Gareth Bale | Mourinho: "Game over. Now everyone knows he's going to stay."

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That I understand, but to say Madrid don't give a feck is nonsense. Perez invested everything and then some in Bale project.

Let's see what happens at the close of the window. I bet Perez will sell him off in a heart beat.
There's not any suggestions from credible sources that we're seriously interested in him or anyone else at this stage.

Wouldn't surprise me if we're done for the window
There's not any suggestions from credible sources that we're seriously interested in him or anyone else at this stage.

Wouldn't surprise me if we're done for the window
The only thing thats the talking point is Marca's recent agenda against Bale, we all know the cycle at Madrid when they want to move a player out, they start with propaganda against the player in Marca so the fans start turning and when they sell the blow back isn't against the club but the player himself for leaving.
He hasn't played 140 games in the same period Bale has been at Madrid. That's indisputable fact.

You're too stupid to debate with. The point is mentioning other competitions has no correlation to league appearances. Have a good evening.
How many games have both players missed through injury though? That's what I'd like to know..
I agree with all points you made.
But you have not addressed his injury problems. He doesn't play many games.

Well I think it's a concern for everyone, but just because he's been injured a lot before doesn't automatically mean that he's going to continue getting injured in the future.
It might be a gamble but it's definitely one worth doing. Having Bale in the team makes us so much better, and even if we would be extremely cautious and rest him some games and only play him 60min in others it would still be such a massive improvement over what we have atm that for me it's a no brainer.
Rumour is they would sell him only with De Gea going the other way. Sorry, but no thank you. Bale is injury prone as it is and seeing De Gea go the other way isn't worth it to me. He'll be needed more than ever this season. Has to be other wingers available, Dembele as one I see on here. I like the idea of playing a winger on one flank and more of a central player cutting in on the other
There would be a fecking riot on the steps of Ed's office if this happened. I do agree that any deal we want for a RM player will require DDG going the other way. Perhaps that is why the Morata deal didn't materialize and Ed is stronger than I thought. I do think DDG will go to RM within 3 years though.
The only thing thats the talking point is Marca's recent agenda against Bale, we all know the cycle at Madrid when they want to move a player out, they start with propaganda against the player in Marca so the fans start turning and when they sell the blow back isn't against the club but the player himself for leaving.
Wont be difficult with bale. Half the fans never took to him anyway if the reports are true.
Might be wishful thinking but bale is being used as a speed merchant on the RW for Madrid & I believe this is what is making him pick up injuries.
Centrally for Wales; he is as good or arguably better playing to his strengths; which is actually being a strong player with speed at his disposal.

If he was to come here; it doesn't make an ounce of sense to me to play him on the RW with forwards like lukaku & Martial - they kind of counter each other.

You play bale behind Lukaku & martial behind Rashford - we actually have a strike force that can demolish the PL and the CL. I genuinely think bale in the centre will ease his injuries.

Bale can play in the center, but he's a natural true left winger if there ever was one. Pace, ability, can score a goal and a sweet left foot that can hit some of the best crosses in the game currently. I'll agree that he's "wasted" playing as an inverted winger on the right for Madrid, but he still does well there, if not world class level.

If we went with a 352, he would be a good choice to play in behind Lukaku, but that puts all of Maritial, Mata, Mhiki and Rashford on the bench regularly (insert until he gets hurt joke here). And Bale can easily transition out wide for when we got 433/4231 and would be bar none the best winger in the side as well.
He played 150 games though, which is 37.5 matches per season. No idea why you counted only the league games, but then mention that they play 60+ matches per season.

Ronaldo - who is never injured - on the other side played 195 matches, which is an average of 11 matches more than Bale for season. Bale has problems with injuries, but people are exaggerating them.

Btw, at the same time, Perisic has played 152 matches, a grand total of 2 more matches than Bale.
You're misusing stats. In this case you have to look at each season to see that he gradually play less in later seasons, which means his injury issue got worse. Also counting game is not the best way as quite few games in this past couple seasons, he went off injured. Minutes per season would be better to look at, and those ain't looking pretty
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Very relatable as we all know you can change the human parts that show wear and tear..

Ikr hahah. Too many trigger happy delusional fans who will want any and every player that becomes available.

