Was playing with Brighton (got into the prem eventually) but as usual i don't play one game too long and decided to make a new game as united (don't usually go straight in) Sold Fletcher to city for £25mil

(i love it) also Tevez out to Real for £28mil (wasn't to keen on having him and rooney with shit finishing stats).
Tevez - Real Madrid £28,000,000
Fletcher - Man City £25,000,000
O'Shea - Sunderland £5,000,000
Manucho - Aberdeen (loan)
PIG - Some french team around £5,000,000 (think)
Hunterlaar - £14,750,000
Palombo - £11,750,000
Zhirkov - £13,500,000
Arshavin - £11,000,000
Henri Saivet - £1,000,000 (could rise to £6,000,000)
Jose Baxter - (bout the same as Saivet)
John Bostock (bout the same as Baxter)
The last three are youth players bought in on "free" contracts, where i thought i was getting them for free but turns out each had money attached to the deal.
Squad looks pretty well balanced & played a few games and haven't lost yet.
Almost bought in tons of other strikers (to replace Tevez) but Huntelaar seemed the best value for money, could of signed Adriano for around £15mil but would have to wait 2months for him to return from injury and his personality wouldn't really fit in at united, also almost got Cabanas but his club wanted way too much (around £20mil), also almost got Cardozo (bit of a gamble i thought), Also almost got Rossi (again too expensive), the one i was really pushing for was Sergio Aguero as he's supposed to be a god on the game but it would have cost me £40mil to do (with add ons) so i opted for the Klass Jan Hunterlaar option for £14.75 and he's looking good for it in his few appearances so far.