Television Game of Thrones (TV) • The watch has ended

Finally got round to watching the first 5 episodes. Don't understand why that Mance Raydar guy decided to burn alive for no real purpose. Also really like Stannis now so I guess they will kill him off in the battle with Ramsey. The way that he charged off to battle without wildling/jon snow help might end up costing him I guess.

Will be incredibly shitty if he dies because all the good characters seem to go (Tywin, Oberyn, Hound) and we are left with boring boring Daenarys (also don't really like the woman knight)
S5E06 - Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
Something about this season doesn't feel right, I dunno if the acting has turned subpar or if there is something wrong with the dialogue. I mean wdf was that Sand Snake on about "One day Oberyn took me to court" lalala and then she threw a spear through that guys head?

Yeah It was one of the worst acting I've seen in this show :lol:
Christ, I was so wrong about Sansa being able to control Ramsay. That cnut needs to receive the most gruesome GOT death yet.
Now that was a proper rape scene. Ramsey just surpassed Joffrey as the most evil character ever on GoT. Hopefully he doesn't get killed off anytime soon as he's single-handedly carrying this season. On a brighter note, although they're probably just fecking with us, there's a small chance that the Hound is still alive.

Oh, and "cock merchant" made me laugh.
Was worried that would happen to Sansa, largely because of the fairly tedious outrage that will almost inevitably follow.
Twice i thought we were finally gonna get to see Sansa naked, twice left disappointed.

So lets get the penny rolling and up the can of worms.

Was it rape?
Glad there was no Sansa nudity, dissappointed she's still alive.

She didnt refuse by the way, she's doing as Baelish suggested and playing the game. Ramsey is just being his creepy, controlling self
Every Cersei scene ends with me muttering "What a cnut..." under my breath. What a cnut.

Also, I'm waiting for Theon to snap out of being Reek and just going Chris Brown on Ramsey's face. If it's going to happen, it'll happen soon. Don't think Ramsey will live for much longer in any case. Stannis is about to come charging on Winterfell, and I reckon Littlefinger will be dead or Warden of the North by the end of the season. Either way, House Bolton is going to get torched. Can't see them fending off Stannis' army, and then the Knights of the Vale.
What happened to Sansa (rape) has been alluded to by the show in the past as a norm with these royal weddings. Cersie for example, commented that she was raped by Robert on her wedding night as well. Plus Daenerys got raped by Drogo as well.

Edit: I am a but puzzled by the online outrage since the show depiclted Daenerys' rape scene as well.
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Obara's face when she was ordered to drop her weapons :lol: :lol: terrible acting
That whole arc has been shambolic. Those 2 just stumble on to the garden and then sand snakes also just happen to arrive at the same time. That whole action sequence was just flat out terrible.
Tommen is pointless, Cersei is a bitch but she's the best character of the show by far. The last couple minutes of the episode made me feel uncomfortable, really that was fecked up.
The dwarf lives until we find a cock-merchant.

There's a line you don't hear every day!
I'm most interested in the Dorne stuff. Not the sand snake people because they are shit but the Jamie / Bronn / Oberryn's brother thing.
Not sure if anyone's ever mentioned it, but I think he's disabled. You never see him standing and this time it looked like he was sitting on what passes for a GoT, royal wheelchair.
I'm most interested in the Dorne stuff. Not the sand snake people because they are shit but the Jamie / Bronn / Oberryn's brother thing.

Really? As much as I love Bronn & Jaime, I felt like the whole Dorne subplot has being sub par. The fight scene was up their for terribleness with Yara's (Theon's sister) raid on the Dreadfort in season four. Felt rushed.

The whole Faith Militant, Baelish's schemes and Stannis' attack on Winterfell have me intrigued like fcuk though.
I'm confused on why all of the sudden this faith militant group can overrule the King?

I'm also confused by Baelish, is he just putting his name out there so that no matter the outcome he has a place?
Looks like Tyrion and Jorah are going to the pits, thanks to Tyrion's great tongue. I think Sansa will change after that last scene much like Dany did. Also Cersei is just setting up her own downfall, Olenna will definitely use Lancel to bring her down.
Worst episode this season and that final scene was just too much. Ramsay is on Joffrey levels. The way they bump into the Sand Snakes, the fight scene was awful. Tommen is powerless, he's just a boy so his mother is effectively still in charge.
I'd hate to lose Bronn, especially in a shitty way as poison.

Was anyone else expecting Theon to take Ramsey out at the last minute? I mean the show would be worse off without someone to hate like him but could someone at least give him a good whack or chop his knob off and send it to a cock merchant which incidentally was probably the best line of the series so far.