ambitious plans and he needs money for that. So even if they get through the very difficult coalition negotiations, this could make things even more complicated.