Gaming Football Manager 2009

Try offering out a few players who don't play very often on loan. Then demand a couple of million to loan them. That usually brings in a few million a year for me, and gives players first team football.

My squad is miniscule, even the reserves, I had to boot everyone out to cut down on the wage bill. My wage budget is 125k :wenger:
My Current team is


DM: Veloso
RM: Srna
CM: Fabregas
LAM: Ribery
CAM: Arshavin
ST: Van Persie


Going into season 2.
Buy a new laptop. Or turn off 3d matches, small database and just pray.
Buy a new laptop. Or turn off 3d matches, small database and just pray.

Im getting a new pc in a few days but i have holidays and work will start soon. It doesnt even start forget turning stuff on in game.
Don't know what to say then other than wait until your new PC arrives, if it wont start there aint much you can do.
It won't let me save any games! It just says: "This game could not be saved" or something. :annoyed::(

Have you checked that you have hard drive space to save it? If so, try using ccleaner to tidy the computer up, then defragment the hard drive.
I downloaded this on my laptop which has a Mobile Intel 945 Express Chipset, which im guessing is rubbish. The game wont run. My exams just got over and before my imac comes i want to make use of these few holidays i have. Is there any way to get it to work on this laptop? Isnt there a way i can reduce some graphical settings? :(

Check the box, see if your hardware meets the requirements
Check the box, see if your hardware meets the requirements

Listen, i'm thinking of picking it up for the Ps3 or the Xbox360. Which version is better, and in what ways are they better/worse than the PC version. I want to get it for the console, it will save on some spending for the PC. Also, i can play online only on the ps3, is it of any use?
I'm looking to start a new game now as United but this time im gonna start by getting some young England talent can anyone recommend any?

I hear so much of that jack wilshire how does he turn out in the game ?
Listen, i'm thinking of picking it up for the Ps3 or the Xbox360. Which version is better, and in what ways are they better/worse than the PC version. I want to get it for the console, it will save on some spending for the PC. Also, i can play online only on the ps3, is it of any use?

You're right for picking it up on a console IMO. That way you know it will work, and you'll have a 3ghz processor working solely on the game so there'll be no stalling. I only have an Xbox but I admit the PS3 is better. Plus having that online feature is handy regardless, because you could have a network game with a few Caftards.
I'm looking to start a new game now as United but this time im gonna start by getting some young England talent can anyone recommend any?

I hear so much of that jack wilshire how does he turn out in the game ?

He turns out to be a very good player, it takes a few years though.

If i were you i'd go for an all-round midfielder (Diarra or Veloso) and get them to make lots of runs forward (from deep - play him moderately defensive). A Lampard-type player will score loads with the amount of talent you will have on the wings. This is a recent revelation for me.

If you want some cover for Evra, you couldn't go far wrong with Joe Mattock. Otherwise, there are a few decent players but nothing out of this world. A lot of good players will come through the ranks though.
You're right for picking it up on a console IMO. That way you know it will work, and you'll have a 3ghz processor working solely on the game so there'll be no stalling. I only have an Xbox but I admit the PS3 is better. Plus having that online feature is handy regardless, because you could have a network game with a few Caftards.

Apparently there is no console version of 2009 apart from the psp. My mode of easing the pain is bloody hard to attain.
Southampton's two best players:



Marquinhos is real, but Lioret isn't.

By the way, how many of you are seriously utilizing the tutoring aspect of the game?

I've even gone as far as signing players in their mid-late 30's, with terrific mental traits (then putting them in the reserves, and not allowing them to play any games), so that I can maximize the chances of my young players reaching their full potential. And I don't see how it's possible to properly do that without knowing what each players mental traits actually are. That's why I have reluctantly decided to use the genie scout for just that purpose.

Apparently, after reading some articles on various forums, there is a kind of hierarchy of personalities that should be used as a guide to tutoring, but it's still not very satisfying that way. Every mental trait is affected by tutoring, and it's impossible to know whether you are helping to improve or worsen the individual mental traits, without knowing what they are.

I don't know whether this has been mentioned, or not, but it is apparently the "Professionalism" stat that most influences whether a young player will reach their full potential (PA). I used to think that it was "Ambition" and "Determination", but after reading an article (linkage) where the author had done extensive testing, it is apparently the "Professionalism" stat that is most influential. "Ambition" and "Determination" are important, but not nearly as much.

Currently, I am tutoring about 50 youngsters! I am getting some serious results, as well. By the time that most of my youngsters reach 18/19 years old, they have usually attained 15+ for "Professionalism", "Determination" and "Ambition", as well as a number of other mental traits. "Pressure" is another one that I concentrate on, purely because it makes them a better player. I can then send them on progressively more challenging loan spells, and by the time that they reach a PA of roughly 150-160, they are ready to challenge for a 1st team place.

