The People's President
Helms Deep lite... With a shitter use of deus machina.
The final scene was masterful, didn't expect Tywin to go to King's Landing and save the day. Am I correct that Renly's lover was with him at the end?
You are.
So that's how Tyrion was going to use dragon fire while not setting his own place alight. I've seen the Avengers movie but nothing prepared me for this multi explosion of ships. I gasped as the orgasm rose and repeated. Tonight I felt like a woman.
Helms Deep lite... With a shitter use of deus machina.
Just remembered that now that Sansa has gone off with the Hound, Catelyn's 'trade' involving Jamie is even more stupid. Catelyn has been making one mistake after another for a long time now.
First she trusted Littlefinger only for him to betray Ned. Then she agreed to Robb marrying the guy's daughter in return for the bridge, that's not likely to happen now. She also had Tyrion as her prisoner but lost him and didn't get the support of her sister against the Lannisters. Then her negotiations to get Renly on side with Robb failed and instead she agreed to take the man-woman suspected of killing Renly as her personal bodyguard, that's probably going to cause Robb problems in the future. Then she trusted Littlefinger and the Lannisters by making the trade but is not going to get anything in return and has instead weakened the Stark's position.
Overall she seems to have done more harm than good. Robb would be better off sending her back to Winterfell, or better, sending her to the Wall as punishment.
That hasn't happened. Sansa didn't go with him. He left without her.
That hasn't happened. Sansa didn't go with him. He left without her.
She says she will be safe there. And then he leaves.
How so?
Everything was foreshadowed. What particular part are you talking about? The wildfire? The Tyrells? Tywin? The back gate?
For that matter, it was nothing like Helms Deep, nor was it meant to be. Or are you using "Helms Deep" to mean, you know, any battle involving a castle?
Is this just the usual Spoony whining?
All the while during the battle scenes I was wondering where the red witch was. Expecting her to make some magical monsters or open a large gate or something. The fact she's not popped up at all seems to suggest she's already in the castle ready to cause mayhem.
Can't wait for next week. Please someone tell me the next series is already being filmed. PlEaSe!
All we saw was the camera pan away as he left. I don't think we saw her leave when he did.
Elements of this kind of battle have been done before, particularly Helm’s Deep sequence in LOTR. Can you talk about how you went about dramatizing Blackwater in a fresh way?
Weiss: On the resources we have, you’re never gonna be able to compete with that level of spectacle. It really has to become more about pulling into the characters and making it more about their personal experience of this event rather than giving us the giant bird’s eye view.
Benioff: One great advantage we have over the movies is that when one of our characters wades into battle, we’ve spent almost 19 hours with these characters. You know them so well and hopefully you’re worried for them. And some of them are gonna die. There is a way of shooting a battle where you see an army of a hundred thousand attacking an army of two hundred thousand. There’s also the ground’s eye view where you’re an infantryman and you’re running out there with an axe or a sword or something, you’re not seeing the grand scale of it. You’re just kind of seeing what’s directly in front of you. And that can be a really visceral way of shooting a battle.
Weiss: Any time you read any military account of a soldier’s experience of battle, whether it was in ancient Rome or all the way up to Vietnam and beyond, it’s never, “Then this flank moved over here.” It’s always, “This chaotic, cluster f–k and I didn’t know which way I was going and half the time I wasn’t sure if I was shooting at my own guys.” It’s that fog of war experience that you actually can replicate without showing the giant Helm’s Deep kind of battle.
I don't know where you've read that they used Helm's Deep as inspiration. I've read nearly the opposite, that they knew they didn't have the budget to do a Helm's Deep, so they wouldn't try. If you went into it expecting anything like the main battle of a $94 million movie, then you can only blame yourself for being disappointed.
Seems pretty reasonable to me.
The final scene was masterful, didn't expect Tywin to go to King's Landing and save the day. Am I correct that Renly's lover was with him at the end?
That hasn't happened. Sansa didn't go with him. He left without her.
Helms Deep lite... With a shitter use of deus machina.
Am i only one who wanted stannis to win ?
I guess because Helm's Deep is a famous siege scene it's somewhat relevant but apart from the fact a Calvary charge breaks the siege, I don't seen the comparison.
Helm's Deep was land locked, King's Landing had an amphibious assault to deal with.
The only way to break a siege, is to wait it out and hope one side starves or get reinforcements from elsewhere, Tolkien invented neither of those outcomes.
Am i only one who wanted stannis to win ?
Am i only one who wanted stannis to win ?
Tbf it was pretty blatantly inspired by the Helms Deep scene in LOTR. As the writers explained in that piece though, they don't have the budget to do a battle on that scale but they do have other advantages. That said, the ships exploding was as visceral as anything in The Two Towers.