Forza Motorsport 4

Oh and there's nothing wrong with keeping your foot to the pedal when upside down, you never know the car might magically flip over!

I can imagine that you've been in that situation multiple times in real life. Yeah, hanging there upside down, lets keep the accelerator on full throttle in case another car hits me and I flip back over whilst pointing directly at a wall.
I can imagine that you've been in that situation multiple times in real life. Yeah, hanging there upside down, lets keep the accelerator on full throttle in case another car hits me and I flip back over whilst pointing directly at a wall.

Maybe Turn 10 have turned into Codemasters and that's how they think it works?
Forza 2 was and always will be a classic for me but after getting 3 I realised that most of the fun I had was in the selling/trading liveries in the Auction House. They made it so everyone had access to everything for a fair price in 3 which while most thought was a better idea, kind of took away the fun of being a bit of a Del Boy for me.

After playing F1 the racing just feels a bit slow.

Say what you like about CM (they're terrible games testers they really are) but you get a great sense of speed from the likes of F1, Dirt & Grid.

Depends what you like I guess...
Awesome. Surprised how sim they have gone with all assists off. Also how they have added so much weight to the MS wheel, it feels like a totally different piece of kit to any other game.

First impression is it's going to be massive, god knows how heavy the new wheel is gonna feel going off the MS wheel. Gone has the constant screech of over steer the car is under much better control and feels so much heavier and on the road.

An unbelievable achievement on a console this game is (Yeah its turned me into Yoda) that's how good it is.
I'm reading very positive things on the weight transfer and body roll of the cars. Seems I might have been wrong and they have headed back towards Forza 2's level of sim. A.i is apparently more aggressive and intelligent too.

The new steering is getting mixed reviews, though it seems those with the issues with it are more pad users (and I don't really care about them ;)).

All in all it sounds closer to a modified 2 than a continuation from 3 and this pleases me.
Well, it's going to be fun paying it with Kinect.

You are aware that you don't have to use Kinnect right?

Anyway, there seems to be a lot of divided opinion on whether or not the steering even on full sim still has a degree of help (like how they ruined 3). It's hard to get a true reading on what's what because a hell of a lot of people wouldn't know the difference anyway, especially if it's subtle.

In fact I used to argue 2 did to a small degree, it had to because the steering remained pretty direct on the MS wheel and that doesn't have 900degree spin.
You're a fan of the business side, surely it makes perfect sense to you?

You can imagine the lolz if Yamauchi had allowed the option to stick a move controller into a Mario Kart Wii type blob of plastic and allowed people to play the game with it, or simply to be able to use the sixaxis as a wheel type device. He was right to tell the Sony executives to feck off if they ever proposed such a thing.
It's the latter I was talking about.

Well then say that.

BTW, how was the head tracking in GT5? I ask this as a serious question because I've never experienced it.

You can imagine the lolz if Yamauchi had allowed the option to stick a move controller into a Mario Kart Wii type blob of plastic and allowed people to play the game with it, or simply to be able to use the sixaxis as a wheel type device. He was right to tell the Sony executives to feck off if they ever proposed such a thing.

Move isn't the force kinnect is for precisely that reason though. They aren't pushing it, they jumped on the Wii bandwagon. Like it or not M$ believe in the Kinnect and as such it'll be more and more involved, mostly tacked on, but sometimes it may work.

Not that I care, because I don't own one and aren't likely too until I ever get the urge to try my hand at writing something for it.
You are aware that you don't have to use Kinnect right?

Anyway, there seems to be a lot of divided opinion on whether or not the steering even on full sim still has a degree of help (like how they ruined 3). It's hard to get a true reading on what's what because a hell of a lot of people wouldn't know the difference anyway, especially if it's subtle.

In fact I used to argue 2 did to a small degree, it had to because the steering remained pretty direct on the MS wheel and that doesn't have 900degree spin.

Apparently it's still virtually impossible to kick the arse end of a car out.
Yep, had a scoot in the Zonda and the Ferrari t'other night.

Wasn't that impressed tbh. I'll be giving this one a miss as I went off Forza 3 pretty quick as well.
I think that it partially shows what I said earlier and the XB360 demographic. It's not the quality of the game on offer here that's at fault, it's just that XB360 owners are not interested.

:lol: One or both of them already own a Forza game. Also there wouldn't be Forza 3 and 4 if they didn't make money, but hey lets not think of that. Let's not think about the game you so obviously want it to be worse than being on a system where people are starved for the genre.

Anyway do you think there'll be a Forza 5? Because the demographic, according to you, just isn't there.
It obviously doesn't sell that well in relation to the shooters does it? It's a quality product, why would people shun it? You could say that they have milked it slightly with 3 in a singe generation, but that never stops them with good ol' FIFA and COD.
It obviously doesn't sell that well in relation to the shooters does it? It's a quality product, why would people shun it? You could say that they have milked it slightly with 3 in a singe generation, but that never stops them with good ol' FIFA and COD.

What are you going on about? So a certain genre doesn't sell as well as another, big shock! Did you know certain movies, good or bad, take more money than others? Did you see the sales figures for Duke Nukem compared to a thousand better games?

You aren't going to buy this game, you don't like driving games enough to buy a whole new system for. You just want it to not look as pretty as GT5 or sell as well. The truth is if roles were reversed and GT5 was on the 360 and Forza on the PS3 your opinions would be reversed too.

If it was up to codemasters, they'd all be buying the same F1 game year after year with driver and livery changes.

They have and will continue to do so. I know this, you suspect it, most apparently don't care. What's the point here?

Forza 4 may be great or it may be shite, I'll play the demo myself tomorrow. What I'm not going to do is start comparing it to GT5 (at least not on here), I'm going to compare it to 2 and 3 and see if it is improved or not. That way people might have a genuine idea of whether or not it's worth buying, not some biased opinion based on the silicon that runs it.
Forza 2 was one (and still is) one of my standout 360 titles. 3 I got bored with pretty quick and the changes to the auction house took away what was a large chunk of the fun for me.

It's an incredibly polished product but something I'm not in a hurry to own and something I don't really have room for in a season packed with AAA titles.

F1 provides me with my driving fix and despite all it's faults (of which there are many) it shits all over Forza as a pure adrenaline packed racer.