Gaming Fifa 10

2 games with CW, he beat me both times, but they were both good, and were closer than our 09 encounters :D :p
Just finished my first season with United, won the Premier League on the last day of the season, all I needed as a draw against Spurs at WHL to win it. Anderson scored a freekick in the 79th minute to earn me a 2 - 2 draw. Also won the FA Cup courtesy of a John O'Shea header.

Bought Gourcouff in January but he's been rubbish. That or I can't use him properly. Berbatov has been a bit pants too, doesn't seem to fit into the system, I might sell him and Gourcouff. Macheda, Welbeck, The twins and Evans came along nicely, all of them got roughly 25-30 games.

Any tips on how to deal with player rotation so they're not contantly knackered without putting out a new elven every other week?

First year i've played the MM...
good games yesterday, i thought i did ok to say they were my 2nd and 3rd games online. just cant get the tackling right in this one, i keep getting caught out by the momentum of the defender and im getting turned too easily. few silly mistakes aswell. you up for another game later?

You have the problem I used to have, and probably still have a bit. At least, a good passer used to play circles around me. You were always competitive, though. I'll definitely be online later for a rematch or two :cool:
Got the rub of the green with the first game i think. Caught you cold and got 2 quick goals. Was gutted about the second game, 3 one on ones missed and the woodwork hit 3 times too (one was done by yourself! :lol:) Can't believe i didnt at least get a draw in the last one too. An astonishing point blank save right at the death from your keeper. Good games though.

Oh and you're such a terrible loser niMic :lol:

I'm a great loser, right up until the point where it starts being 3-0 and 4-0, at which point I'm in danger of hurting the monitor and my fist. :lol:
You do have a habit of getting players sent off! I think one of our games got called off because you didn't have enough players!

At that point I was at least 3-4 goals down with the game nearing its end, so I thought I might speed it up and vent some anger at the same time :D

I never get a first person sent off on purpose, though. The vast majority of sending offs are down to my incompetence.
2 games with CW, he beat me both times, but they were both good, and were closer than our 09 encounters :D :p

I was going easy on you kidda ;)

I'm a great loser, right up until the point where it starts being 3-0 and 4-0, at which point I'm in danger of hurting the monitor and my fist. :lol:

Just played my very first game online (I hate online) as Manager Mode just isn't cutting the mustard anymore, it's actually worse than 2009.

I hover over Fulham, he decides to be a dick and pick Milan right off the bat. So I choose Arsenal. A couple minutes into the game I hear Martin Tyler say "Essien" .. I then take a closer look and realise he had a 'dream team' with Messi, Ronaldo etc :rolleyes:

I go 2-0 up after 30 minutes. He decides to disconnect. Nothing has changed since 09 for fecks sake!
I upgraded my fitness coach to 10, but by the 2nd season players were getting knackered after 2 games :S

Obviously helps if your players have a high stamina rating, and if you dont run around all game sapping their energy bar. Maybe do that till you're ahead and then take your foot off the pedal so to speak and only run when you need to. Playing as Watford I did use a 3 player rotation for some positions and really, the only trouble I had with several players having depleted bars were in mid week cup matches and then the weekend matches after, where its understandable.

Can anyone confirm that there are no more phantom transfers in MM mode after the patch?
Despite the release of a patch yesterday(or today depending on which platform you're playing it on), there are still bugs. My keeper got sent off for doing absolutely nothing(by nothing I mean nothing, he was just standing there) after the opposition scored.
i will be online for sometime, anyone want any games?

Gamertag on 360 is fanutd
Just played my very first game online (I hate online) as Manager Mode just isn't cutting the mustard anymore, it's actually worse than 2009.

I hover over Fulham, he decides to be a dick and pick Milan right off the bat. So I choose Arsenal. A couple minutes into the game I hear Martin Tyler say "Essien" .. I then take a closer look and realise he had a 'dream team' with Messi, Ronaldo etc :rolleyes:

I go 2-0 up after 30 minutes. He decides to disconnect. Nothing has changed since 09 for fecks sake!

You were right first time, its worse than 09. I just fired up 09 for the first time since purchasing 10. My god, 09 feels some much nicer. Its smoother, and the pace of play is just so much more realistic. FIFA10 is at a 100mph, which doesn't give a chance to think or do anything with the ball. I think im going to just revert back to playing 09 now.
Whenever I play online all my players have overall of about 85, is this how it should be? Weird.
Just played my very first game online (I hate online) as Manager Mode just isn't cutting the mustard anymore, it's actually worse than 2009.

