I don't think she really cares about any of all that. Remember the opening scene in season 5 in which we see young Cersei receiving her famous prophecy by a witch? It seemed out of place at the time but, as we've seen multiple times, these scenes have a deeper meaning. In this case the writers wanted us to know this prophecy.
Ever since Joffrey died, Cersei has been slowly but steadily losing her mind. She always was arrogant and narcissistic and she generally has a unique way to treat the people around her. She disregards those who aren't important to her, she hates whom she considers enemies with a passion, she keeps at a close distance those she thinks she can manipulate and keeps very few (her children and Jamie) in her inner circle.
After the walk of shame she permanently crossed to the other side, closed the door and threw away the key (her look in season's 5 finale is frightening). Right now, i don't believe she cares about her enemies. She seems consumed by that prophecy and acts like there's no way to avoid it anymore (she lost Myrcela too earlier in the season). She'll go down, the only question is who and how many she'll take down with her.