(If anyone wants to read that article but can't be bothered to sign up for the site, I could host a pdf of it, as well as numerous others that I have collected — just let me know)
Found another update to bring some life into the game.

It's a legends database. Each team has been re-built, most to reflect their greatest/most successful team. In and around these teams, legends of the club have also been placed.

It actually works really well, you have to ignore realism to every extent, because the age of the legends are all very low so that every team doesn't have world beaters in their squad at the peak of their career. For example, i have a 15 year old Best and Charlton (with amazing stats already, none the less, but that is justified) coming through my 99 squad, who will be ready by the time some of my other players decline.

It's light hearted and very fun while we wait for new season updates etc. I just signed a 24 year old Blanc for 15m, hopefully getting a 22 year old Zidane for 10m, and a 17 year old Davids for 3m. As you can see, the realism aspect is all over the shop.;13717362;/fileinfo.html

Edit: Currently have Zidane and Cantona tearing teams apart!
Found another update to bring some life into the game.

It's a legends database. Each team has been re-built, most to reflect their greatest/most successful team. In and around these teams, legends of the club have also been placed.

It actually works really well, you have to ignore realism to every extent, because the age of the legends are all very low so that every team doesn't have world beaters in their squad at the peak of their career. For example, i have a 15 year old Best and Charlton (with amazing stats already, none the less, but that is justified) coming through my 99 squad, who will be ready by the time some of my other players decline.

It's light hearted and very fun while we wait for new season updates etc. I just signed a 24 year old Blanc for 15m, hopefully getting a 22 year old Zidane for 10m, and a 17 year old Davids for 3m. As you can see, the realism aspect is all over the shop.;13717362;/fileinfo.html

Edit: Currently have Zidane and Cantona tearing teams apart!
thanks mate this is ridiculous loving the game now. I can sign ronaldo , batistuta and all those for so cheap and they are not at huge clubs yet. This is excellent. Muppet in me as awakened.
By the way, how many of you are seriously utilizing the tutoring aspect of the game?

I'm starting to play this game now I've never really done the tutoring aspect before on the game I've just bought players and put them in the team. I'm gonna start doing it but how do you do it do you get the kids put them in the under 18s, resevres or loan them out is that it or do you have to do something.
I'm starting to play this game now I've never really done the tutoring aspect before on the game I've just bought players and put them in the team. I'm gonna start doing it but how do you do it do you get the kids put them in the under 18s, resevres or loan them out is that it or do you have to do something.

you get a senior player to tutor them, hopefully they learn moves and mental aspects and ad it to their game
Listen, i'm thinking of picking it up for the Ps3 or the Xbox360. Which version is better, and in what ways are they better/worse than the PC version. I want to get it for the console, it will save on some spending for the PC. Also, i can play online only on the ps3, is it of any use?

There's no doubt that the console versions are worse off than the PC, that's just the nature of the beast. For the best experience, get it on the PC.

I'm pretty sure it works decently on the consoles though, more so than previous versions. You won't have as good a game, but I suspect it'll still be good :p
I'm starting to play this game now I've never really done the tutoring aspect before on the game I've just bought players and put them in the team. I'm gonna start doing it but how do you do it do you get the kids put them in the under 18s, resevres or loan them out is that it or do you have to do something.

When you buy a young player — anyone under the age of 21, in fact, unless they are ridiculously good, already — you can pair them up with one of your senior players, in the hope that the senior player will help to improve the young players mental traits — they are: Adaptability, Ambition, Controversy, Determination, Loyalty, Pressure, Professionalism, Sportsmanship, and Temperament.

All of those, bar Determination, are hidden attributes, unless you use an application to reveal them. The problem is, as I've said, that "Tutoring" either increases or decreases each attribute, depending on whether the senior player that you are using to tutor the young player, has specific attributes that are more or less than those of the player that he is tutoring. So in other words, if your senior player is 18 for "Professionalism", and the player that you designate him to tutor is, say, 12, there's a good chance that the young players "Professionalism" stat will improve during the 6 month period that tutoring lasts. But the same is also true in reverse. Any attributes that are already greater than the senior players, will decrease.

There are ways to tutor successfully without knowing what all of the hidden attributes are — apparently. But I'm not convinced that it isn't largely a stab in the dark. Knowing what each mental trait is means that you can better decide which players to link up, and it also allows you to track their progress.

I've had differing results, often without knowing why. Some older players appear to have a massive effect on each young player that I link them to, seeing increases of anything up to 5 or 6 in a particular trait. Others appear to work similarly with some players, but not others. And some appear to have minimal effect on whoever I link them to.

