
There's something very craven and "avert your eyes and take what you're damn well given from the master civilisation" about the mindset of that second paragraph, especially in the context of a thread about a truly grim topic. Do you think the tens of thousands of women and children wiped out or those bombed in that shelter the other day will have been thinking " oh, well, at least the ones slaughtering us with extreme medieval collective punishment in an extended almost year long frenzy have cultural ties to regions of historic innovation, better them than the failed state mafia Russians or the more repressive, comparitively unimaginative Chinese". A country or region having great internal individual/societal achievements that reverberate beyond borders, often through no particular direct good-will should never be a shield for all the very bad stuff they've also done. People in South America/Africa and other regions have a vast amount of legitimate reasons to have animosity for the various historic powers, regardless of some having a superior internal governance historically than others.

"how to make a reply on the internet without actually replying the points you are replying to"
your reply is nothing but a bunch of strawmen
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ironically as an Asian myself I feel there is more arrogance in your post than the western posters here. there are 4.5 billion Asians and your “us living in asia” talk like you speak on behalf of all of us when our minds and ideologies are so diverse.

let’s be honest the westerners are not saint but the lives of the global south have been tremendously improved due to the presence of the “west” many of them hate. go check which countries invented things like flush toilet, light blub, motor cars, fridge, tv, internet, phones, and all sort of medical discoveries which helped increased hamanity’s life expectancy from 40 to 70 and so on. there is a reason why most innovations occur in democratic countries.

Apropos of nothing: The Metamorphosis of Ajax
ironically as an Asian myself I feel there is more arrogance in your post than the western posters here. there are 4.5 billion Asians and your “us living in asia” talk like you speak on behalf of all of us when our minds and ideologies are so diverse.

let’s be honest the westerners are not saint but the lives of the global south have been tremendously improved due to the presence of the “west” many of them hate. go check which countries invented things like flush toilet, light blub, motor cars, fridge, tv, internet, phones, and all sort of medical discoveries which helped increased hamanity’s life expectancy from 40 to 70 and so on. there is a reason why most innovations occur in democratic countries.
With regards to your second paragraph, do you think the colonisation and plundering of the global south's resources by the global north may have had some impact on the global north's technological advancements?

What is the reason most innovations happen in democratic countries, in your opinion?
When it comes to foreign policy, which is how the world can judge it, yeah sure. Are china and thailand doing anything worse than gaza right now?
I mean, China is literally putting their Muslims in concentration camps in tens of thousands and destroying the local communities so that they have nothing to do with Islam so I don't know if this genocide and over a million detained (who knows how many dead) is "worse than gaza", it's just funny seeing devoted Muslims looking at China as their saviour.

It is so intellectually lazy to put all the "West" together and make every state responsible for the atrocities of Israel, when you had countries and politicians (like Pedro Sanchez) that went to great lengths to help Palestinians.

having worked for a few years in some international cooperation agencies, I think it's time to slowly extinguish the "Western high moral ground" myth. Take the gloves off and be more decisive in defending the Western influence and interest around the world. Ramp up not only military efforts but also espionage and propaganda activities trying to destabilise those that try to destabilise us. Luckily, at least in the EU, it's slowly (very slowly) but surely happening, France having a much bigger say after Brexit and German appeasement failure followed by their policy change had a big influence on this. And we should see more of this, it's impressive how quickly Germany got their Rheinmetall up to speed, there's more and more talk about the EU army and the cooperation between intelligence is closer than ever.

and the West will always be the place to migrate if you're brilliant, because a vast majority of the people dream of freedom and living in democracy, so the brain drain that's been ongoing for centuries is not going to stop.
China keeps it's own citizens purposefully ignorant on it's own very recent history.

