"It's like..."
So pro will be where it's at again then?
Not sure I'd say that. Only played the demo once, and was reasonably impressed, but last year it got shown up a bit.
Don't listen to all the Fifa fan boys in here though. This game isn't the new messiah of football simulation. It's a shameful attempt to gloss off last year's Fifa without focusing on any of it's weaknesses.
Players aren't individuals. There's literally feck all effort been put into making one player's style different from another's.
They seem to have fecked up the first touch right analogue stick thing, which I always thought worked pretty well
The ball magically attaches itself to players feet, all the time. It looks silly.
The muscle people off the ball thing has been so over implemented it's just fecking stupid
goalkeepers still frequently save the ball in ways you just never see happen in real life.
It's even faster than that insanely fast Pro Evo from a couple of years back (I forget which one that was).
The game itself hasn't been improved on at all. The same menu screens, graphics, pre-game entrances,'s all exactly the fecking same. In terms of realism if anything it's gone backwards.
What kills it for me, is that all you have to do to pull of impossiblyamazing shots/passing moves is press buttons aimlessly. It gets dull so quickly.
Played it for an hour or so last night, and literally every single goal scored was too silly to be possible in real life.
- SWP booted the ball at my keeper when he had an open goal, then the ball rolled back to him, and suddenly appeared behind his other foot so he could pointlessly backheel blast it into the corner.
- Fletcher appeared up front and tackled a defender, by running past him and sticking his foot out, causing the ball to somehow gravitate along the outside of his foot and end up in front of him
- I crossed a ball in and aimlessly pressed the shoot button. Park ran in and instead of heading it, magically caressed the ball down from head height onto his chest, and volleyed it into the top corner.
- Berbatov slide tackled the ball into the top corner from the edge of the area