Film Gene Hackman (95), wife (63) and dog (?) found dead at home

Crimson Tide is criminally underrated.

I thought he was brilliant in most things I saw him in, sad news.
He was awesome as Colonel Nathan R. Jessep in A Few Good Men and as Frank Lopez in Scarface.
He's one those "weird" actors for me. I hear his name all the time and I know exactly what he looks like and yet I can't remember a single role he played (although I have seen a few of the shittier films on his IMDb list).

Should I watch The French Connection, Unforgiven or The Conversation? The last one is already on my watchlist, I think.
French Connection and The Firm
He's one those "weird" actors for me. I hear his name all the time and I know exactly what he looks like and yet I can't remember a single role he played (although I have seen a few of the shittier films on his IMDb list).

Should I watch The French Connection, Unforgiven or The Conversation? The last one is already on my watchlist, I think.

He'll always be Lex Luthor to me.
Damn, if someone had asked me Gene Hackmans age, I would have guessed 70.

There's a generation of fantastic actors who are really getting on in years now:

Morgan Freeman (87), Michael Caine (91), Anthony Hopkins (87), Judi Dench (90), Robert Duval (94), Jack Nicholson (87), Dustin Hoffman (87), Clint Eastwood (94), Al Pacino (84)
I'm more offended that the fecking Royal Tenenbaums is his go to pick for a good Hackman movie!
RIP, Seems highly probable CO leak?

Detectors cost a few £, if you've got a gas boiler I'd get one asap.
Why is there a question mark after dog? Is the dog potentially on the run as a suspect?
Mississippi Burning, was on holiday in the lake district when I first watched that as a kid, loved it.

Enemy of the state was fairly decent too
He brought a certain subtle intensity to his roles that felt completely engrossing.

It's hard to describe and even stranger still when you only looked at his relatively chubby and benign countenance in pictures but in action he was seemingly capable of defying all that like no other.

His performance in French connection for example brought a certain unease and added layers to an otherwise routine police procedural, I don't think there's anyone left quite like him.

He brought a certain subtle intensity to his roles that felt completely engrossing.

It's hard to describe and even stranger still when you only looked at his relatively chubby and benign countenance in pictures but in action he was seemingly capable of defying all that like no other.

His performance in French connection for example brought a certain unease and added layers to an otherwise routine police procedural, I don't think there's anyone left quite like him.


I don't watch many films - mostly thrillers and comedies when I do - but Gene Hackman was one of those types of actors that I always really enjoyed watching. And enjoyed a number of his films.

'Subtle intensity' is a good way of wording it. Harrison Ford is another I've always enjoyed for similar reasons. I just buy them in the roles they're playing, and think they do it well with a subtle but serious delivery. And yet they also have quite an engaging likability beyond that seriousness.

Very sad to hear the news of his death. Not surprising given his age, but shocking the way it's come about and the death of his wife and their pet at the same time.
Kind of goes under the radar, but I thought he was really good in The Birdcage with Robin Williams,
Thought he was great in The Firm.

I stopped watching The Conversation I was so bored.

Crimson Tide was okay.

Best work was Unforgiven, little Bill.
Yeah same. I was telling my partner who didn't know who he was and I was like "he was in loads of stuff...he was in..... erm... *checks imdb* oh not that much I know actually."
Same! I told my partner and she said, wasn't he the original Willy Wonka and I immediately said yes!
Seems he was very underrated by many given the number of decent films getting listed here, just to add another Bat*21 wasn't bad either
I think after Welcome to Mooseport he realised acting wasn't for him anymore, if I recall the problems they had with the production and the director, he just went into unannounced retired shortly after that