They've always done that in the past even during Emperor times (each Emperor would re-write parts of history). It's part of their culture and I think they don't see anything wrong with doing so, as long as it serves solving a bigger agenda.
Exactly but the west pretends like it does.

everything is a matter of relativity

20 years of USA's invasion and occupation of Afghanistan killed around 46k to 50k Afghan civilians
while 9 years of USSR's invasion of the same country killed 2 million Afghan civilians

In WW2, if you are a soldier held prisoner of war by German, Japanese or USSR, there is 30-50% chance that you will die of unnatural causes
If you are an axis soldier captured by USA/UK, there is less than 0.1% chance that you will die of unnatural causes

But of course, calling "everyone is equally bad, only that some are hypocrites" is an easy cliché to make in the internet world in 2020s
May I just raise the point that @Pintu has contributed 1 sentence and 3 tweets to this thread he started. Is the point a discussion or are you just creating a extra wall for your tweets!?
Maybe Japan have given a formal response to the ambassadors going to a different ceremony that indicates they will be aligning their interests away from USA/Europe and other regional powers aligned with the 'West'?
May I just raise the point that @Pintu has contributed 1 sentence and 3 tweets to this thread he started. Is the point a discussion or are you just creating a extra wall for your tweets!?
This - I don't see that any of the tweets in this thread indicate that any state is distancing itself from the 'West'? It looks more like an excuse to go down the well-trodden path of criticising certain policies.
everything is a matter of relativity

20 years of USA's invasion and occupation of Afghanistan killed around 46k to 50k Afghan civilians
while 9 years of USSR's invasion of the same country killed 2 million Afghan civilians

In WW2, if you are a soldier held prisoner of war by German, Japanese or USSR, there is 30-50% chance that you will die of unnatural causes
If you are an axis soldier captured by USA/UK, there is less than 0.1% chance that you will die of unnatural causes

But of course, calling "everyone is equally bad, only that some are hypocrites" is an easy cliché to make in the internet world in 2020s
this is very true but there is a certain optimism in the last sentence - it's hard to take the hysterical and nonsense Western voices "everyone is equally bad and we are as bad as Russia" seriously, so nobody does that.
Nagasaki city get their event boycotted by the US, France and Germany (alongside other G7 countries ) because these democracies think that not inviting the genocidal Israeli regime makes the Japanese Ceremony illegitimate.

Quite right. If you want to virtue signal you should be sent outside the tent. This isn't a game.

Back in the real world we are in the twilight realm between cold and hot war. On one side is Russia, North Korea, Iran and China. On the other, America, European Union, UK, Ukraine, Israel, Australia. Everyone else needs to pick a side and accept the consequences. Because when China hits Taiwan there will be nowhere for the poseurs, tankies and sectarians to hide.
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Quite right. If you want to virtue signal you should be sent outside the tent. This isn't a game.

Back in the real world we are in the twilight realm between cold and hot war. On one side is Russia, South Korea, Iran and China. On the other, America, European Union, UK, Ukraine, Israel, Australia. Everyone else needs to pick a side and accept the consequences. Because when China hits Taiwan there will be nowhere for the poseurs, tankies and sectarians to hide.

I think you may have meant North Korea ;)
everything is a matter of relativity

20 years of USA's invasion and occupation of Afghanistan killed around 46k to 50k Afghan civilians
while 9 years of USSR's invasion of the same country killed 2 million Afghan civilians

In WW2, if you are a soldier held prisoner of war by German, Japanese or USSR, there is 30-50% chance that you will die of unnatural causes
If you are an axis soldier captured by USA/UK, there is less than 0.1% chance that you will die of unnatural causes

But of course, calling "everyone is equally bad, only that some are hypocrites" is an easy cliché to make in the internet world in 2020s

And what of the millions of Iraqis killed by the US? Or the many countries bombed by the US in their history including the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima?

And how many people did the British kill or allow to starve in India? How many geopolitical messes have Britain and the US caused with their colonial foreign policy?
Quite right. If you want to virtue signal you should be sent outside the tent. This isn't a game.

Back in the real world we are in the twilight realm between cold and hot war. On one side is Russia, South Korea, Iran and China. On the other, America, European Union, UK, Ukraine, Israel, Australia. Everyone else needs to pick a side and accept the consequences. Because when China hits Taiwan there will be nowhere for the poseurs, tankies and sectarians to hide.
You very much overestimate Russia if you think they're on China's side on equal terms. They are China's dogs and China owes them nothing, as often publicly highlighted by Chinese diplomacy. And South Korea is much closer to the US-EU axis than to China
Quite right. If you want to virtue signal you should be sent outside the tent. This isn't a game.

