Ferguson on Pardew (and Newcastle)

God, I love that man!

Came out and said what was on all of our minds. Classic Fergie!
Is their a bigger troll in the world than Fergie?
Just watched it. He doesn't mean the Newcastle thing in a belittling sense. It's just a Scottish turn of phrase.
I don't get this whole "disrespectful to Newcastle" stuff people are saying. Maybe it's no the nicest thing to say but so what. Most fans of every other club hate United and any excuse to slag off Fergie or the club they will take and that in itself is disrespectful. It must be tiresome for people like Ferguson who are at a huge club and people like Pardew tell them how to behave.

His point about Pardew is spot on as well, I can't stand him. He absolutely loves to comment in the media and thinks he's some kind of darling of the press after 1 half decent season. Sometimes I think he loves controversial things to happen in his games just so he can go to the press after to talk about them.
I don't get this whole "disrespectful to Newcastle" stuff people are saying. Maybe it's no the nicest thing to say but so what. Most fans of every other club hate United and any excuse to slag off Fergie or the club they will take and that in itself is disrespectful. It must be tiresome for people like Ferguson who are at a huge club and people like Pardew tell them how to behave.

His point about Pardew is spot on as well, I can't stand him. He absolutely loves to comment in the media and thinks he's some kind of darling of the press after 1 half decent season. Sometimes I think he loves controversial things to happen in his games just so he can go to the press after to talk about them.

Sir Alex Ferguson could show more respect towards football clubs with 100 years of history even if they are currently run by knobheads.
It also distracts press attention (and criticism) away from the fact that the players like giving the opposition a two goal headstart in every game.

I am convinced that Fergie doesn't believe half the stuff he says - it is all a ploy to shift attention and pressure off the players onto him.
Sir Alex Ferguson could show more respect towards football clubs with 100 years of history even if they are currently run by knobheads.

And clubs and fans alike could show a man who has won all there is to win some more respect as well but it doesn't always happen. He's probably annoyed at some of the comments he's been getting and rightfully so. It's football and stuff like this happens. Fans, managers and players will comment on stuff like "Fergie time" and how he influences the referees so I don't have any complaints with him giving some back, if you can give it out you've got to be able to have the piss taken of you to.

Rafa Benitez has won 2 La Liga's, an FA Cup, a UEFA Cup and a Champions League so surely deserves some respect yet is constantly mocked on here as a "Fat Spanish Waiter" etc, I assume you are going to slate everyone whenever they mention stuff like that now as well?

I don't get all slating of Fergie, he gets slagged off all week and is allowed the chance to say something back and says it (and it's hardly that out of line, it's a bit of a piss take at best) and when he does he's passed off as some kind of knob.
And clubs and fans alike could show a man who has won all there is to win some more respect as well but it doesn't always happen. He's probably annoyed at some of the comments he's been getting and rightfully so. It's football and stuff like this happens. Fans, managers and players will comment on stuff like "Fergie time" and how he influences the referees so I don't have any complaints with him giving some back, if you can give it out you've got to be able to have the piss taken of you to.

Rafa Benitez has won 2 La Liga's, an FA Cup, a UEFA Cup and a Champions League so surely deserves some respect yet is constantly mocked on here as a "Fat Spanish Waiter" etc, I assume you are going to slate everyone whenever they mention stuff like that now as well?

I don't get all slating of Fergie, he gets slagged off all week and is allowed the chance to say something back and says it (and it's hardly that out of line, it's a bit of a piss take at best) and when he does he's passed off as some kind of knob.

Totally agree. Fergie must feel he is singled out at times by the media and the FA as he seems to be one of the only managers who gets punished for things that other managers get away with all the time. Pretty much every game we are losing late on the media, commentators and other fans will bang on about how 4 minutes 'fergie time' is 'unbelievable' when it's just the norm.

Yesterday for instance, there was actually 8 minutes played because of our goal and an injury to their player. Now imagine we scored the goal in the 7th minute of injury time. There would be riots despite the time played being a fair amount.
Is he actually trying to say that only United fans hate Suarez and Terry?

I'd like to think he's saying that only the fans of their clubs supported Suarez and Terry. Ridiculous thing to say either way, they're in no way comparable to this situation.
To which help is he referring to?

By the way, how did Fergie help Pardew?

Could be this that he is referring to but knowing Ferguson there are probably countless other times he has helped Pardew.

NEWCASTLE boss Alan Pardew got his oats when he popped in to see Sir Alex Ferguson at Manchester United’s training ground.

It was a steaming bowl of Old Trafford boss Sir Alex Ferguson’s favourite *porridge!

But tonight, the Toon chief is intent on *biting the hand that fed him as Newcastle go in search of a first win over Manchester United in almost a decade.

