Frenkie de Jong | The last muppeting lap

Frenkie to United?

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FDJ watching Laporta and Xavi tugging Kounde off in public and then being directly told he might get a sympathy wank from the grounds crew if he takes a 40% wage cut.

He must be absolutely seething.
Honestly, the shite Barca are pulling, I can barely remember anything so unashamedly crooked. More than a club indeed ..

I'd much rather we moved on, picked up a couple of midfielders for the money (Bennacer / Sangare etc) and left FDJ, hoping he sees that contract aaaaall the way through and takes them for every last cent owed.
I mean, I can't blame De Jong. He's in a really tough situation, even as people keep saying he holds all the cards here. He's got three options, basically, as long as no other club expresses a solid interest:

1. Stay at Barcelona on his current contract and become public enemy number one. As a backup CB.

2. Stay at Barcelona and take a wage cut. Still a nonzero chance of having to be a backup CB.

3. Agree a payoff with Barcelona, sign for United and give up the chance of competing for major trophies.

I can't imagine any of these options look particularly attractive to him. And it seems unlikely that any of the CL contenders would make a move for him this summer. Holding on, hoping that the situation changes somehow is probably his best bet for now.
3. If you consider the CL the ONLY major trophy, and that's for one season. Liverpool finished 3rd just 2 years ago.
I mean, I can't blame De Jong. He's in a really tough situation, even as people keep saying he holds all the cards here. He's got three options, basically, as long as no other club expresses a solid interest:

1. Stay at Barcelona on his current contract and become public enemy number one. As a backup CB.

2. Stay at Barcelona and take a wage cut. Still a nonzero chance of having to be a backup CB.

3. Agree a payoff with Barcelona, sign for United and give up the chance of competing for major trophies.

I can't imagine any of these options look particularly attractive to him. And it seems unlikely that any of the CL contenders would make a move for him this summer. Holding on, hoping that the situation changes somehow is probably his best bet for now.
Having us as an option isn't that bad, surely. He holds the aces in this situation and just has to wait for Barca to fold. If they don't, he sits on fat wages until the next transfer window, then the next...
In regards to Laporta’s quote today that they ‘will do everything they can to keep De Jong at Barca.’ What exactly do they need to do?

Isn’t he on a long term contract that both clubs agreed to and that De Jong has not made any suggestion that he would walk away from? Surely keeping him is a matter of doing nothing?

What a nonsense statement from their president. The only motivation I can reason for saying this is to paint De Jong as a villain when he does eventually leave. As if they’ve done ‘everything’ and it wasn’t enough for the ungrateful brat.

In other words, it’s on.
As oppose to the wonderful signings from lesser clubs like Maguire, AWB, Fred, Lindelof, James, Lukaku, Bailly, Martial, Depay, Schneiderlin, Rojo, Fellaini.....

You do realize our transfers have been shit for over 15 years, right?

It's actually hilarious how superstitious football fans can be. I've seen this so called new allergy to players with "big names" from "big clubs" all over the internet from Manchester United fans. Not realising that there are plenty of big clubs that sign "big name players" and do quite well with them (Bayern, PSG, Madrid, City). The issue isn't inherently in big names or players from big clubs, the issue is with our squad planning and scouting. Sanchez was a "big name", but he was already declining in Arsenal but everyone (at least casual fans) assumed it was because he was "sad" over not coming. Turns out he was just turning to shit because he was no longer as quick as before! What about buying VdB, a shadow striker, when you already have Bruno and Pogba (two attacking midfielders) in your team? Or buying an attacking midfielder in Pogba, and playing him as a deep lying playmaker (which he isnt) for the majority of his Man Utd career? Or buying AWB a fullback with clear issues in passing and other ball playing abilities, he just worked out for Crystal Palace because Palace is a midtable-lower half team that constantly sits deep, and thus do not rely on play making fullbacks.

It's so easy to see the underlying issue connectin all our failed transfers; amateurish decision making from Woodward and his friends, because we lack a proper footballing structure like most modern clubs. There's nothing inherently wrong, or anything inherently special about "big names" or "small name" players. We don't seem to understand how to properly evaluate what the team needs and looking for that specifically as we search for players. Once again, it's fascinating just how superstitious football fans can be.
Barca work under the illusion that he can't just sit tight and take his money. There's literally nothing Laporta can do about it.
I think you underestimate Barca and Laporta. They don't work under no illusion, they mopped up and sorted pretty big issues since the elections, have had quite the summer with Lewandowski, Kessie, Kounde, Raphinha and Christensen, and FDJ would not be the first one to take a pay cut if he does.
I have never seen anything like this, guilt tripping a player because you have now decided that you don't want to pay him the amount of money you signed him up for. Just a shame our name is mixed up in this mess.

