Creator of the Caftards comics
Forza 2 was one (and still is) one of my standout 360 titles. 3 I got bored with pretty quick and the changes to the auction house took away what was a large chunk of the fun for me.
It's an incredibly polished product but something I'm not in a hurry to own and something I don't really have room for in a season packed with AAA titles.
F1 provides me with my driving fix and despite all it's faults (of which there are many) it shits all over Forza as a pure adrenaline packed racer.
F1 2010/2011 are faked to feck and shit at pretty much most things. However, it does give you the sense of speed and competition that you want from an F1 game, and in doing that instantly does what it's supposed to - to appeal to the type of gamer buying them.
There is nothing wrong with liking them, nothing at all. Just like there's nothing wrong with buying racing games and liking the customisation of the paintwork and buying and selling, more than the actual racing. If it's in there, people will use it and like it.
Perception is different though, you really shouldn't be spending your hard earned (or otherwise) money on Forza if you just want speed or better customisation of the cars because you are going to be dissapointed and think a pretty good game is shit. Anything by Codemasters is right up your alley, and that's where the pennies should go, and that's what you will (and rightly so) enjoy