Over time, and particularly if you start tutoring when a young player is 15/16 years old, it is certainly possible to completely change a young players mental traits, from below 10 in each (or at least the important ones), to above 15, and within 2/3 years, or less.


(1) Find a young player (U21) that you want to tutor.

(2) Click on "Player Interaction" on the individual player screen.

(3) At the bottom it should say "Linked Players". Click on the players name and there should be a drop down menu that allows you choose between different players (only players that play in a similar position can be used).

(4) Choose the player that you believe is most suitable.

(5) Just above "Linked Players" there should be a menu called "Learn From Player", with three options. Those options mean different things:

(i) State that you see (name of older player) as an ideal role model for (name of young player)

(i) means that the young player will attempt to learn both the mental traits from the older player, as well as the "Preferred Moves" (which can be found in the "Position" section)

(ii) State the you think (name of young player) would benefit from adopting (name of older player) approach to the game

(ii) means that the young player will only attempt to learn the mental traits.

(iii) State that you think (name of young player) can learn from (older player)

(iii) means that the young player will only attempt to learn the "Preferred Moves" from the older player.

(6) Choose which option you want for your young player. Within a couple of days you should get a message stating whether you were successful in linking the two players. The tutoring period should last roughly 6 months.

Finally, you cannot send a player on loan while you are tutoring them, which is why it is important to start the process as early as possible (15/16 years old). Game experience is also a huge factor in a players development — for instance, some of my players have gone from a CA of 130, to a CA of 150-160, during a one year loan spell — but it's still more important, in my opinion, to make sure that a players "Professionalism" stat (as well as "Ambition" and "Determination", and others) are as high as possible, before you send them on loan, and certainly before they reach 21 year of age, at which point you won't be able to tutor them, any longer.

Once a player reaches 21 years of age, that's it, you won't be able to tutor them any more, and their mental traits are stuck in stone. Given that certain mental traits determine whether a player will reach his full potential (PA), and also, how determined the player is and how well they deal with pressure, etc, it's important that you do tutor players, if you want to see your young players become full-time members of your first team squad.

By the way, I've seen the effect that the "Professionalism" stat can have. I bought a 16 Italian winger — a regen — who, by all accounts, was a perfectly normal player, with a PA of 177. He is now 19, and he already has a CA of 160-odd, whereas other players of the same age (and PA), have a CA of 130-odd. The reason? His "Professionalism" stat was 20 when I bought him, whereas the other players stats were much lower.

Hope this helps.
I thought that all 3 options do exactly the same thing, but the duration is different (first one is longest).

And whether or not tutoring works is random.

Professionalism and ambition are key attributes to get players developing quickly.

Not according to the things that I have read, and I've never noticed differing time periods, depending on which option I have chosen, either. Obviously tutoring does not guarantee anything, but I'm fairly certain that choosing the second option will not lead to the young player picking up any "Preferred Moves", and that the third option means a similar thing for mental traits.

I could be wrong, of course, but after doing this for years, I've never noticed anything that seemed to go against that. All three options last roughly 6 months, in my experience, unless the two players can not get on with each other.
I've done a facepack for Milan if anyones interested...


Im nearly done with a United one as we speak
fecking hell, is it just me or has this game gotten insanely difficult this year? In previous versions I was always able to find one or two tactics that really suited my team and worked well, but this year it seems impossible, a tactic that works great in one match gets me absolutely hammered in another one.

It also seems far higher to train players and get them to their ability, as well as scouting players and the like.

I prefer 08, this one just ain't fun, it makes me want to punch the fecking walls.
I think i've seen many people complaining about the 9.3.0 patch which altered the match engine in some way. Basically I think you can no longer use one tactic forever, you get found out pretty quickly by the AI managers. Also morale (team talks) plays a huge role, i always have my team's motivation tab open to monitor how my players are feeling throughout the match.

So you can either revert back to 9.2.0, or download some better tactics if you can't be arsed to make your own. I'm using this one at the moment with great success, it's a 4-3-3 that reflects United quite well, the "DMC" is actually a deep lying playmaker (Carrick, Pirlo) that pushes up to join the midfield when in possession. I set the AML/AMR/FC to swap with each other to mimic the 07/08 season.
fecking hell, is it just me or has this game gotten insanely difficult this year? In previous versions I was always able to find one or two tactics that really suited my team and worked well, but this year it seems impossible, a tactic that works great in one match gets me absolutely hammered in another one.

It also seems far higher to train players and get them to their ability, as well as scouting players and the like.

I prefer 08, this one just ain't fun, it makes me want to punch the fecking walls.

I think i've seen many people complaining about the 9.3.0 patch which altered the match engine in some way. Basically I think you can no longer use one tactic forever, you get found out pretty quickly by the AI managers. Also morale (team talks) plays a huge role, i always have my team's motivation tab open to monitor how my players are feeling throughout the match.