We could easily sign bale now and griezman next summer, why limit it to one when we can afford both

With that logic, why not easily sign Neymar + Dembele rn as well? I said, there's this thing called a budget and we've already splashed our big money signing this window on Lukaku. A Bale signing (which thankfully won't happen unless he can be had at <£60M AKA won't ever happen with RM always dicking United around) would eat up the Griezmann money since Bale wouldn't come cheaper than Morata (£75M which Madrid wanted from us). Come back down to earth people :rolleyes:

This place is hilarious at times - the guy's gonna add to us or Chelsea and the money is irrelevant in this crazy market so just pay it and be done.

If we have to watch him and Hazard ripping it up in West London next season knowing we could have got him …

Who cares, stay the course and try having even the slightest bit of patiency. You know we'd either be choosing Griezmann or Bale right? Big money spending has been used on Lukaku so that's the end of it for this window. If you're that eager wanting Bale so desperately (which fortunately José and the club aren't) and would borrow next windows Griezmann $ on him now, that means no Griezmann lol. Bale is a shell of his former self and deteriorating. Griezmann is 2 years younger, in far greater form, still improving, more reliable in terms of availability, and a top10 player in the world which Bale won't ever be again barring a miracle from the heavens.

...and so what if Chelsea get him? It'd only mean we're in it for the long haul whereas Chelsea are tunnel visioned in looking at the very short term. We're not in a position to be so narrow minded. There's a reason why Barca and Madrid are better than us. They're busy targeting world class players when we're looking to pay a premium for their dwindling cast-offs. Just a bit of perspective. And no the Perisic money can't buy Bale so enough of that silly notion...
This is not happening and that is ultimately a good thing. Too much money and too much risk involved.
Ikr hahah. Too many trigger happy delusional fans who will want any and every player that becomes available.

With that logic, why not easily sign Neymar + Dembele rn as well? I said, there's this thing called a budget and we've already splashed our big money signing this window on Lukaku. A Bale signing (which thankfully won't happen unless he can be had at <£60M AKA won't ever happen with RM always dicking United around) would eat up the Griezmann money since Bale wouldn't come cheaper than Morata (£75M which Madrid wanted from us). Come back down to earth people :rolleyes:

Who cares, stay the course and try having even the slightest bit of patiency. You know we'd either be choosing Griezmann or Bale right? Big money spending has been used on Lukaku so that's the end of it for this window. If you're that eager wanting Bale so desperately (which fortunately José and the club aren't) and would borrow next windows Griezmann $ on him now, that means no Griezmann lol. Bale is a shell of his former self and deteriorating. Griezmann is 2 years younger, in far greater form, still improving, more reliable in terms of availability, and a top10 player in the world which Bale won't ever be again barring a miracle from the heavens.

...and so what if Chelsea get him? It'd only mean we're in it for the long haul whereas Chelsea are tunnel visioned in looking at the very short term. We're not in a position to be so narrow minded. There's a reason why Barca and Madrid are better than us. They're busy targeting world class players when we're looking to pay a premium for their dwindling cast-offs. Just a bit of perspective. And no the Perisic money can't buy Bale so enough of that silly notion...
Disagree but ok
Disagree but ok

Sorry but I'm honestly not sure what exactly you disagree on here.

In my response I mentioned we don't have the budget to spend big money on Bale as that'd be the money taken from the eventual/inevitable (knock on wood) Griezmann safe and obviously that's not the logical thing for United to do. Also that we've already used our big signing ticket this window on Lukaku so no way can the board realistically afford to pay what would be £75M+ on Bale (based off of what RM would value him - higher than what they wanted for Morata).

We could easily sign bale now and griezman next summer, why limit it to one when we can afford both

...are you disagreeing on me disagreeing to this? Because if you are, what you're essentially saying is José and United are purposely holding themselves back on improving the team by not spending to their fullest and maximuming the funds offered by the board.

The team is far from perfect as there are still a few glaring holes in certain positions on the squad that undoubtedly need improvement. If you think we can honestly afford both Griezmann and Bale, the latter in which you say we could buy this transfer window right this instant on top of already having spent big money on Lukaku, that's at the bare minimum £75M (realistically £90Mish or so / what RM would want) José and United are willingly not spending/maximizing towards assembling a stronger squad. And I definitely don't believe that one bit.

