This video was honestly just a platform he gave specifically chosen Qatari representatives the chance to defend themselves against everything they're accused of. And you could argue that is a chance they deserve and he's given them that and fair play, but it is in no way a highlighting of their issues. There is a very calculated limited depth of facts spoken about across this entire video.
He wants to sit on the fence and make his money. And unfortunately he can't say that out loud. So he's going to have to eat a bit of shit till about January, and then the world will forget all about it.
Well the programme covers gay rights, migrant workers, alcohol etc so absolutely it is highlighting the issues but its Sky Sports Overlap, not BBC Panorama so really cant expect much more than this. Still I think in actually visiting the worker camps (pretty depressing so hardly showing Qatar in a great light) that he does a half decent job at least.
From what Ive seen he's been pretty consistent in his views on the World Cup in Qatar for years - he's tended to go down the 'WC can bring positive change' road rather than scream about corruption, death etc so I dont know what he's ever said that now has him accused of hyprocrisy