Television Game of Thrones (TV) • The watch has ended


New Member
Oct 22, 2015
Zagreb, HR
Must say I liked the episode a lot although I read the plot today earlier. Its definitely the best in this season, better than the last one and even on par with previous, lets say good seasons.

Once Drogon starts bombarding they really portrayed horrors of war well. Once they see the fire and carnage Unsullied and North soldiers go battshit crazy and kill civilians left right and centre. I guess many of them were killed in friendly fire cause I dont think Drogon and Danny watched who's friend and who's foe.
Cersei reminded me of Hitler in bunker. She's convinced to the last second she can still win the war and she has some troops somewhere although all is lost. We even see a human side of her when shee cries about her baby.

Jamie, what a trip he has had, from a most hated character to a character we're sorry for losing, at least I felt sorry.
Euron is the most pointless character in the show ever. Even his death incredibly stupid. He has Jamie on his knees, dying and he still gets killed.

As for scorpions they proved to be useless. Although if I must nitpick, how come Drogon was so good in avoiding being hit? He came from the sun blocking defense's view and as for the walls he came from a difficult angles? :)

As for carnage, I agree somewhat they should have give more time to Dany becoming crazy but it's just too many characters and to many sublots for that. If you pay attention you can conclude why she got to that point but like this it does seem she flipped suddenly.

And when all hell begins maybe Dany should have stopped it after a while but I guess she really enjoyed it. Maybe we should have seen her some more after she decided to burn the city although it would be all the same look she has from season 1. Never liked her much, she was boring so not a surprise she becomes a villain, so much that you can feel sorry for Cersei. For a second.

Poor Tyrion, he trusted her and then realized he bet on the wrong horse.

Arya seeing and getting that horse, does that have any meaning or it was just a horse who was lucky to survive just like Arya?

Also didnt like how Tyrion gave up Varys so easily but it was cause he decided to stick it out with his queen and not be killed.

Hound scenes were great and Arya calling him Sandor for the first time? That was so nice. :)
I like how Cersei leaves Hound and to Mountain to fight, like ok I'm done here, do it.

All in all a really good episode, liked it from start to finish.


has permanently erect nipples
Mar 6, 2008
I've just been talking with a couple of people at work about the latest episode.

The two biggest issues we all had were:

- Jaime & Cersei's underwhelming outcome. Jaime's had this redemption arc going since season 3 and gets no pay off. Cersei was a nutter and suddenly we're supposed to feel sorry for the poor terrified rabbit?
- Dany's sudden decision to burn everything. Completely out of character and a change like that needed a bigger, better explained build up imo. It felt really out of place seeing her burn everyone like that.

It feels so rushed, like they suddenly realized they had to finish the series when writing this season and made the decision to rush through. It's quite disappointing when you think about the story they'd told before season 8. There was some really good character development in there. Jaime's story especially was great before this season.
They've literally been forshadowing Dany turning into the mad queen for about 3 seasons. To suggest if was a "sudden" character flop is nonsense tbf.


Desperately wants to be a Muppet
Sep 30, 2004
Tbf, since season 1 really.

But it was the severity of the change that I think really has got people, not so much it happened.
and to think all that murder would have been avoided if Jon had given her one. Him and his moral centre deserves to be in pieces. Was not shagging your aunt worth all that. Therefore Jon is the real villain of the series.


Historiographer, and obtainer of rare antiquities
Mar 19, 2008
Compare Dany’s descent into evil madness with, say, Walter White. Anyone think they’re portrayed with a similar quality?


Massive moobs (planned for Christmas)
Sep 4, 2013
The Royal Kingdom of Trumpistan
Gotta say despite all the criticisms - Lena Headey and Emilia Clarke's facial emotions were spot on. Between Dany descending into pure darkness in a way and Cersei's confidence collapsing (which btw to say that is out of character should rewatch the stuff with the Sparrow).

The fact you could even feel sorry for Cersei in the end is a testament to her acting chops more than anything.


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Jan 14, 2013
Lake Athabasca
Cheltenham Town
Gotta say despite all the criticisms - Lena Headey and Emilia Clarke's facial emotions were spot on. Between Dany descending into pure darkness in a way and Cersei's confidence collapsing (which btw to say that is out of character should rewatch the stuff with the Sparrow).

The fact you could even feel sorry for Cersei in the end is a testament to her acting chops more than anything.
That wasn’t actually Emilia acting they just secretly filmed her face when she was trying to memorise her lines


has permanently erect nipples
Mar 6, 2008
Tbf, since season 1 really.

But it was the severity of the change that I think really has got people, not so much it happened.
We've seen her getting closer and closer to breaking point for a little while now, and talked down several times.

As soon as they started making a big deal about ringing the bells and surrendering I was fully anticipating Dany to ignore it and go mental (or that it was actually a double cross by Tyrion, but my expectations weren't that high)


Desperately wants to be a Muppet
Sep 30, 2004
He really never seems to make the right choice does he :lol:
Nope, at the exact moment where Dany goes nuts, not during the battle but then, he could have saved everyone by doing the right wrong thing. Selfish sod.

Chairman Steve

Full Member
May 9, 2018
It’s been slowly ramping up over the seasons about Daenerys madness but they spiked the madness big time this season. The madness turn/true colours turn has been foreshadowed.

As I mentioned before, I think she’ll essentially turn out to be the female Walter White in that her supposed motive of helping others was ultimately bullshit and that it really was she was doing it for herself to massage a bruised ego after spending her life being nothing.

GRRM will do it better in the books. I imagine this is one of the bullet points he gave D&D as a “here’s where you need to get too” but they got there way too fast.


Full Member
May 18, 2011
Feel bad for all those newborns named Khalesi last year.

Might as well have just called them TV Adolf.

GoT has an awful way of punching you right in the face as a viewer. That episode was another one of those for me, not shocking just brutal.


Ross Kemp's caf ID
Sep 13, 2012
Compare Dany’s descent into evil madness with, say, Walter White. Anyone think they’re portrayed with a similar quality?
In this case it's not supposed to be a slow inevitable descent though. It's actually supposed to be a shock that she breaks bad, just not one that came out of nowhere.


"Did you see Fabinho against Red Star & Cardiff?"
Dec 15, 2015
Victoria, BC
They've literally been forshadowing Dany turning into the mad queen for about 3 seasons. To suggest if was a "sudden" character flop is nonsense tbf.
The severity of that change was sudden. It was a few episodes ago she was trying to be best friends with Sansa. She was only burning people who were perceived to be evil.

To go from that to hearing a bell ring and wanting to burn everything in sight is a sudden change imo. It didn't make any sense to me why she was doing that.

Even her father took years to develop into the "burn them all" phase.

Classical Mechanic

Full Member
Aug 25, 2014
xG Zombie Nation
Thought it was a great episode. The terror on the streets of Kings Landing was brilliantly done. Thought Emilia Clarke’s acting was pretty good in that episode.

Jamie and Cerci’s death was the only way it could be, it was a metaphor for the nature of their devotion to each other.

Jon’s development is disappointing, he’s such a downtrodden dope these days.

I was a bit gutted when Varys met his fate.

Up there with the best single episodes of the series for me.