Forza Motorsport 4

Ah, that's the reason!

Funny and interesting isn't it though, the design choices both companies made? On the one hand you have MS going with ATI that provides them with a brilliant solution for AA and aplha stuff, but then they decide not to give it enough eDRAM to effectively use it, then on the other had Sony completely change tack under developer pressure and ditch the insane bandwidth that GS had in favour of a run of the mill nVidia graphics card. If RSX had 16MB of eDRAM for frame buffer resolve and you still had the two split memory buses with RSX having access to both PS3 would have been a beast of a machine.
Ah, that's the reason!

Funny and interesting isn't it though, the design choices both companies made? On the one hand you have MS going with ATI that provides them with a brilliant solution for AA and aplha stuff, but then they decide not to give it enough eDRAM to effectively use it, then on the other had Sony completely change tack under developer pressure and ditch the insane bandwidth that GS had in favour of a run of the mill nVidia graphics card. If RSX had 16MB of eDRAM for frame buffer resolve and you still had the two split memory buses with RSX having access to both PS3 would have been a beast of a machine.

Admitting it is the first step to realising you are old!

Well as we know, M$ are cheapskates that cut corners, and Sony always find a way to bottleneck their system down to xbox level whilst annoying developers ;)
Annoying thing everyone is commenting on the crap but ignored the 5 hour 'scientific research' I conducted all afternoon.

(That's what I told the mrs it was anyway when she wondered why I would not move from my wheel.)

In fact scrap that I don't want comments, that's what ruined this thread in the first place.

Conclusion for me is money well spent and across PC, Ps3 and Xbox I going to be setup for racing games for a while.

I don't think I have enjoyed gaming as much as today for a long time.
The free race mod you get when you sign up to race room is fantastic too.

You get a modded formula car around hockinhiem.

Now that game has some shit hot physics and you wanna see the youtube vids...... :drool:
Just got £113 for my xbox wheel on ebay.

well chuffed as it covers half the price of my new one after giving me great service.

Rivals mode on this game is genius. I have guy on friends my friends list and we have swapped places on nurburg Challenge about ten times. Brilliant.

Finally beat him in my Audi R3 class after tuning it for two hours.

The setting work much better than previous forza's allowing me to tweak the understeer i was getting to finally balance slight twitch oversteer.
Simulation steering has no hidden assists according to turn 10, and it can be shown in the telemetry.

There is some kind of glitch however which they are looking into.
Been playing this more than MW3 and its the best racing game of all time, by far. FM3 was good but this just plays like something else. Really enjoyable gameplay and pretty to look at too.

Got a question though if anyone knows. With regard to customising cars and upload replays or items to your storefronts, what kind of reg plates will get you a ban from Turn10? Can you put like French connection FCUK U in it or will that get you a ban?

Reason I ask is that Microsoft XBL terms say you shouldn't use profanities in your profile or suggest at them but its a legal plate, so how would Turn 10 be? Wondering if its worth the risk or not.
Servers have been messed up for a while on Forza 4, can't connect to anyone at all in any race type half the time, even after they've just done the server work.
Just received this from Lovefilm, looking forward to taking it online.

Is it better than the other 3 Forzas? And I do I have to do all that tinkering with engines malarky to compete online or can we buy good motors from the off?
Just received this from Lovefilm, looking forward to taking it online.

Is it better than the other 3 Forzas? And I do I have to do all that tinkering with engines malarky to compete online or can we buy good motors from the off?

Yes its the best one of the Forza's and the best of any racing game ever!!! Not as good working online lobbies as Forza 2 though, has niggles which they're trying to sort STILL.

Regarding cars online, just go in the lobby you want, say A class or B class car circuit races and just look at what everyone uses most, then go to peoples storefronts and get a decent tune file or two for it. Yes, you'll need credits for the parts required for the file but they come so easy on Forza 4 IMO. If you get a Honda Civic '97 for B class and tune file you'll be competitive on most tracks, loads use that as its one of the quicker cars. Will get you going.

As I completed Forza 3 100% career all gold I never bothered touching this ones single player, so only earned like 70k credits and the rest is all from online play so shouldn't be an issue for you at all.
Cheers mate. Had a blast on this at the weekend online with a friend and you're right, it's a fantastic game.

Going to blitz through the career mode now.