So you can either revert back to 9.2.0, or download some better tactics if you can't be arsed to make your own. I'm using this one at the moment with great success, it's a 4-3-3 that reflects United quite well, the "DMC" is actually a deep lying playmaker (Carrick, Pirlo) that pushes up to join the midfield when in possession. I set the AML/AMR/FC to swap with each other to mimic the 07/08 season.

I don't agree, tbh. I've used two completely different tactics(442 and 451 United style) over long periods, and the only adjustment is going gung-ho when losing. They've both been successful right up through the leagues for me, so I think it can be done. It just takes a bit of tinkering, and exploiting the game engine's weaknesses like through balls and long shots. Also, buying big, fast, physical players seems to work.
That's exactly what I use (442 at home when im heavy favorites, 451/433 for others), and i agree the trick is to tinker where needed. Against tough opposition like the big 4 in the league or CL matches, sometimes the right opposition instructions is key to taking out their biggest threats. Some tactics are extremely dependant on players who can fit in the system, it took me awhile until i found a decent one and then adjusted the settings to fit the players.
That's exactly what I use (442 at home when im heavy favorites, 451/433 for others), and i agree the trick is to tinker where needed. Against tough opposition like the big 4 in the league or CL matches, sometimes the right opposition instructions is key to taking out their biggest threats. Some tactics are extremely dependant on players who can fit in the system, it took me awhile until i found a decent one and then adjusted the settings to fit the players.

I never touch opposition instructions. But, yeah, the right players is the key. That and pace, from what I can tell.
I can't say that I've found this years game particularly difficult, either. However, I am still largely using a tactic that I perfected for the '08 game. I'm using a 4-2-3-1 formation and depending on the opposition I use the AM R/L either out wide, or tucked in. I also alter the width and the positioning of the back line, depending on pitch dimensions, among other things.

The tactics that I created for the '08 game were largely inspired by "Tactical Theorems and Frameworks". I've had great success by linking the mentality of all outfield players in the team. So, for instance, if you start with your center-backs, giving them a mentality of, say, 13 notches, the fullbacks should be 14, central midfielders, 15, and so on. It helps to create a compact formation, where the entire team works in unison. Rarely, if ever, do I see my team looked stretched or open.

I also alter the individual instructions for each player, depending on their strengths and weaknesses. Some people can't be bothered with that (it only takes about 30 secs), but it seems a little pointless to ask a wide player to run with the ball, if he is poor at dribbling.
I started playing Football Manager for the first time on Saturday!

I'm Sporting manager and after four months my team is second in the table, five points behind Benfica. I lost Portugal SuperCup with Porto after penalties and I finished my adventure in Champions League, fourth place in Group of Death with Barcelona, Zenit and Dynamo Kiev. I'm also in fifth round of Portuguese Cup (playing with Benfica...) and in Carslberg Cup Group Stage.

I want to win one of the cups and secure Champions League spot.

Sporting are five points behind Benfica and it's going to be hard to take the lead in the table. However, Benfica lost only one game and it was against my Sporting. I haven't lost any game in the league yet.

I play 4-1-4-1 with Miguel Veloso as a defensive midfielder and with Helder Postiga as a striker. I bought Leonardo from Ajax because he was pretty cheap. In Champions League I played 4-2-3-1, but it didn't work. I wanted to do something before that league game with Benfica and I changed it to 4-4-2 with Moutinho and Veloso as CM's and Liedson-Postiga striker partnership. It looks to be pretty good.

Joga Bonito, if you are correct in what you just taught us about Training (and I think you are), then you are my idol!

I ALWAYS selected
(iii) State that you think (name of young player) can learn from (older player)

means that the young player will only attempt to learn the "Preferred Moves" from the older player.

I select that since its the lowest option (and closest to my mouse at the time. What? Don't judge me, you do it too!)

So basically all my training that I have done since this option of training began was an utter waste. Preferred moves! BAH!

Thank you, Sir Joga! I shall try this and report my findings. Thank you, kind sir.
Is it me or does this game give you unrealistic transfer budgets if you get promoted to the Premiership? I got Peterborough promoted to the Premiership and now they have given me a transfer budget of £40 million but with only about £7 million in the bank.

Oh and yeah I edited the database to put the correct teams in the correct leagues for next season, hence Peterborough in the premiership in 2 seasons.
I want to win one of the cups and secure Champions League spot.

Sporting are five points behind Benfica and it's going to be hard to take the lead in the table. However, Benfica lost only one game and it was against my Sporting. I haven't lost any game in the league yet.

Lost with Porto and Victoria Setubal. Don't have any chances to win the league and probably won't catch Porto up.

Next season... if they still want me.