Everyone knows José loves splashing money around having spent the most in history amongst managers. If there was really that much money left in the bank/budget for this Summer window (realistically ~£90M being what it would cost to get Bale) to right now afford a player like Bale you say, then why wouldn't we be in the market and linked to players of that calibre? There's Dembele, Bale, Mbappe etc out there in the £75M+ range but we are not linked to them in terms of expected to buy now. That's because we no longer have the money/budget to ever since Griezmann decided to stay with Atletico and JM moved on to Lukaku with his money.

And like I said, there are glaring weaknesses on the roster and if there was as much money to spend as you say there is, I'm most certain Mourinho would've found a way to spend it to improve those areas (since when does José ever hold back on spending to the budget?). If I had to guess there's about £30M-£35M left to spend this window. Just off of Inter wanting £40M for Perisic but United wanting the price to lower, and with United being linked to Aurier at around £25M, that's a logical price range assumption to make being the approximate middle ground. You don't see us linked to buying Dembele or Bale right now because it's rather obvious we don't have the money to / are closing in on spending to the budget. Not at all against Bale; I'd take him anyday of the week, not like it's my money being spent on him or anything. Thing is, others and yourself are looking past the financial aspect of the club which in itself neutralizes any trigger happy fans or sham rumours on thinking we have the money to buy anyone at any given moment...if you still disagree with that, then I don't know what else to say really lol. I'd love to get Bale but know it's pretty self explanatory we don't have the funds to get him atm. Hence why we are linked to the Perisic's and Aurier's of the world / much more attainable players for the remaining budget left to spend. And if somehow we do get Bale at £75M+, I'll be the first to eat my words. Just can't see it happening logically nor do I see José purposely not maximizing £75M+ remaining funds to strengthen our squad.
It's almost like an open secret that De Gea is interested in a move back to Spain and we have a second goalkeeper who has improved tremendously.

So would you swap De Gea for Bale if Bale really wants to make a move to United?

I mean a straight swap or at worst, De Gea plus 20 million for Bale.
Yes, swap our one world class, ever present player for a crock. Where do I sign up?
I think Real are looking for straight cash anyway, they want the money for Mbappe.
I hope bale learns something from neymar; he has the chance of being a main man here for a club on the rise again.

People saying he is a gamble because of his injuries- I'd argue that any player we have been linked to is more of a gamble if you compare capabilities and ability of a player like bale VS other players.

Look at bale's goals - headers, free kicks, goals coming more centrally than from out wide.

He is being poorly managed & playing to a type of game that doesn't suit him - why should we expect his training to be any different? His injuries are a result of him playing in the wrong position playing a way he simply can't handle.
Sorry but I'm honestly not sure what exactly you disagree on here.

In my response I mentioned we don't have the budget to spend big money on Bale as that'd be the money taken from the eventual/inevitable (knock on wood) Griezmann safe and obviously that's not the logical thing for United to do.

Your whole argument presupposes that you know what the club's transfer budget is, as you are claiming that we don't have any capacity left to pursue a big target.

So, two questions: what is the club's transfer budget for this window (pick your currency of choice) and what is the source of your information?

Absent clarity on those points, the rest of what you've written is mere supposition and guess work without any actual insight into the club's operations or capacity. Couching opinion as fact is certainly misleading and ultimately a waste of other people's time
It's almost like an open secret that De Gea is interested in a move back to Spain and we have a second goalkeeper who has improved tremendously.

So would you swap De Gea for Bale if Bale really wants to make a move to United?

I mean a straight swap or at worst, De Gea plus 20 million for Bale.

At start of the market I would have said yes.

Currently no.
Lets face it... if we did sign him he'd be a marketing dream. He's a player who can win games by himself with a moment of magic which is something that's very much missing from our squad right now.
Your whole argument presupposes that you know what the club's transfer budget is, as you are claiming that we don't have any capacity left to pursue a big target.

So, two questions: what is the club's transfer budget for this window (pick your currency of choice) and what is the source of your information?

Absent clarity on those points, the rest of what you've written is mere supposition and guess work without any actual insight into the club's operations or capacity. Couching opinion as fact is certainly misleading and ultimately a waste of other people's time

You are also making the same assumption reversed. That the club does have more money to spend. So someone could easily ask you for your source of information at the same level of detail as you requested. I'm sure you'll be able to provide as easily.

