got third place in a Juan Mata lookalike contest
Okay so apparently it has caught up. Anyway, I know GoT always starts slow but fecking hell, been a big old bucket of shite so far really. Is Bran dead? Does anyone care? I don't. The White walkers are where? Slow as feck, broken hip walkers. They insult the term walking.
The worst thing is something really cool will happen in the last two episodes, like Tyrion riding a dragon into battle while eating out Daenerys and fingering Missandei or some mad stuff, and I'll forget all the reasons why this tv show is so boring a lot of the time.
The worst thing is something really cool will happen in the last two episodes, like Tyrion riding a dragon into battle while eating out Daenerys and fingering Missandei or some mad stuff, and I'll forget all the reasons why this tv show is so boring a lot of the time.