I hover over Fulham, he decides to be a dick and pick Milan right off the bat. So I choose Arsenal. A couple minutes into the game I hear Martin Tyler say "Essien" .. I then take a closer look and realise he had a 'dream team' with Messi, Ronaldo etc :rolleyes:

I go 2-0 up after 30 minutes. He decides to disconnect. Nothing has changed since 09 for fecks sake!

You can choose the level of the team you want to play against. Also, did you play unranked or ranked? Because on ranked i havent come across anyone with a dream team yet.
Urgh.. switching back from 09 to 10 feels horrible. 10 is so unsmooth its unreal.

Your moaning is getting so irritating now. You don't like the game, we all get it. You said you were finally ditching the game and going back to 09 and now you're still moaning how shit 10 is. If you hate it as much as you say then simply stop playing it.
You can choose the level of the team you want to play against. Also, did you play unranked or ranked? Because on ranked i havent come across anyone with a dream team yet.
Ah right, didn't know that.

It was an Unranked match by the way.
Ah right, didn't know that.

It was an Unranked match by the way.

Yeh when you choose head to head press right once then there's a custom setting where you can restrict the level of the teams picked. It's a very good new feature because my most entertaining games on Fifa10 so far have been between Championship/Low level Premier League sides.
Your moaning is getting so irritating now. You don't like the game, we all get it. You said you were finally ditching the game and going back to 09 and now you're still moaning how shit 10 is. If you hate it as much as you say then simply stop playing it.

Simple. Don't read my posts, but you're hardly one to talk about complaining.

The most retarded and infuriating thing on this game is, without doubt, the shit Goalkeeper AI.


Manchester City 2 - 2 Bolton | EA SPORTS

You on about the Wii version?

As for the 360 version, i'm still not sure. I used to love the MP on 09 but the MP on 10 is just infuriating. I'm not sure if it's still because i'm not used to it properly but the players just seem so sluggish when they receive possesion of ball, the passing can be really annoying, defenders running into each other is retarded and the computer choosing the most inappropriate player for you to control and just the wrong time really pisses me off.

The way it's going i might give this years Pro Evo a whirl and see if it can win me back.

:lol: i noticed that yesterday. Very lazy from EA.

Yes. The Patch is called World Cup 2010.

This fecking game!!!! :mad:

React to the ball you fecking retarded fecks!

That's why i use that formation Dom, because the sheer shittiness of the defenders forces me too.

The problems I have aren't glitches, just annoyances with the game itself.

I've just been on and nothing downloaded. I'll try rebooting...

On finishing though, the more i play the more random it feels. I had a match earlier and did my usual 10 shots and got 2 goals. Then i just beat some guy 6-0. I had 9 shots. None of the 6 goals were tap ins, mostly one-on-ones that i do all the time and never score. I did score an absolute screamer from a bit outside the box too, whch is my first online in open play.
Simple. Don't read my posts, but you're hardly one to talk about complaining.

It's hardly comparable and some of mine arent even real complaints like the commentary one :lol: and in most of them i do say it's prob down to me not being used to it. Unlike you who whinge about the online but actually it just sounds like you're a bit shit ;)

The shooting in this game is terrible. Its totally illogical. When sprinting with the ball, you can shoot both more powerfully whilst also having more control over where it goes than if you shoot whilst at walking pace. Its nearly impossible to get a shot on target when walking. Absolute joke.

Don't blame you. Im really tempted to right an irate email to EA. This game, on the whole, is terrible.

Thats the annoying thing. The parts EA have fecked up are the simple parts. Surely the game testers should have picked up on things such as the excessive rainy night games and the white ball during snowy matches. Its so odd, and has me questioning, was the game tested at all prior to release. It all feels so rushed.

Am i the only one who finds the online sluggish, even compared to Manager mode?

Na. i have a decent first touch, but its still sluggish as hell. The shooting, the passing, running. Everything is sluggish and i never feel totally in control of the ball, as i did in 09. I'm beginning to hate this game. i thought the more i played it, i would grow to like it. But im not.

