Meh, I'm gonna wait a while with the jobs in Europe if I can help it. I just feel like the path from a lower league European job is just a step away from managing the bigger teams
I embraced the shiteness of Pune FC though, and the fact that we're not able to sign anyone due to the club being bankrupt. I implemented a counter attacking style, and I'm now undefeated in 6 games! My star player is a 35 year old Korean-dude who is trying to retire, but I keep telling him otherwise
For some reason, the club is not producing any youngsters though, so my U18 team is literally empty. No wait, there is one guy there which my coaches keeps reporting on. I think they are handing me like 3 reports on the same dude every single day. Guess they need to something to do as well...

Looks like I should have ticked India and China in the nations column.