Ferguson on Pardew (and Newcastle)

Funny they didn't show Pardew criticising the officials in their little highlights package.
Phil Thompson having a go at Sir Alex now.

He's a Scouser, of course he's having a go at SAF.

I remember SAF criticising Benitez and accused him of "arrogance" and showing "contempt" in his dealings with Sam Allardyce. Isn't SAF doing the same thing to Pardew and Newcastle now?
This is the first time I've watched this in a while and I remember why I stopped watching it.

Apart from Charlie Nicholas they haven't a brain cell between them.
After Roy Keane retired Le Tissier said he was nothing more than a thug on that same show. I have long since stopped listening to what he says.

It surprised me when I first seen him on tv, I thought with the sort of graceful way he played football he would be one of the clever ones but obviously not. He comes across as bitter if anything. Maybe because he now wishes he had gone to a bigger club?
People still talking about this? :lol:

I guess Mancini's "The ref ate too much", Redknapp's comments at the weekend, and Rodgers' weekly "The ref was against us" comments were of lower value to Sir Alex's words.
He was only out of order by the standards of the holier than thou press and the sheep that lap up that sort of shit because they love a bit of outrage.

Dean himself, the only other person involved in the conversation, said he was fine with what was said.

Sadly in the world we live in, what happens on the pitch isn't enough anymore. Papers and news entertainment channels need more copy to keep them going through the week so week in week out we now get some 'outrageous' incident that ends up being discussed til the next game comes along, and people lap it up like puppies.

Be it handshakes, racism, sex, violence entertainment news and tabloid press are doing their best to create a bullshit soap opera around football to furnish them with more headlines.

What surprises me is some of our fans are buying into it and genuinely believe Fergie was doing something horribly wrong. I keep reading that "Fergie was lucky". It's sad that even our own fans fell for the shitstorm.
What surprises me is some of our fans are buying into it and genuinely believe Fergie was doing something horribly wrong. I keep reading that "Fergie was lucky". It's sad that even our own fans fell for the shitstorm.

Fergie was lucky in that the FA did not bow to the media pressure and did not charge him. It is not necessarily characteristic of them.
Le Tissier is just a bitter cnut because his career amounted to nothing. He had umpteen chances to join a decent club (like United) and actually win something but he fecked it all away because he was a lazy unambitious twat.
Fergie was lucky in that the FA did not bow to the media pressure and did not charge him. It is not necessarily characteristic of them.

So the FA have overstepped a ref who reported no qualms with a manager's reactions analgous to the SAF situation on numerous occasions?
The FA are scared of Ferguson. He could injure them as he is injuring any United player who doesn't play well.
I remember SAF criticising Benitez and accused him of "arrogance" and showing "contempt" in his dealings with Sam Allardyce. Isn't SAF doing the same thing to Pardew and Newcastle now?

Man criticizes someone he doesn't like for being a dick to his mate only to later go on and do something similar to someone else being a dick when he feels it's impacted him in human nature shocker!
Pardew's decision to play Demba Ba in centre mid for the last 20 minutes was one of the worst tactical decisions I can remember. It must have worked out differently on his notepad.
Le Tissier said the FA are definitely scared to punish Fergie :lol:

Of course they are. It's fantastic - especially when we are on top of the table.

They're fat jawed wankers. It's much easier to run up and dig the boot into SAF than to attempt to take him down first.

It's hilarious. I love when he gets like this. Everyone comes out of the woodwork to have a huge go at SAF. It cracks me up that they froth at the mouth over it. SAF could take a dump on the queen's face and outrage the whole world and I'd still laugh and tell them to go and get fecked.
Apparently he gets away with murder, according to Goals on Sunday.
''Ongoing goalkeeping problem''