Television Game of Thrones (TV) • The watch has ended

That ending was all a bit, WWE.

Tyrion should have kept Brienne of Tarth in the city. She would make for a great champion, assuming he can choose one. Bronn, Oberyn, Jaime (even with his weaker hand) would all make for decent champions. Tywin hasn't really got anyone that impressive. Meryn feckin' Trant? Pfft. He'll probably whip out The Mountain from his back pocket. Oh wait, he's got Loras Tyrell. Loras vs Bronn would be a decent watch.

If Tyrion joined the Night's Watch, what would happen to Sansa? Would she be able to marry again?
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That ending was all a bit, WWE.

Tyrion should have kept Brienne of Tarth in the city. She would make for a great champion, assuming he can choose one. Bronn, Oberyn, Jaime (even with his weaker hand) would all make for decent champions. Tywin hasn't really got anyone that impressive. Meryn feckin' Trant? Pfft. He'll probably whip out The Mountain from his back pocket. Oh wait, he's got Loras Tyrell. Loras vs Bronn would be a decent watch.

If Tyrion joined the Night's Watch, what would happen to Sansa? Would she be able to marry again?

What?? :confused:

Again, whats with people complaining about yet another episode? :lol:

Only on the Caf! :D

Edit: Can Tyrion choose Jaime?
Why didn't he do that in the first place then. Typical another filler episode where the plot isn't moved along at all.

Because that's the point he finally realised he had no chance in hell of being released, should the normal trial continue.
I agree that there was no need for the Danaerys scenes at all. They served no purpose nor will they serve ahead IMO. The rest of it was interesting. Peter Dinklage was a little OTT but the Kings Landing scenes were very good.
Not to mention Asha Greyjoy's attempt at the Dreadfort and Ramsey Snow potentially sending Theon back to the Iron Islands. What is the expectation of you lot watching this show? Boobs and killing a major character every episode?
I thought it was an excellent episode, almost flawless. The Bravos part of the title sequence with the rolling coin and the huge warrior statue moving was amazing. It was the first time it was in, right?

The rescue attempt for Theon was too short, they should have showed his sister once or twice during the first 5 episodes this season to build it up a bit more. That's really the only complaint I have, I even liked Danny's story arc this time. Looks like she loses more and more control over her dragons and I now fully understand why she's staying. Her throne looks way more comfortable than that ugly iron thing full of swords in King's Landing.
What did you think was "great" about that episode, besides the ending?

The Iron bank scene was awesome, Khaleesi's scene was also good, The Greyjoy/Bolton fight was great too. Unless you read the books or don't really care/pay attention to the characters story lines and dialogues, I don't really understand how you can find this episode boring. Its on par with the Purple Wedding, if not better.
I admit, I teared up at Tyrion's speech and plight. Joffrey was called "the most noble child the gods ever put down on this good earth" and Tyrion, an actual noble guy, will go down in history as a monster.

Do the good guys ever win in The Game Of Thrones? :(
Why is that sword broken? Bravosi, also being rich, were supposed to be master swordsmen, right? One would expect best swords with their soldiers. Or does it symbolise that the Bravosi will fight even with broken swords?
They ran out of iron.
Loved the ending. Also I don't know whether to like or hate Jaime in this show!
Why Asha? I thought her name is Yara? Pretty sure, she said 'It's me, Yara' when she opened Theon's cage.
Can anyone who decides to criticise that episode be thread banned please?

I thought the whole thing was absolutely brilliant.

The iron bank changing aligence.


And finally Tyrion's trial. He's going to ask Jamie to fight for him isn't he :drool: even left handed, that's what he was training with Bronn for :D
Loved the ending. Also I don't know whether to like or hate Jaime in this show!

Really? Isn't it obvious he's a good guy now? They broke him and have him humility and he now hates his father and lives his brother.
He said she has big balls, but how fast can you run with those big balls. Then I guess he unlocked the cells with the dogs in them and the next time we saw the girl and her men they were fleeing

Thought it was a great episode, cant wait for the next
Really? Isn't it obvious he's a good guy now? They broke him and have him humility and he now hates his father and lives his brother.

He also "loved" his sister too much two episodes back. But i guess enough arguing has been done about that.
Really? Isn't it obvious he's a good guy now? They broke him and have him humility and he now hates his father and lives his brother.

That doesn't make him a "good guy". They just painted him in grey.

They've done a good job getting the audience back on his side and confusing things, but he still pushed a child out of a window and was highly responsible for the entire conflict at the start of the show, started a war and got the starks killed. He's also sick with his incest and due to a badly done scene, nine tenths a rapist.

He still loves his brother and pays respect to the woman who helped get him home. He still wants to honor the words that saved his life. Some of the most evil men in history loved their families and tried to honor what they believed in too. It didnt make them good guys. It just blurred the lines a little
"I hope you can run fast" or something about running fast.

I didn't really get what happened there, he was feeding the key to the dog or what? And how did they escape?

So she just bails and runs for her life? After all that she disowned her brother. Thats weird.
"I hope you can run fast" or something about running fast.

I didn't really get what happened there, he was feeding the key to the dog or what? And how did they escape?
He unlocked the dog cage. Yara ran out the castle, as she knew they couldn't hope to survive in a fight(however many Ironborn vs a whole castle). Ramsey wanted them to escape so they could tell Balon Greyjoy what had happened to Theon, presumably, I guess having your firstborn turned into a dog is bad for morale.
That Yara scene was just awful. But the rest of the episode was enjoyable.
Fantastic episode, loved it from start to end, easily the best of this season.

Ser Davos' acting was brilliant as always. Love that he's sort of calling the shots for Stannis. Theon's traumatized state was shown brilliantly, gives a whole new perspective to the torture he's been given by Ramsay that he doesn't even recognize his own sister, or rather is too afraid to. It ended in a very interesting way as well, with Ramsay wanting him to use him in a siege.

Intriguing interaction between Oberyn and Varys. Then the trial was possibly the best scene in the show so far. Done brilliantly start to end. Dinklage's ending monologue was emmy-worthy. As soon as Shae entered, his expressions and then that monologue, he absolutely nailed it.
It was just so badly executed. Yara's speech about rescuing Theon was one of the big scenes of last season's finale. She would've had to have been sailing for fecking ages to get there. Here is a map to demonstrate how far she would've had to have travelled to get to the dreadfort

Added to that was how comical it all was, they take out a dozen men, yet high tail it because of a few dogs and an armorless Ramsey? Speaking of which, that was just embarassing, it was like the scene 2 weeks ago with the turncoats at crasters keep, with the guy drinking from a skull. They are portraying sheer comic book villians now.