Ferguson on Pardew (and Newcastle)

I'm not so sure this was that calculated, he was very animated all game the other day. He's desperate to win the league so he can retire.

I agree he is very cute at taking things that happen and turning them into a chance to create a good atmosphere within his team while also making the fans really get behind the team. That dodgey offside goal could have knocked the stuffing out of most sides but I think it was a catalyst to a halftime talk that turned the game. He is in his 70s and has won a load of titles and is still berating the ref for a dubious decision.
But they are a small club in the North East. They've got a good support but they haven't won a thing since 1969. Geordies have got delusions of grandeur brought on by having once had Keegan for a manager and beating us to the signature of Shearer. feck 'em.

:lol: This overdone dislike some of you have for Newcastle is amusing.

Depends what you base small on doesn't it...based on winning things then most clubs must be small as it is usually the same few names that appear on cups and league championships...personally I wouldn't describe a club with 50,000 watching most weeks as small.

The Newcastle fans I know don't have any delusions of grandeur and why exactly having KK as manager would be a reason for them to think that way is a mystery.
In fact it appears to be an amalgamation of several hip hop disses, SAF is a hip hop fan no question about that.
I agree he is very cute at taking things that happen and turning them into a chance to create a good atmosphere within his team while also making the fans really get behind the team. That dodgey offside goal could have knocked the stuffing out of most sides but I think it was a catalyst to a halftime talk that turned the game. He is in his 70s and has won a load of titles and is still berating the ref for a dubious decision.

You're giving him too much credit, Stick. Giving out yards to people for no apparent reason is just a natural by-product of the aging process. Ask moses.
I don't think so. How many times do you hear a manager in a pre-match conference that the opposition team is a very good team, a big club, good manager etc. Every time. That's how often. Mancini is especially like that. He always talks like he's some L1 team playing a PL team in the FA cup but with non of the excitement that goes with it.

In fairness, I've just seen the video of it and the way he says it there really is no malice or bite to it, so I agree that there really is zero issue here.
That's what I'm talking about, Steve. Put a wooly hat on him and it's moses.
You're giving him too much credit, Stick. Giving out yards to people for no apparent reason is just a natural by-product of the aging process. Ask moses.

haha you're probably right.
Fergie says what everyone's thinking, any other manager in the country (probably world) reacts like he did and no one bats an eyelid, only the referee can judge whether or not he was offensive, which it would seem, he wasn't.
I like Newcastle. A good club. I'd much rather they were fighting for titles with us than plastic clubs like Chelsea, City et al. I was pleased to see them do so well last season.

That said, Fergie's comments do make me laugh. It's just banter.
I'm not so sure this was that calculated, he was very animated all game the other day. He's desperate to win the league so he can retire.
Everything I see leads me to think he's off at the end of the season.


It's the time of year where everyone dusts of the old ABU hat and has a big old moan about how big and bad fergie is while waving at the other managers acting like absolute cnuts saying 'Hey mate, how you been.. Now back to big old bad fergie..'

feck there are some weapons who follow football.
Moyes isn't signing his new contract as well.
The first rule of wee club is don't talk about wee club.
They're called 'wee club' because Ashley's been taking the piss out of Newcastle FC for ages.
The video looks worse than it is. People just assume Fergie is swearing his head off. Not true. Yes he is animated but the ref himself says it was a reasoned discussion.
We have to remember this occured not during the game but while waiting for a tardy Newcastle who kept United waiting for the restart of the 2nd half.
Wenger kicking the bottle, Pardew shoving the linesman all occurred during the game and were violent acts and rightly more worthy of punishment.
Dippers were losing it on the radio today (talkshite). Saying we should be docked points and the like. It's great. Geordies too.

Poor Pards has been Amish shunned by Fergie. That bit Fergie said that he "forgets" how Sir helped him. I guess old Alan won't be counting on SAF putting a good word in anywhere when he's looking for a new gig after he fails to stear the toonies out of their nosedive.

It's amazing how this non-story has whipped up all the drones into a frenzy. Fergie must be pissing himself.
Dippers were losing it on the radio today (talkshite). Saying we should be docked points and the like. It's great. Geordies too

On what basis would they dock us any points? Because big bad Mr Ferguson gave them a booboo on their feelings?
My club's a big club, your club's a small club. Who was it that said every man thinks he has the hottest wife at home? Who gives a feck, honestly. The geordies should be more worried about their cataclysmic fall down the table than what some dude in Manchester says.
Is there a link to the actual 'rant', I was out of the country & only heard about it but didn't see it.

When I was on my way back from the airport last night they were carping on about it on Talkshite like it was something serious but most of the people on here seem to have laughed it off as nothing.
My club's a big club, your club's a small club. Who was it that said every man thinks he has the hottest wife at home? Who gives a feck, honestly. The geordies should be more worried about their cataclysmic fall down the table than what some dude in Manchester says.

The best put down of the decade delivered by none other than Monsieur Wenger
Absolutely love the outrage this has caused. fecking hilarious.
Funny comments from Fergie but i dont think anyone should be berating refs like that in public

Fergie absolutely was out of order but the referee didn't deal with it. Another decision Dean got wrong.
He was only out of order by the standards of the holier than thou press and the sheep that lap up that sort of shit because they love a bit of outrage.

Dean himself, the only other person involved in the conversation, said he was fine with what was said.

Sadly in the world we live in, what happens on the pitch isn't enough anymore. Papers and news entertainment channels need more copy to keep them going through the week so week in week out we now get some 'outrageous' incident that ends up being discussed til the next game comes along, and people lap it up like puppies.

Be it handshakes, racism, sex, violence entertainment news and tabloid press are doing their best to create a bullshit soap opera around football to furnish them with more headlines.