Alan Pardew personally has had little luck against the man he rates as the best in the business.

In fact, that hearty breakfast is about the only thing he’s got from *Fergie since winning at Old *Trafford as a *Crystal *Palace player 20-odd years ago.

“I went to see him and he told me I had to have some porridge and *convinced me that salty was the way to have it,” said Pardew, whose visit came when he was out of work.

“It’s the Scottish way. I stood up a good argument for sugar and when he wasn’t looking, I took a bit of salt off. Soft southerner!

“It goes unrecorded about Sir Alex that he’s a big part of the League Managers’ *Association and he’s always got a word for younger *managers – inviting them to the *training ground and looking after them.

“I asked him a bit of advice. It’s only wise to ask the main man and he said, ‘I think the football world should see that you can work outside London because you’ve spent your entire career there.

“That was one of the main reasons I took the Southampton job. I couldn’t have come much further away now, could I?

“So it’s worked in a weird way, although I don’t want a tour of the country. I’m quite happy where I am, thank you.”
Pardew will be even happier if he can mastermind a shock home win tonight.

But he believes United’s FA Cup exit has made the task even tougher.

“They don’t lose back-to-back games too often,” added Pardew.

“Knowing Sir Alex and the way they work, they’ll be coming here to make a point.

“There is no way he will underestimate this game because he knows that *coming here is a tough, tough game.

“Because of the atmosphere, the *history of the fixture, it’s a proper, *proper game for Manchester United and I expect him to pick his best team.”

Newcastle could be without *keeper Steve Harper, who has a knee *problem, while Shola Ameobi faces a late fitness test.

But Cheik Tiote is back from * suspension and Steven Ireland is in the squad for the first time since his loan move from Aston Villa.

I've totally stolen this from another forum, but this is for anyone who is having a hard time understanding the difference between:

Huge club:

Wee club:
It pisses me off that nobody mentions that in the couple of minutes confusion where the goal had originally been disallowed that Alan Pardew was grabbing every official possible and giving them a piece of his mind untill the decision was changed.
It pisses me off that nobody mentions that in the couple of minutes confusion where the goal had originally been disallowed that Alan Pardew was grabbing every official possible and giving them a piece of his mind untill the decision was changed.

Not to mention that they had 3 Newcastle coaches surrounding the official towards the end of the game.
It pisses me off that nobody mentions that in the couple of minutes confusion where the goal had originally been disallowed that Alan Pardew was grabbing every official possible and giving them a piece of his mind untill the decision was changed.

Well as Fergie so rightly points out, the press don't give a feck what Pardew does since he's only the manager of some wee geordie club, not the biggest club in the world.
It pisses me off that nobody mentions that in the couple of minutes confusion where the goal had originally been disallowed that Alan Pardew was grabbing every official possible and giving them a piece of his mind untill the decision was changed.

No, that didn't happen. Even if everyone in the ground and all the TV cameras caught him doing it, it still didn't happen. The only one who did anything untoward was Fergie, simply because its Fergie.
It has turned into a bit of a farce this story. A meaningless unintelligible farce. Neither Pardew nor Fergie probably gives a shit at this point, its all just to draw attention to themselves instead of their squads. In that regard they are allies.

Pardew's Newcastle should be challenging for European places and are fighting to remain in the Prem. Fergies United are being exposed by teams that press time and time again, but remain top.
The long suffering paranoid wrecks on bluemoon are up in arms about this - multiple threads sprouting up reacting to SAF. I love the way he can, with a couple of carefully worded sentences, provoke mass-hysteria and paranoia on a wide scale to multiple sets of rival fans
The long suffering paranoid wrecks on bluemoon are up in arms about this - multiple threads sprouting up reacting to SAF. I love the way he can, with a couple of carefully worded sentences, provoke mass-hysteria and paranoia on a wide scale to multiple sets of rival fans
Have they, unlike us, a thread on if Mancini should get a ban?
Pardew deserves a kicking, but no need for the "wee club" stuff. Nothing to be gained by it, just going to make the next trip there harder.
Not sure why everyone's got their arse hats on about the wee club comment.

It's not even inaccurate, relative to Manchester United they are objectively small.
Well said Fergie, crazy how this got blown up after Pardew did it first and Fergie was arguing an injustice.

No other managers argue with refs, ever.
He's exactly right.

Once again the Grandad of the modern game gets it spot on. This is why it winds so many opposition fans up, he helps so many and they can't handle someone so successful being a gentleman as well! So when someone does attack him he's forced to say something back, something that is always spot on.

Pardew should be phoning up Ferguson crying his eyes out. Begging for his forgiveness.