There is no turn away from the Liberal Democrat West. In fact, China is being isolated, as Western funds flee the CCP's country.
The small adventure in Gaza has resulted in symbolic protests and a slight loss in moral authority. All it will result in is slightly greater leeway for the sadly Non-Liberal Democratic allies of the West to exercise their genetic impulses towards Authoritarianism.
The joint Western front in protecting its homeland from the flood of cheap CCP solar panels and wind turbines, overproduced cynically by the Communist Party to fight an economic downturn, will mean further economic problems in China. Even better, globbal warming will absolutely devastate China as well as the Non-Western Non-Liberal Democracies it would have tried to forge into a Anti-Democratic Front, while the more advanced West, with favourable geography and money, will be better placed to withstand the effects of climate change.
Long live the west, the guiding light for world progress and morality against the Oriental Hordes and the Communist Savages over the last 400 years.