Film Gene Hackman (95), wife (63) and dog (?) found dead at home

Really sad. Seems to me like his wife was caring for him, as he had advanced Alzheimer’s. When she died he was likely confused and disorientated, not knowing what to do. It’s even feasible, moment to moment that he forgot she had passed, potentially discovering the body several times, leading to further confusion about what happened and his role in it. Without anyone to care for him, it was seemingly only a matter of time before he died.

That’s my supposition, and it’s a pretty distressing one. The thought of a fully dependent altzheimer’s sufferer having their sole caregiver, and spouse, unexpectedly die gives rise to a bleak vision of what that nine day period must’ve been like for him. A screen legend and wonderful presence who will be missed.

Easy to say in retrospect I guess but it seems bizarre that there wouldn’t be some kind of backup support in place just in case anything ever happened to her. I know she was fairly young so they probably didn’t think of it but still. Kinda crazy she managed his care all by herself in the first place, given how advanced his condition was.
Really sad. Seems to me like his wife was caring for him, as he had advanced Alzheimer’s. When she died he was likely confused and disorientated, not knowing what to do. It’s even feasible, moment to moment that he forgot she had passed, potentially discovering the body several times, leading to further confusion about what happened and his role in it. Without anyone to care for him, it was seemingly only a matter of time before he died.

That’s my supposition, and it’s a pretty distressing one. The thought of a fully dependent altzheimer’s sufferer having their sole caregiver, and spouse, unexpectedly die gives rise to a bleak vision of what that nine day period must’ve been like for him. A screen legend and wonderful presence who will be missed.

Jesus that’s horrific.
Someone should have been checking on them. Two seniors and one with altzheimer's. Neither one of them didn't have any other family? It's just so sad.
Someone should have been checking on them. Two seniors and one with altzheimer's. Neither one of them didn't have any other family? It's just so sad.
Very very sad but I’m sure the family will be around when their assets are distributed.

What a horrible way for them both to go and heartbreaking that a legend of film should be alone after losing his wife.
The thing about family is that it's easy to drift apart - for a weekly contact to become a monthly one. Especially if you think that because it's a couple, if one gets hurt the other will act.

Alzheimer's complicates everything but the decline won't necessarily be immediately obvious to anyone except the other partner. Especially if the person is mobile and seems to be eating and drinking and interacting (even with massive gaps) when you do see them - the role of the partner in managing that can be underestimated.

There really is an advantage to having an outsider - a housekeeper who pops in a couple of times week or something. Even if you don't need their physical help, they're a safety net.

That said some of these things can happen to you at any age. Especially if you live alone. A colleague of mine didn't show up at work one day - no phone call or other contact. When it happened again the next day, people started worrying. Worried enough to go round to his house and look for him. Worried enough then to track down a neighbour with a key and find him in bed and suffering from acute meningitis.

An injury or an illness can turn you from self sufficient into helpless in an instant. We all need to be aware of how vulnerable we really are. Even if all it amounts to is that tick on the WhatsApp message that doesn't go from grey to blue - noticing someone's missing is important.

If you don't have someone who'll notice then you need a backup.
Did they confirm how the dog got locked in a box in the closet then?

It wasn’t in a closet. It was in some form of dog crate, seemingly because it had just had some form of medical procedure. So sad that trying to keep it safe appears to have ultimately led to its death.