Truly is mental.

I saw a Barca fan in another thread arguing that this mess wouldn't effect peoples perception of the club on the whole, but how can it not. Growing up I always had a soft spot for Barca but jesus, these days they're just rotten.
There are about millions of reasons. Apart from more money, Manchester United football club offers absolutely nothing compared to other big clubs. We operate on a broken structure, 9 years running, embarrassment after another, failed manager appointments, failed big money transfers, being an underdog to 2 of our biggest rivals and among the bigger issues,

I'm still not sure how what you described here is very much different to what Barca are? They are run even worse than us. They are belittling their own playere with wage cuts, refusing to pay what is owed, and then signing players for mega money. Barca are an absolute joke.

Also, if Frenkie wants to stay so badly, why doesn't he take that paycut and sign the new contract?
Barca about to pull a few more levers. Could this be their biggest ever spend in a transfer window? :lol:


how is it not blatantly obvious now that if he just sits there and digs in, he might get paid, but Laporta is going to make it his personal mission to destroy FDJ's career. He is outright saying that they went and sought a deal with MUFC to force him to give up millions. Xavi has made it clear that he is now a bench CB. And this is only the opening salvo. This is as good as it gets for FDJ if he stays on his full wage, he might get 20 mins once a month as a such, or play a cup game in CB.
The more I think about this, the more my personal opinion becomes that we should very rarely if ever pay for a player from another "huge" club unless it's a steal. We should always be aiming to sign the next big thing, not the current big thing that was already paid for once and now apparently isn't worth keeping.

Signings from top clubs, not counting free transfers, since 2000:
Real Madrid: Varane, Di Maria
Bayern Munich: Schweinsteiger, Hargreaves
Juventus: Ronaldo, Pogba
Barcelona: Cruyff

Signings from the next tier of big clubs, since 2000:
Chelsea: Matic, Mata
Arsenal: Sanchez, RVP
Dortmund: Sancho, Mkhitaryan, Kagawa
Athletico: de Gea

Aside from RVP and de Gea, can we say that any of these purchases have been a real success, a clever signing, the ones that made the difference for us? I feel like signing from Real, Bayern, Juventus, Barca is just a bad idea and we should generally avoid it.

DeGea is doesn't really even work against your point, he was 20 and very much was the next big thing, although a record for a goalkeeper at 20m Euro, it was decent deal even at the time.
I think you underestimate Barca and Laporta. They don't work under no illusion, they mopped up and sorted pretty big issues since the elections, have had quite the summer with Lewandowski, Kessie, Kounde, Raphinha and Christensen, and FDJ would not be the first one to take a pay cut if he does.
Well, with the way that club is run, Laporta would probably find some mafia (or whatever they're called in Spain) to do the dirty work and drive FdJ out of the city without getting paid.
Yes. I’m against all that stuff. The more people accept it or endorse it, the worse it gets.
What do you mean "against it"? Is there something illegal happening?

I don't want to start a political or societal discussion but think about how you vote and how you make economic decisions with your consumer choices. You may be endorsing similar or worse practices already,without realising it.
how is it not blatantly obvious now that if he just sits there and digs in, he might get paid, but Laporta is going to make it his personal mission to destroy FDJ's career. He is outright saying that they went and sought a deal with MUFC to force him to give up millions. Xavi has made it clear that he is now a bench CB. And this is only the opening salvo. This is as good as it gets for FDJ if he stays on his full wage, he might get 20 mins once a month as a such, or play a cup game in CB.

Seems like they're both using us as an idle threat and the only question remaining is how much of a pay cut Frankie takes. It'll be a new contract any day now.
Honestly, the shite Barca are pulling, I can barely remember anything so unashamedly crooked. More than a club indeed ..

I'd much rather we moved on, picked up a couple of midfielders for the money (Bennacer / Sangare etc) and left FDJ, hoping he sees that contract aaaaall the way through and takes them for every last cent owed.
mes que un football mafia
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