The People's President
Another fantastic character.
I would have guessed that Stanis was going to take King's Landing, except with Tyrion being a main character I didn't think he would die, so that left me uncertain. We've built up the Lannisters so much, it would have been a bit early to knock them off their perch.
But now I really wonder where we're going with Stanis's character. Surely that's not the end of his threat, we really have no idea what % of his army has been destroyed, but he seems to have gone from the clear favorite to the underdog to win the throne game. His failure will surely cause a crisis of confidence among the 'lord of light' fanatics, but that smoke monster isn't going to be killed easily, I'm guessing.
Basically, it was a very poor rip off... And the imp will survive, there's no chance they'll get rid of the only decent character in the whole series. I really hate the one dimensional characters... I don't know Maybe I'm not as easily as pleased as its legion of fans.
Maybe...just maybe I'm getting too old for this crap.
Speaking of the smoke monster, where's it gone?
It was able to infiltrate Renly' camp and kill him, so why not Kings Landing and kill Joffrey?
Stuff like that is really stupid and bugs me.
You've got a mythical invisible assassin that can kill specific targets at will but you decide to attack with ladders and swords, and let Joffrey off the hook.
Melisandre was under Renly's camp, on land. If she wanted to kill Joffrey with it she would've had to pop the thing out of her when landing on the beach whilst been pounded by massive rocks and fire arrows.
I hope now Tywin is there, he removes the twat Joffrey from the throne. It will be interesting to see what Robb does now that the Lannister's have firmed up their control of King's Landing and added more troops.
Really looking forward to next week's finale but I hope they don't spend more than 5 minutes in Qarth.
Yeah because that's EXACTLY what I said.
Yeah in such cases, it is not just about capturing a kingdown but having a legitimate claim to rule. Joffery's obvious one is that he is supposed to be the King's son.Tywin can't do that. He is meant to be the King's Hand.
You said to use it at Kings Landing, she'd need to pop the thing out of her when landing on the beach.
Why would she need to pop the thing out of her when it's already born?
The finale is next week already?
Christ, that went fast.
When is Season 3 expected?
Tywin can't do that. He is meant to be the King's Hand.
Same time next year I would guess.
That's unacceptable. I'm not waiting a year.
The wait is gonna be hard, I am going to seriously consider reading the books.I always think this, but you forget about it til it comes around again. Other shows occupy the time, like Breaking Bad.
It's a shame Qarth wasn't explored more.
It evaporated once it killed Renly, so it's not there anymore.
There's no point trying to comprehend it, it's fantasy, shit like this happens all the time, they're hardly going to give us a logical reason that's within the world of science now are they?
Basically, it was a very poor rip off... And the imp will survive, there's no chance they'll get rid of the only decent character in the whole series. I really hate the one dimensional characters... I don't know Maybe I'm not as easily as pleased as its legion of fans.
Maybe...just maybe I'm getting too old for this crap.
No no..I've actually enjoyed the series. Just makes me chuckle how fans take criticism...very personally.
He's the only decent character? Rubbish, the show is full of good characters, he's just the best one so far.
I don't think we are easily pleased, it seems you are extremely hard to please Spoons.
Joffery is the worst character in the whole series.
Pogue's probably right...blame the genre.
It's an easy character to create.
Why is Joffrey the worst character?
I mean, he's supposed to be a total little cnut that you despise and that's the general consensus, he's a fantastic villain and very well acted. People don't hate him because he's badly written or annoying (i.e. Skylar in BB, Betty in Mad Men), they hate him because he's brilliantly written and you're supposed to.
It's an easy character to create.