While our revenues have been increasing year on year so has our budget. But there hasn't been a sufficient growth to indicate that we'll go from spending £110m net last season to spending £250m this season. We haven't doubled our income or profits to double our transfer budget.

If we had the near infinite budget people seem to think we have, we wouldn't have baulked at Inter's asking price for Perisic and we would have got both him and Matic back in early July like Mourinho wanted.
It's almost like an open secret that De Gea is interested in a move back to Spain and we have a second goalkeeper who has improved tremendously.

So would you swap De Gea for Bale if Bale really wants to make a move to United?

I mean a straight swap or at worst, De Gea plus 20 million for Bale.
No thanks, one is a relatively young players, whose stock will only rise. The other seems to be a perma crock.

Bale relies too heavily on his physical attributes, so the injury issues are a huge concern. The only way I would be happy with a swap is if the player is Kroos or Ronaldo, which we all know won't happen.
It's almost like an open secret that De Gea is interested in a move back to Spain and we have a second goalkeeper who has improved tremendously.

So would you swap De Gea for Bale if Bale really wants to make a move to United?
I mean a straight swap or at worst, De Gea plus 20 million for Bale.

Florentino would like that option, however in this case he can not stand firm as with Morata. If Mbappé comes he can not be tough in the negotiations. I think that it´s too late.
Out of interest, why?

Perisics performances against top league opposition..... performances in CL ..... performances in international qualifiers/tournaments?

Many reasons, i think Perisic crossing and discipline would be great in our team, also Bale would be expensive, injury prone and i get the impression he doesn't want to leave Madrid so why bother.
Sorry but I'm honestly not sure what exactly you disagree on here.

In my response I mentioned we don't have the budget to spend big money on Bale as that'd be the money taken from the eventual/inevitable (knock on wood) Griezmann safe and obviously that's not the logical thing for United to do. Also that we've already used our big signing ticket this window on Lukaku so no way can the board realistically afford to pay what would be £75M+ on Bale (based off of what RM would value him - higher than what they wanted for Morata).

...are you disagreeing on me disagreeing to this? Because if you are, what you're essentially saying is José and United are purposely holding themselves back on improving the team by not spending to their fullest and maximuming the funds offered by the board.

The team is far from perfect as there are still a few glaring holes in certain positions on the squad that undoubtedly need improvement. If you think we can honestly afford both Griezmann and Bale, the latter in which you say we could buy this transfer window right this instant on top of already having spent big money on Lukaku, that's at the bare minimum £75M (realistically £90Mish or so / what RM would want) José and United are willingly not spending/maximizing towards assembling a stronger squad. And I definitely don't believe that one bit.

Everyone knows José loves splashing money around having spent the most in history amongst managers. If there was really that much money left in the bank/budget for this Summer window (realistically ~£90M being what it would cost to get Bale) to right now afford a player like Bale you say, then why wouldn't we be in the market and linked to players of that calibre? There's Dembele, Bale, Mbappe etc out there in the £75M+ range but we are not linked to them in terms of expected to buy now. That's because we no longer have the money/budget to ever since Griezmann decided to stay with Atletico and JM moved on to Lukaku with his money.

And like I said, there are glaring weaknesses on the roster and if there was as much money to spend as you say there is, I'm most certain Mourinho would've found a way to spend it to improve those areas (since when does José ever hold back on spending to the budget?). If I had to guess there's about £30M-£35M left to spend this window. Just off of Inter wanting £40M for Perisic but United wanting the price to lower, and with United being linked to Aurier at around £25M, that's a logical price range assumption to make being the approximate middle ground. You don't see us linked to buying Dembele or Bale right now because it's rather obvious we don't have the money to / are closing in on spending to the budget. Not at all against Bale; I'd take him anyday of the week, not like it's my money being spent on him or anything. Thing is, others and yourself are looking past the financial aspect of the club which in itself neutralizes any trigger happy fans or sham rumours on thinking we have the money to buy anyone at any given moment...if you still disagree with that, then I don't know what else to say really lol. I'd love to get Bale but know it's pretty self explanatory we don't have the funds to get him atm. Hence why we are linked to the Perisic's and Aurier's of the world / much more attainable players for the remaining budget left to spend. And if somehow we do get Bale at £75M+, I'll be the first to eat my words. Just can't see it happening logically nor do I see José purposely not maximizing £75M+ remaining funds to strengthen our squad.
Personally think we could spend £250 million this year and then only £150 million next year at an overall outlay of £400 million. We wouldn't have to sacrifice a griezman rather we would only be able to sign a couple of players next summer which I think is actually the position we will already be in anyway come next summer after what I expect to be a much better season.

