Good question (not nosy at all). Apart from Pro Clubs, I've not played this game much... and I'm a fan of the game (even though it's broken) and have been playing it since 05/06. In terms of how I earned my coins, I've been trading/investing. I started off buying BPL gold rare players and listing them for 2k over their normal card (lazy buyers technique). Then I progressed over to the same method but with IF players. For example, I sold IF Milner for the price of SIF Milner this week. Also, when FUTMAS was on, I invested in 83/84 rated players, and made so much profit. I've done the same again for this week. The rest of the coins come from the rewards I got from reaching Elite 1. I finished in the top 100 weekly and received 125k + 11 TOTW players. Kane was 100k+, Willian was 300k+, Baines was 100k+ and so on.
My team:
My biggest mistake is that I never warm up and I play little FIFA, so I get a bit careless at times. The other mistake I make is not testing new players out. I usually enter the WL without playing with my new IFs (the only players I look to buy these days).
In game, I switch to 4-1-2-1-2. Vardy and Martial up top - run in behind. Hazard stays up while I defend. Instructions for the two CMs (IF Firmino and Dembele) are default. Kante - man mark and stay back while attacking. And I have Shaw and Bellerin stay back, too.
And this was the team that got me Elite 1 last week:
IF Dembele with zero links. Which was stupid but somehow worked. He was on 6 chem - a simple change from RW to RF would have given him 7 chem. Which is what Martial is usually on for me. Last week I switched to 4-3-1-2. I feel that I need to play with two up top to utilise one-twos.
I still don't consider myself "Elite", and I feel that this game is more hassle than fun. I have a coupe OP players, but I play to have fun. My target was Elite for this weekend, and I wanted to achieve that while having fun. I'm not sure I achieved that, unfortunately.