I've had it with this game. The online is just a joke. First off, the game doesn't reward a passing game at all. It rewards counter attacks, which mean for the large part i can be all over an opposition, with him having 9 players back, and me trying to pick a decent ball or beat a player, which is impossible when all the defenders are impossible to get round as they just out muscle you forwards (unless you're Drogba) and the close control is so bad. On the flip side, one hoof from him and he's away. Fortunately 9 time out of 10 its impossible to finish 1 on 1's so im usually alright. The only time i ever lose is due to AI errors. It is litterally the only time i concede. 90th minute, 0-0 after being all over him and my keeper decides to dive over the ball. fecking Fantastic. I wouldn't totally mind if it was an occasional error. Next game, keeper comes to punch ball, misses. 5 mintues later, i pass the ball out to my closest defender, who in turn decides to take this opportunity, to run away from the ball. feck me. The AI is laughably bad.

The only good thing about this game, is that i think i should be able to sell it for more than what i paid for it (£25). I am so unbelievably disappointed.

Here you decide to go back to 09:

The game in general just makes me want to grate my own nut suck. Its so fecking infuriating. Im going back to 09, so i can play as Reading or Schalke again, and not have to worry that my keepers going to kick the ball into his own net.

Didnt last long though!!

fecking hell. I thought i'd give it one more try. So start my game, 5 or so minutes the guy gets a corner. He spends about 3 mintues shifting between corner takers until he settles on one. All of a sudden the box is flooded with roughly 8 of his players in a straight line. Ball comes in and they all charge at it. Obviously the AI controlled keeper doesn't do anything sensible so lets the ball come all the way to the back post, where drogba boots the ball in. I presume that must be one of the custom set pieces that i thought were supposedly disabled for online? Then the rest of the game just turns into another AI cotastrophy, with shots being blocked by my own players, players running into each other, defence stepping forward; you know, the usual. Passing this year has a sort of "well thats close enough" feel to it, with all pass's going roughly where you placed them and honestly next time im through one on one with the keeper im going to turn around and run back to the edge of the area; you have a better chance of scoring. The shooting is beyond illogical; its just fecking wrong!

Unfortunately i agree to a large extent. Although FIFA10 isn't completely shit, it does still feel like a step backwards.

Here you went back to 09 again...

You were right first time, its worse than 09. I just fired up 09 for the first time since purchasing 10. My god, 09 feels some much nicer. Its smoother, and the pace of play is just so much more realistic. FIFA10 is at a 100mph, which doesn't give a chance to think or do anything with the ball. I think im going to just revert back to playing 09 now.

...but again it didnt last long.

Urgh.. switching back from 09 to 10 feels horrible. 10 is so unsmooth its unreal.

I've had my moans but fwiw i really enjoy it now. I've now put my problems down to not being able to break out of my 09 habits because i used to play it a lot. I had over 1000 online games! Yes i moaned today because the goalkeeper AI is shit but it was shit in 09 too.
It's hardly comparable and some of mine arent even real complaints like the commentary one :lol: and in most of them i do say it's prob down to me not being used to it. Unlike you who whinge about the online but actually it just sounds like you're a bit shit ;)

Here you decide to go back to 09:

Didnt last long though!!

Here you went back to 09 again...

...but again it didnt last long.

I've had my moans but fwiw i really enjoy it now. I've now put my problems down to not being able to break out of my 09 habits because i used to play it a lot. I had over 1000 online games! Yes i moaned today because the goalkeeper AI is shit but it was shit in 09 too.

You may have a point about it somewhat boiling down to being unable to break the habits of 09, I too played just under 600 games and was ranked online, not to mention the countless days spent playing mates in tournaments, but honestly there are some extremely irritating elements in this latest edition. My transition from 08 to 09 was much smoother.
Carl, couple of games this evening you pussy-whipped cnut?

Yeh sure why not. Currently playing Manager Mode at the min. It's more enjoyable with the new patch.
Couple of games now?

feck knows what happened there.

Did the patch fix the more obvious issues with Manager Mode? I gave it a go early on, but I quit in disgust. Is it worth playing now?

Yeh the more obvious bugs are fixed. They haven't fixed the assistant manager bug if if you turn it ff then on then off again it works.
I just gave up. I kept trying to say to you that we should just stop but you couldn't hear me.