Edit: as a further point I disagree that we have many glaring weaknesses in the squad and believe that we are only a couple of world class players (Bale and Griezman etc) from being an absolute top team challenging for league and champions leagues. Some players will need to step up (Martial, Shaw etc) but you have to take a few chances in football and I still think they have potential to be too tier players.

Just want to say I don't think we will sign Bale because I don't think he's for sale and don't think he wants to leave however, if he's on the market there's not a chance Utd are gonna pass to save a few bob so we can sign more average dross in a years time.
Well something tells me that Bale isn't worth jack shit with all his injuries, but I can't help remember his last season at Spurs.
Would have loved to have seen Bale in a United shirt.
You are also making the same assumption reversed. That the club does have more money to spend. So someone could easily ask you for your source of information at the same level of detail as you requested. I'm sure you'll be able to provide as easily.

While our revenues have been increasing year on year so has our budget. But there hasn't been a sufficient growth to indicate that we'll go from spending £110m net last season to spending £250m this season. We haven't doubled our income or profits to double our transfer budget.

If we had the near infinite budget people seem to think we have, we wouldn't have baulked at Inter's asking price for Perisic and we would have got both him and Matic back in early July like Mourinho wanted.

You are making assumptions as well. :) You are implying that we maxed out our budget last year when we spent £110m when no one knows how big the transfer budget really was. So there's nothing that says that we have to necessarily double our income to double our transfer budget this year.

I also think the reason for us not being willing to entertain Inter's price for Perisic is more a question of value rather than us worrying about our budget. Just because you have tons of money doesn't mean that you should pay more than what you think a player is worth. I'm pretty sure every club has a limit on how much they are willing to spend on any given target, and especially if it's not a must-have player.
You are also making the same assumption reversed. That the club does have more money to spend. So someone could easily ask you for your source of information at the same level of detail as you requested. I'm sure you'll be able to provide as easily.

While our revenues have been increasing year on year so has our budget. But there hasn't been a sufficient growth to indicate that we'll go from spending £110m net last season to spending £250m this season. We haven't doubled our income or profits to double our transfer budget.

If we had the near infinite budget people seem to think we have, we wouldn't have baulked at Inter's asking price for Perisic and we would have got both him and Matic back in early July like Mourinho wanted.

Not true at all. Where in my post did I make an assumption about the transfer budget?

I merely questioned some else's affirmative statement that we didn't have budget remaining. I didn't say we did or didn't have budget capacity, I questioned how anyone on this forum would know that particular fact.

Accordingly, I don't need evidentiary support for my post, but perhaps better reading comprehension skills are warranted on your part though.
there are about 4 teams in the premier league alone that have more of a chance of signing Bale then Liverpool. And then there are other European giants that are bigger then pool.

Why is everyone treating my post as if I've stated Liverpool are first choice? This forum is rife with people assuming you have said something, or claiming you have said another.
My post was in response to a poster whop ridiculed the idea that Bale would never go to Pool' or that Liverpool could never land him.
Why is everyone treating my post as if I've stated Liverpool are first choice? This forum is rife with people assuming you have said something, or claiming you have said another.
My post was in response to a poster whop ridiculed the idea that Bale would never go to Pool' or that Liverpool could never land him.
Well to be fair they probably cant afford his wages
Your whole argument presupposes that you know what the club's transfer budget is, as you are claiming that we don't have any capacity left to pursue a big target.

So, two questions: what is the club's transfer budget for this window (pick your currency of choice) and what is the source of your information?

Absent clarity on those points, the rest of what you've written is mere supposition and guess work without any actual insight into the club's operations or capacity. Couching opinion as fact is certainly misleading and ultimately a waste of other people's time

My opinion of the team closing in on its spending budget has been explained in previous posts and it's a lot more logical than assuming we can afford another big target like Bale for what would be £75M+.