Back in the real world we are in the twilight realm between cold and hot war. On one side is Russia, South Korea, Iran and China. On the other, America, European Union, UK, Ukraine, Israel, Australia. Everyone else needs to pick a side and accept the consequences. Because when China hits Taiwan there will be nowhere for the poseurs, tankies and sectarians to hide.
Oh there you are glazed. Missed you..hope you’re well.

I don’t think this is about sides. All the countries you have listed have blood on their hands. And the lasting legacies of British colonialism are still being felt today across the world, whilst US imperialism is alive and well, still causing death and destruction as we speak.
And what of the millions of Iraqis killed by the US? Or the many countries bombed by the US in their history including the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima?
Did the US kill millions of Iraqis? There was a lot of sectarian violence. The US itself did not bomb millions of Iraqis to death but ofcourse one can blame the US for having unleashed a chain of violence by the invasion itself.

Also, bombing Nagasaki/Hiroshima, really?
And what of the millions of Iraqis killed by the US? Or the many countries bombed by the US in their history including the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima?

And how many people did the British kill or allow to starve in India? How many geopolitical messes have Britain and the US caused with their colonial foreign policy?

I am showing strong stats showing that "different countries are showing different levels of evil-ness in similar scenarios" and your "what about other bad things they did???!" questions are irrelevant to my point

btw, of the 200k-1million (varied according to sources) estimated deaths in Iraq, it is estimated that 20-50k (varied according to sources) were killed by USA's fire. The rest (90-95%) were done by the militants.
Did the US kill millions of Iraqis? There was a lot of sectarian violence. The US itself did not bomb millions of Iraqis to death but ofcourse one can blame the US for having unleashed a chain of violence by the invasion itself.

Also, bombing Nagasaki/Hiroshima, really?
Er yes they did.

And why am I not allowed to bring up Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Do you feel those strikes were justified?
I am showing strong stats showing that "different countries are showing different levels of evil-ness in similar scenarios" and your "what about other bad things they did???!" questions are irrelevant to my point
You are using Afghanistan as an example and ignoring other conflicts. If you want to do a through in depth look at how many civilians each country has killed then be my guest.
Er yes they did.

And why am I not allowed to bring up Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Do you feel those strikes were justified?
The US did not bomb millions of Iraqis to death.

Because Nagasaki/Hiroshima were in a WW2 context where brutality was inflicted by all sides.
The US did not bomb millions of Iraqis to death.

Because Nagasaki/Hiroshima were in a WW2 context where brutality was inflicted by all sides.
Oh my bad, that makes it ok then. In the context of war, in a world where no one had used a nuclear weapon before and in response to an attack on a military complex, the Americans decided to kill 250,000 civilians. Yes that should be allowed.
The US did not bomb millions of Iraqis to death.

Because Nagasaki/Hiroshima were in a WW2 context where brutality was inflicted by all sides.
It would also be odd if after 80 years states now decided to use it as a reason to pivot from the US. Which is what this thread is meant to be about.
Er yes they did.

And why am I not allowed to bring up Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Do you feel those strikes were justified?

Guess you are the kind of guy who confidently and indignantly point your finger and scream "you evil killer!" at the guy who pulled the lever in the Trolley Problem
Oh my bad, that makes it ok then. In the context of war, in a world where no one had used a nuclear weapon before and in response to an attack on a military complex, the Americans decided to kill 250,000 civilians. Yes that should be allowed.
I mean, I'm not saying it's OK and there is a lively debate among historians about the use of the bombs. But it was 80 years ago and it happened during WW2. What are we arguing here exactly?
Oh my bad, that makes it ok then. In the context of war, in a world where no one had used a nuclear weapon before and in response to an attack on a military complex, the Americans decided to kill 250,000 civilians. Yes that should be allowed.

