Need some advice lads.. on normal game modes, I play 3-5-1-1.. I think its called, with a holding midfielder and a number 10, as well as 2 wingers supporting front man but this formation is banned from ultimate team so I am really struggling with picking a formation which kind of replicates it.
Went 4231.. attacking wise, I loved it.. but defensively, was leaking goals and lack of a specific CDM made it vulnerable to long shots, and I haven't mastered defending yet so 2 CB's made it vulnerable.
Went with 5-2-1-2 but it lacks wingers, and it is a decent formation against your average joe but against good players, I attack too centrally and they can pick me off unless I play ultra defensively - which ruins the enjoyment for me as it turns into a grindfest.
4-3-3.. or 5-2-3.. I miss not having a number 10 and relying on just wide play, love having a support striker.

.. what do you suggest lads? any way I can customise the formations?
Also I've put all my loan cards in the reserves as I want to establish a playing system and be able to win regularly without needing the 'stars'.. so any help re: above would be great.