How can I come to this conclusion? We're linked to buying the Perisic's and Aurier's of the world. That's around £30M or so one would cost so it's fair to say that's for sure what United can afford to spend; you know, being linked to them and all. We're not linked to the Mbappe's or Dembele's of the world simply because we don't have much money remaining this window. Otherwise we would be linked to buying them as we are with Perisic/Aurier who currently fit the bill for what remaining funds we have to spend.

...I'd like to know how you can come to you're conclusion that the club and José have enough money to sign another big target but aren't linked to such players? At least my $0.02 has logic to it. And then again, José is the all time spender amongst managers in football history. Why at all would he be hesitant to spend £75M+ to improve the team if you say that's how much United can still afford to spend? Doesn't really add up unless you care to explain and shed light on the situation.
Well something tells me that Bale isn't worth jack shit with all his injuries, but I can't help remember his last season at Spurs.
Would have loved to have seen Bale in a United shirt.
A lot of people seemed to say this at the time but Bale would ve been in a much better place had he not left the PL imho. Granted - Spurs were never going to sell to United, Chelsea, City or Arse so in a way he didn't have a choice to leave England.
Sorry but I'm honestly not sure what exactly you disagree on here.

In my response I mentioned we don't have the budget to spend big money on Bale as that'd be the money taken from the eventual/inevitable (knock on wood) Griezmann safe and obviously that's not the logical thing for United to do. Also that we've already used our big signing ticket this window on Lukaku so no way can the board realistically afford to pay what would be £75M+ on Bale (based off of what RM would value him - higher than what they wanted for Morata).

...are you disagreeing on me disagreeing to this? Because if you are, what you're essentially saying is José and United are purposely holding themselves back on improving the team by not spending to their fullest and maximuming the funds offered by the board.

The team is far from perfect as there are still a few glaring holes in certain positions on the squad that undoubtedly need improvement. If you think we can honestly afford both Griezmann and Bale, the latter in which you say we could buy this transfer window right this instant on top of already having spent big money on Lukaku, that's at the bare minimum £75M (realistically £90Mish or so / what RM would want) José and United are willingly not spending/maximizing towards assembling a stronger squad. And I definitely don't believe that one bit.

Everyone knows José loves splashing money around having spent the most in history amongst managers. If there was really that much money left in the bank/budget for this Summer window (realistically ~£90M being what it would cost to get Bale) to right now afford a player like Bale you say, then why wouldn't we be in the market and linked to players of that calibre? There's Dembele, Bale, Mbappe etc out there in the £75M+ range but we are not linked to them in terms of expected to buy now. That's because we no longer have the money/budget to ever since Griezmann decided to stay with Atletico and JM moved on to Lukaku with his money.

And like I said, there are glaring weaknesses on the roster and if there was as much money to spend as you say there is, I'm most certain Mourinho would've found a way to spend it to improve those areas (since when does José ever hold back on spending to the budget?). If I had to guess there's about £30M-£35M left to spend this window. Just off of Inter wanting £40M for Perisic but United wanting the price to lower, and with United being linked to Aurier at around £25M, that's a logical price range assumption to make being the approximate middle ground. You don't see us linked to buying Dembele or Bale right now because it's rather obvious we don't have the money to / are closing in on spending to the budget. Not at all against Bale; I'd take him anyday of the week, not like it's my money being spent on him or anything. Thing is, others and yourself are looking past the financial aspect of the club which in itself neutralizes any trigger happy fans or sham rumours on thinking we have the money to buy anyone at any given moment...if you still disagree with that, then I don't know what else to say really lol. I'd love to get Bale but know it's pretty self explanatory we don't have the funds to get him atm. Hence why we are linked to the Perisic's and Aurier's of the world / much more attainable players for the remaining budget left to spend. And if somehow we do get Bale at £75M+, I'll be the first to eat my words. Just can't see it happening logically nor do I see José purposely not maximizing £75M+ remaining funds to strengthen our squad.
The griezmann purchase isn't inevitable IMO, not anymore. If bale was actually available we'd probably spend that money on him instead and drop the griezmann interest. Bale's played behind the striker at spurs and was very effective there.
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