Any sane minds knows that if nuclear bomb was not deployed and USA used conventional warfare to invade the japan island, the Japan civilian casualty would be in terms of millions.

it is better not to adopt "nuclear bomb moral exceptionalism".
Guess you are the kind of guy who confidently and indignantly point your finger and scream "you evil killer!" at the guy who pulled the lever in the Trolley Problem
Nope. You are conflating a theoretical exercise with something that actually happened. If you must know, I wouldn’t have pressed the button to killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people. Call me a lunatic I know!
Nope. You are conflating a theoretical exercise with something that actually happened. If you must know, I wouldn’t have pressed the button to killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people. Call me a lunatic I know!
But what is your point?

Did the US kill millions of Iraqis? There was a lot of sectarian violence. The US itself did not bomb millions of Iraqis to death but ofcourse one can blame the US for having unleashed a chain of violence by the invasion itself.

This is accurate. A vast majority of deaths were sectarian violence between groups like Al-Qaeda in Iraq and the Mehdi Army and all their respective sectarian allies, but the conditions on the ground that allowed these groups to become players was facilitated by the invasion and removal of Saddam.
Any sane minds knows that if nuclear bomb was not deployed and USA used conventional warfare to invade the japan island, the Japan civilian casualty would be in terms of millions.

it is better not to adopt "nuclear bomb moral exceptionalism".
Oh do me a favour. This is western society writing the history books where the victor come out smelling of roses and justifying their actions.

If the shoe was on the other foot, would you accept 250,000 Brits or Americans being obliterated by a nuclear bomb? I don’t think so.

This is another example of western society deeming non white lives expendable, whereas they would never accept the same fate for their own
You are using Afghanistan as an example and ignoring other conflicts. If you want to do a through in depth look at how many civilians each country has killed then be my guest.

why was there a 50000% difference of death rates between being captured by USA/UK and being captured by USSR/Japan/Germany? Wasnt it because US/UK didn't adopt systematic torture of POWs?
why USA fighting in the same place for 20 years caused 95% less civilian death than USSR invading the same place? Wasn't it because USA was a little bit more careful in avoiding civilian deaths compared with USSR?

These are the points I tried to show. USA or other "west" members are very far from morally perfect, but they are surely not "just the same as Russia, China or random african autocrat" as some think.
But what is your point?
?? What is yours? I’m responding to posts which claim the west is somehow more saintly in their conduct than other parts of the world when it isn’t. I’m also responding to posters claiming nuclear attacks are justified.
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You very much overestimate Russia if you think they're on China's side on equal terms. They are China's dogs and China owes them nothing, as often publicly highlighted by Chinese diplomacy. And South Korea is much closer to the US-EU axis than to China

Apologies I meant North Korea. South Korea are on our side. And yes you are correct - China is the senior partner in all of this.
?? What is yours? I’m responding to posts which claim the west is somehow more saintly int shirt conduct than other parts of the world when it isn’t. I’m also responding to posters claiming nuclear attacks are justified.
Ok, so nothing to do with the West actually becoming isolated?
why was there a 50000% difference of death rates between being captured by USA/UK and being captured by USSR/Japan/Germany? Wasnt it because US/UK didn't adopt systematic torture of POWs?
why USA fighting in the same place for 20 years caused 95% less civilian death than USSR invading the same place? Wasn't it because USA was a little bit more careful in avoiding civilian deaths compared with USSR?

These are the points I tried to show. USA or other "west" members are very far from morally perfect, but they are surely not "just the same as Russia, China or random african autocrat" as some think.

Abu-Ghraib says hi.
Oh do me a favour. This is western society writing the history books where the victor come out smelling of roses and justifying their actions.

If the shoe was on the other foot, would you accept 250,000 Brits or Americans being obliterated by a nuclear bomb? I don’t think so.

This is another example of western society deeming non white lives expendable, whereas they would never accept the same fate for their own

Which country are you from? I am from Hong Kong and technically China anyway. what is the "western society" you are pointing finger at?

to be frank with you, If my country is doing what Japan did in WWII, I would call what my country suffers as a result a karma.